第十八课:广告 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/17 11:02 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 1. Reading comprehension阅读理解………………
广告业(一) Advertising is a highly developed twentiethcentury industry. The devel- 广告业是20世纪高度发达的行业。 opment of radio, television, cinema, magazines and newspapers has gone hand 无线电、电视、电影、杂志和报纸的发展与广告业的发展 in hand with the development of advertising. Why is advertising so popular? Is 是齐头并进的。为什么广告如此受欢迎呢? it a waste of money? It has been proved again and again that repeated advertising 广告是不是浪费金钱呢?事实一再证明,反复地做广告会提高 increases product sales. Since it increases production, the price can be reduc- 产品的销售量。因为这样能增产,因而可以降低价格。 ed. Therefore advertising, instead of making a product more expensive, makes 所以,广告不会使产品更昂贵,相反却会使产品 it cheaper. 更便宜。 What can you advertise? You can advertise products of all kinds, such as 你可以做什么广告呢?各种各样的产品都可以做广告,例如 shoes or umbrellas, or services like car repairs and travel. In Europe and the 鞋子或雨伞,或者是各种服务业,如修车和旅行。在欧洲 USA political leaders often use recorded TV advertisements to persuade people 和美国,政治领袖常常利用电视录像广告来说服人们投 to vote for them. Besides broadcast advertisements on radio and TV, there are 他们的票。除了无线电和电视所做的广告之外,还有 other ways to advertise: cinema, magazines and newspapers, for example. 一些其他的广告方式,例如电影、杂志和报纸,尤其是树立在大路旁边 Large boards can be used for printed posters, especially near main roads. A 上面贴着印好的海报的大型广告牌。商店内外的标识 sign outside or inside a shop is a form of advertising. Mail or gifts posted by 也是一种广告形式。公司给顾客寄去的邮件或礼品 companies to customers is another way of advertising. Balloons and light aero- 是又一种广告的形式。还可以利用气球和轻型 planes can be used to pull huge signs as they fly slowly over a city. 飞机,拖带大型标志在城市上空慢慢地飞翔。 Advertising is now a scientific business. Once managers would say jokingly, 今天的广告业是一个很科学的行业了。在过去,经理们常会开玩笑地 “I know that half of what I spend on advertising is wasted, but I don't know 说:“我知道我花的广告费用的一半是浪费了,但是我不知道究竟是 which half.”Now, all parts of an advertising programme are properly meas- 哪一半。”而现在,一个广告项目的各个部分都是经过严格的 ured and researched. 计算和研究的。 How are advertisements made? A company goes to an advertising firm to 广告是怎样制成的呢?一家公司去找广告商,商谈为 discuss the advertising of its product. The firm collects as much information as 该公司的产品作广告的事情。广告商就要尽可能多地 possible about the product and the customers who might buy it. The person at 收集有关该产品和可能购买该产品的顾客的信息。广告公司负责 the advertising firm in charge of the matter then holds a meeting. Also present 这项业务的人召开会议。要出席 will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertisement, and a person who 会议的还有广告的策划者,以及买版面或 will buy space in newspapers or time on TV. There will be a writer writing the 向电视台买时段的人,还有广告文案的 text for the advertisement and a designer who will design it, using pictures or 创作者以及广告设计师。广告设计师利用图片 photographs and the text. 或照片和广告词来进行设计。 When the advertisement is ready, it is shown to the company. If the company 广告设计好了以后,就拿给公司去看。如果公司 agrees, they may try it out in a small part of the country to see if product sales 同意,他们就可以在这个国家的小部分地区试用,看看产品的 increase as a result of the advertisement. If they do, then it will be used 销售是否由于广告而增加了。如果销售增加,那么这个广告 throughout the country. If the advertising fails,shavingsno effect on sales, the 就会在全国采用。如果广告失败了,对产品销售不起作用, whole programme will be reviewed. Researchers will go out and interview 那么整个计划就得重新评价。研究人员就要走出去采访 possible customers to find out the reasons for this failure. 有可能成为顾客的人,弄清楚广告失败的原因。 |
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第十八课:广告 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1hand in hand with相辅相承 The achievement of listening goes hand in hand with the achievement of speaking.听力和口语的提高是相辅相承的。 短语链接:side by side肩并肩地;arm in arm臂挽臂地;face to face面对面地;shoulder to shoulder肩并肩地 2a waste of浪费 Is it a waste of money?会浪费钱吗? 3instead of代替;而不是 We should encourage them instead of throwing cold water on them. 我们应当鼓励他们,而不是向他们泼冷水。 4such as像……这样的;诸如此类的 You have to buy some books of reference, such as dictionaries and handbooks. 你要购买一些诸如词典和手册之类的参考书。 5主语+persuade sb+to do sth.说服某人做某事 We tried to persuade him to give up smoking, but failed. 我们尽力说服他戒烟,但是没成功。 6vote for投票支持 Most people vote for the programme.大多数人投票支持这个计划。 反义词链接:vote against投票反对 7Once managers would say jokingly… 这里的would相当于used to,表示过去经常做的事情或过去的习惯动作。 She would buy a lot of things whenever she went down town. 过去她一进城就买很多东西。 8Also present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertisement. (1)这是一个为强调主语而倒装的句子,句型为“表语+系动词+主语”,其正常语序为:A person who thinks up an idea for an advertisement will also be present. (2)think up想出;设计出;发明 The person who thinks up a better plan will be in charge of the programme. 设计出更好方案的人将负责这个项目。 9try out实验;试用 Try out several marks of cars before you decide to buy one. 决定买车前要把各种型号的汽车都试用一下。 短语链接:try out for参加选拔赛 10have an effect on对……有作用 This medicine has no effect on his illness. 这种药对他的病没有效果。 短语链接:cause and effect因果;come /into/ effect生效;be of no effect无效;take effect生效 11review再检查;复习;回顾 He reviews his lessons every day.他每天都要复习功课。 The general reviewed his troops.将军检阅了他的部队。 12find out查明;找清 When he came across a new word, he would often look it up in the dictionary and find out its exact meaning. 碰到生词时,他总是查字典,弄清单词的确切词义。 |
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