第二十六课:吴哥寺 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/17 11:55 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 2Reading comprehension阅读理解………………
吴哥寺(一) A journalist reports on repair work at the temple Angkor Wat in Cambodia. 一位记者对柬埔寨吴哥寺维修工作的报道。 My first visit to Angkor Wat was in 1980. The country had been at war for 我第一次来吴哥寺是在1980年。在此之前这个国家已经经历 many years and the temple was deserted and falling to pieces. Plants were grow- 了多年的战乱,寺庙荒芜,房屋倒塌,屋顶上长 ing out of the roofs, and trees were growing in the courtyards. 了草,院子里长了树。 Today, the temple is the scene of a busy repair programme. A team of 15 如今,这座寺庙正在进行修复,景象一片繁忙。一个有15名 Indian experts are oganizing a workforce of 400 Cambodians, most of them 印度人的专家组,组织了一个有400名柬埔寨人的劳动大军,其中多数是 women, who are cleaning, repairing and rebuilding parts of this temple. One 妇女,他们在对这座寺庙的某些部分进行清洗、修复和重建。有一 of the experts explained the difficulty.“The problem is water. The rainy sea- 位专家说明了(工作的)困难:“问题在于雨水。雨季长达 son lasts for six months and water gets in among the stones. So certain types of 六个月,雨水进入石缝里。因此,石头上面 plant grow all over the stones and their roots go down /into/ the holes between the 全都长满了某些种类的植物,它们的根都长到石头缝隙中 stones.” 去了。” As I walked through the courtyards, I noticed how the Cambodian women 我走过院子的时候,注意到柬埔寨妇女一连几个 devote hours to cleaning carefully a tiny area of stone. Boards are laid down to pro- 小时精心清洗着一小块地方的石头。在进行修复工作的时 tect the precious painted stones while the repair work is going on. There are 候,为了保护这些绘有花纹的珍贵石头,在它们上面都铺上了木板。这儿 very few machines and little heavy equipment. Workers carry building materi- 几乎不用机器和重型设备。院子的角落里放着一堆堆的 courtyard, waiting to be replaced. 石头,准备作更换之用。 The work of cleaning the stones is watched over by three Indian chemists. 石头的清洗工作是由三名印度化学家监督的。 It is a very slow task. First they clean the stones with brushes using buckets of 这项工作进展很慢。首先,他们用刷子蘸上桶里稀薄的化学药剂把石头 a weak chemical. Then gaps between the stones are filled in. Finally another 清洗干净,然后填充石头之间的缝隙。最后,在石头 material is painted onto the stones which will protect them from water for ever. 上还要涂上一种永远不受雨水侵蚀的涂料。 Work starts every day at 7 a. m. and goes on until late afternoon six days 每天上午7点开始工作,一直延续到下午很晚的时候,中间 a week, with a break at midday. For six or seven months in the year no work 有一次午休,每周工作六天。一年有六、七个月的时间无法 can be done when the rainy season makes it impossible. Besides, there are very 进行工作,因为雨季来临时,工作不可能进行。此外,战争年代 few skilled stone workers left after the war years. Millions of people were killed 过后,技术熟练的石匠已所剩无几,数百万人在战争中死去了。 in battle. To make things worse, many of the men have gone off to cities in search 情况更糟的是,许多男人都去城市找工资更 of higher pay, leaving women from nearby villages to carry on with the work. 高的工作,而留下附近村庄的妇女来继续承担修复工作。 Evening is the best time to visit the temple, after the tour groups have 傍晚是参观寺庙的最好时刻,这时旅游团体已经 left. As the sun sinks lower, shadows spread across the courtyard. After sun- 走了。随着夕阳西下,院内阴影纵横。日落 set, the sky turns pink. The grey stone towers take on a golden colour before 后,天空一片红霞。灰色的石塔抹上一层金黄色,然后变成粉 turning pink. Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful 红色。世界上再没有这样优美、恬静的 place. 地方了。 |
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第二十六课:吴哥寺 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1at war处于战争状态;处于交战状态 The two countries have been at war with each other for six years. 这两个国家已经打了6年仗。 短语链接:in peace在和平时期 2desert放弃,遗弃,抛弃 He deserted his friend in need.他抛弃了患难之中的朋友。 3fall to pieces垮台;烂成碎片;崩溃;倒塌;解体 The glass fell to pieces.杯子摔成了碎片。 After the death of Napoleon his empire fell to pieces. 拿破仑死后,他的帝国瓦解了。 注意fall to pieces用于过去时态时,强调结果“倒塌了”或“垮台了”;用于进行时态时,强调“渐渐过去”或“即将倒下”。 4get in进入;收进;请来 The window was broken, and the rain got in when it rains. 窗子被打破了,下雨时雨水就进来了。 5lie in位于;存在于 Taiwan lies in the southeast of China.台湾位于中国的东南部。 6watch over看守;照顾;守卫;监视 She watched over us like a mother hen over her brood. 她像母鸡照料小鸡一样保护我们。 7To make things worse, ...使情况更为糟糕的是,…… To make things worse, we lost our way in the forest. 使情况更为糟糕的是,我们在森林中迷了路。 8go off离开 When did he go off?他什么时间走的? 9carry on进行;继续 It's difficult to carry on the conversation with all the noise around. 周围这样吵闹,谈话很难进行。 10take on呈现;承担 The city took on a festive air.这个城市呈现出一派节日气氛。 He is always ready to take on heavy responsibilities.他总是乐于承担重任。 11Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful place. 这是一个“否定副词+倒装句”构成的倒装句型,正常的语序为:There can be such a quiet, beautiful place nowhere else in the world. |
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