第三十四课:体操 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/17 12:10 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 2. Reading comprehension阅读理解………………
体操 The words“gymnastics”and“gym”come from the Greek language, for it Gymnastics和gym这两个词均源于希腊文,因为 was in Greece that Olympic competitions started. There are also records of gym- 奥林匹克竞赛正是在希腊开始的。中国和其他一些 nastics being performed in China and some other Asian countries. Modern gym- 亚洲国家也有体操表演的记载。现代体 nastics began in the nineteenth century. In 1811 an outdoor gymnastics centre 操运动始于19世纪。1811年在柏林开了一个 for men was opened in Berlinswheresthey could do bodybuilding and exercises 供男子用的户外体操中心,人们可以在那儿做健身操, on a high bar and other pieces of equipment. At the same time, gymnastics, 练习单杠以及其他器械体操。与此同时,瑞典 without equipment, was developed in Sweden as a keepfit programme for schools. 还把无器械体操运动列入了中小学的保健计划。 Dance is an improtant part of training as it prepares you for the types of 舞蹈是训练中的一个重要部分,因为它(指舞蹈)为你提供了 movements required in gymnastics. One of the aims is to make the body stron- 体操所需要的各种动作。其目的之一是使体格强健, ger for jumps and turns and for movements of balance. It also helps your body 以适应弹跳、转体及平衡动作。舞蹈还可有利于你的 bend forwards, backwards and sideways, and improves the way you hold your 身体前弯、后仰和两侧转动,而且还可以提高你控制身体的 body. In competitions women perform some of their exercises to music, so 能力。在竞赛中,女子在表演体操动作时还要配合音乐,因此, dance, gymnastics and music are all connected. 舞蹈、体操和音乐三者融为一体。 To become a top gymnast, it is important to start when very young. In 要成为一名优秀的体操运动员,从小就开始训练非常重要。事 fact, most gymnasts start with simple exercises while they are still at kindergar- 实上,多数体操运动员在幼儿园的时候就开始进行简单的体操练习了。 ten. Girls are already performing in competitions by the age of ten, and Olym- 女孩子10岁就已经参加体操比赛,而奥林 pic medals are often won by fourteenor fifteenyearold girls. 匹克的奖牌常常被14岁或15岁的女孩夺得。 Boys develop physically later than girls and so Olympic gymnastics medals 男孩的身体发育比女孩晚,因此,男子夺得奥林匹克 are usually won by men between the ages of nineteen and twentyfive. Some 体操奖牌的年龄段通常在19-25岁之间。有些 pieces of equipment, for example the rings, require great physical strength and 体操器械,例如吊环,需要很强的体力, boys need to develop their bodies fully before attempting such difficult exercises. 男孩子在完全发育之后,才能尝试做这类高难度的练习。 In competitions, gymnasts have to perform on different pieces of equip- 在竞赛中,体操运动员必须在不同的器械上表演。 ment. All gymnasts perform on the floor and jump over a“horse”with four 所有的运动员都要表演自由体操和跳马。 legs. Gymnasts have to show that they can move neatly and easily, hold a posi- 在做双手倒立、前空翻和后空翻时, tion steady, keep their balance while doing a handstand, and jump both for 他们都要能做到干净、利索、 wards and backwards. 稳定,并且保持平衡。 Only men perform on the rings, on the double bars, on the high bar, and on 只有男子参加吊环、双杠、单杠和 a type of“horse”with four legs which has two handles fixed to the top surface. 鞍马(这个“马”有四条腿,背上有两个把手)的比赛。 Only women perform on the highandlow bars, one of which is higher than the 只有女子参加高低杠(其中一根杆比另一根杆高) other, and the“beam”, which is a length of wood only four inches wide which 和平衡木的比赛(平衡木是一根只有4英寸宽的长木头, is fixed at a height of 1.20 metres above the ground. Both men and women do 安在离地1.20米的高度)。自由体操则 floor exercises on the mat. 男女都做。 There are a few simple safety measures to follow while training. 这里有几点简单的安全措施,训练时必须遵守: 1It is important always to work with a trainer. Training by yourself in a gym 训练时总要有教练在场,这一点很重要。独自一人在体育馆训练 can be highly dangerous. 是非常危险的。 2Make sure you take off any watches, rings or necklaces before you start. 开始训练前务必将手表、戒指或项链取下。 3Wear tight clothing without collars or belts so that it doesn't catch on any 穿无领、无腰带的紧身衣服,以免挂 of the equipment. 住器械。 4Look after your health and do not practise if you are unwell or have any injury. 保护好身体,如有不适或受伤,就不要进行练习。 |
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第三十四课:体操 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1. It is/was+被强调部分+that...是一个强调句型,原句为Olympic competitions started in Greece. 英语中除了动词部分外,其余句子成分均可以用这种形式进行强调。动词的强调则在动词前面用动词do的相应形式表示。 It was a statement almost the same as this that the government spokesman made last week. 那位政府发言人上星期发表的就是一个和这几乎一样的讲话。 Last week the government spokesman did make a statement almost the same as this. 上星期那位政府发言人确实发表了一个和这个几乎一样的讲话。 注意如果被强调的成分是地点状语,一般含有介词。 2prepare sb. for使某人对……进行准备 He prepared himself for bad news. 他对坏消息作好了应付的准备。 短语链接:get ready for, make preparations for,prepare for作好准备 3aim目标,目的 句型链接:...aim in +n/Ving.在……上的目的/目标;sb's aim is+to do 某人的目的/目标是;...aim+at+Ving/to do.目的是……,以……为目的; aim(sth.)at sb./sth.对准…… 同义词链接:purpose 4do sth. to music伴随音乐做某事 They danced to folk music. 他们随着民乐跳舞。 5There are a few simple safety measures to follow while training. 这个复合句子的从句中省略了主语,其完整形式为while you are training。when/while/before/after引导的状语从句的主语如果与主句的主语一致时,从句的主语常常省略,动词则采用ing或ed形式。例如: You must be careful when driving a car. 驾车时要小心。 He was quite surprised when told of the news. 被告知那个消息时,他感到非常吃惊。 |
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