第二十七课:吴哥寺 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/17 11:57 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 1. Reading comprehension阅读理解………………
吴哥寺(二) In 1177 the capital city of Angkor was seized after a fierce battle and fell 1177年,经过一场激烈的战斗之后,都城吴哥被攻占了,成了一片 /into/ ruins. Soon a new capital was built at Angkor Thom, but this was deserted 废墟。不久在吴哥城建立了新首都,但1434年这个新 in 1434. The ruins were soon covered by thick forests and were forgotten until 首都也被遗弃了。废墟很快被茂密的森林覆盖而被人们遗忘,直到 1861, when the French, who then controlled Cambodia, discovered them. They 1861年,统治柬埔寨的法国人发现了这些废墟。对于他们的发现 were astonished by what they found. The ruins of the old cities of Angkor cov- 他们很惊讶。吴哥旧城的废墟占地 ered an area of 200 square kilometres. As well as the temple of Angkor Wat, 200平方公里。除了吴哥寺以外, they inclu ded more than 50 major buildings and others of less importance with- 这片废墟还包括50余座比较重要的建筑和一些不太重要的 in this area. They had been built over a period of six centuries up until 1431. 建筑。它们是在1431年以前经过六个世纪才建成的。 The temple of Angkor Wat was built from 1113 to 1150 and covers an area 吴哥寺兴建于1113—1150年之间,占地 of two square kilometers. A vast square channel of water goes round the four 2平方公里。寺庙的四周围绕着一条宽大的方 sides of it. The French, after discovering the ruined temple, did a lot of repair 形水沟。法国人在发现这座满目疮痍的寺庙后,做了大量的修复工作,一 work up until 1970, when the war forced the last of the French workforce to leave. 直到1970年为止,这时战争迫使最后一批法国劳务人员离开了柬埔寨。 In 1980 an Indian team visited the temple to prepare a report and found 1980年,印度的一个专家组为了准备一份修复报告来参观这座寺庙, the temple in a poor state. Many of the stone figures had been stolen and others 发现寺庙已经破败不堪。许多石像被偷盗,另一些石像则 were falling to pieces. Repair work finally started in 1986 and a team of 15 In 崩裂倒塌。修复工作直到1986年才开始。印度的15名 dian experts began work with 400 Cambodian workers. Fortunately they had a 专家和400名柬埔寨工人参加了这项修复工程。幸运的是他们都有 lot of experience, as the team leader had already worked on more than 70 old 丰富的经验,因为专家组组长曾在印度的70多座 buildings in India. More than 70,000 square metres of stone were cleaned and 古建筑工作过。七万多平方米的石头都经过清洗, protected against the water. Thousands of stone blocks were moved and many 并作了防水处理。成千上万块石头被搬运了, roof sections were replaced with new onesswheresnecessary. The work was com- 必要的地方还换上了许多新的屋顶。这项工程于 pleted in June 1994. 1994年6月完工。 |
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第二十七课:吴哥寺 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1fall /into/ to ruins毁灭;崩溃 The whole country fell /into/ to ruins after the war. 战后整个国家成为一片废墟。 2cover an area of占地面积达 China covers an area of 9.6 million square kilometres. 中国占地面积达九百六十万平方公里。 3as well as常用来连接两个并列成分,强调的部分在as well as之前。 He could speak German as well as Russian. 他不但会讲俄语,而且还会讲德语。 4. of importance具有重要性 This meeting is of great importance.这次大会具有重要意义。 注意of一般接抽象名词,如value, wealth, education, size等。 5up until一直到……为止 up在这里表示“(在时间、空间、程度等方面)一直到”。 The custom may be traced up to the Tang Dynasty. 这种风俗可以追溯到唐代。 6in a...state处于……状态 The school has been in a terrible state for a long time. 这所学校一直破败不堪。 同义词链接:in a...condition 7主句+where necessary在必要的地方…… where necessary相当于where it was necessary。 由where, when, if等引导的从句,有时可以简写,只保留从句中必要的成分,尤其当其他谓语是it is/was时,通常省略。 He made some marks in the articleswheresnecessary. 他在文中必要的地方做了一些记号。 He must be somewhere around if not here. 如果他不在这儿,一定在附近。 |
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