第十九课:广告 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/17 11:03 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 1. Reading comprehension阅读理解………………
广告业(二) What makes a good advertisement? There have been major changes in 怎样才能使广告做得好呢?在过去的60年里广告发生 advertising in the past sixty years. People read advertisements partly for infor- 一些重大的变化。人们读广告,部分原因是为了 mation and partly because they are interesting. Today's advertisements often 获得信息,还有部分原因是广告读起来有趣。今天的广告常常 start with a question, or a puzzle, with the purpose of attracting the reader's at- 以一个问句或一个谜语开头,目的是引起读者的注意。 tention. Of course, most advertisements contain information. But this is usual- 当然,多数广告都包含信息,但信息通常 ly contained in a text that is interesting and often funny. Humour is very im 包含在一篇有趣而又滑稽可笑的广告词中。幽默是非常 portant. Sometimes advertisements tell a stroy, or the stroy may be continued 重要的。有时候广告讲述一个故事,这个故事也可能在好几次 over a number of advertisements. However, there is a danger in this. It is pos- 广告中连载。然而,这样做 sible that the reader or viewer will remember the avertisement but not the name 有个危险。读者或观众可能记住了广告,却没有记住 of the product. 产品的名字。 There are other dangers. If you are selling your product in a foreign mar- 还有一些其他的危险。如果你在国外市场销售你的 ket, you must check that the translation is correct. A company that sold hair 产品,你就必须检查译文是否正确无误。以前曾有一家销售发乳 cream wanted to say“X puts life /into/ dry hair”. They took some photographs 的公司想要说“X使干发生辉”。他们给一位 of a handsome actor, and the advertisements appeared on large boards by the 英俊的演员拍了几幅照片,把广告张贴在路旁的巨大的 side of the road. Nobody bought the product, however, because when transla- 广告牌上。然而,谁也不来买这种产品,因为原句经过翻译之后, ted it meant“X puts living things /into/ dry hair”. 意思变成了“X使干发长虫子”。 In the 1960s, a British car company which made very expensive cars was 20世纪60年代,有一家制造豪华小轿车的英国公司,在德国 about to sell its latest car in Germany. However, the company had to change 马上就要销售最新款的小汽车了。然而,到最后一刻,公司不得 the name of the car at the last moment. A German speaker at the factory pointed 不更改汽车的名称。工厂里一个说德语的工人向 out to the sales manager that the British name of the car meant“animal waste” 销售经理指出:那个汽车的英语名称在德语中的意思是 in German. “牲口的粪便”。 |
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第十九课:广告 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1There have been...in the past...在过去的……,已经有了…… There have been great changes in China in the past twenty years. 在过去的二十年里,中国已经发生了很大的变化。 2... partly for...and partly because...部分原因是……还有部分原因是 I came out partly for the fine weather and partly because I want to have a walk. 我出来部分原因是天气不错。还有部分原因是我想散散步。 3start with以……开始 His illness started with a slight cough. 他的病开始只是有点轻微地咳嗽。 短语链接:begin with以……开始;end with以……结束,在……中结束 4attract one's attention吸引某人的注意 She shouted to attract attention.她大喊大叫,以引起人们的注意。 短语链接:draw one's attention引起注意;bring sth. to one's attention 使某人注意某事;call(draw, invite) one's attention to促使某人注意某事; catch one's attention引起某人注意;give attention to注意,关心;pay attention to注意 5... but not...是……而不是…… He handed in his notebook but not his exercise book. 他交上的是笔记而不是练习册。 6take photographs of为……拍摄照片 They took many photographs of the natural sights. 他们拍了许多自然风光的照片。 同义词链接:take pictures of 7at the last moment在最后一刻 Why did you change your mind at the last moment? 你怎么在最后一刻改变了主意? 8point out指出 The guide pointed out the bestknown paintings in the gallery. 导游指出画廊里最有名的油画。 |
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