第三十五课:体操 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/17 12:11 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 1. Reading comprehension阅读理解………………
体操比赛 It was a Sunday in October and Zhou Lan was performing in her first com- 那是10月的一个星期日,周兰第一次参加 petition. Some of the other gymnasts had performed frequently in competitions, 比赛。有的运动员已参加过多次比赛,这并不让 but this did not worry Zhou Lan. She was just content to do her best in this, 周兰担心。只要在这次比赛中,也是她第一次比赛中尽了最大努力, her first competition. 她就满足了。 Before the competition started, the girls chatted with each other. Some of 比赛开始前,姑娘们在互相聊天。她们中 them had come from different towns and were not used to being away from 有的人来自不同的城镇,还不太习惯离 home. Zhou Lan started talking to one of them and soon they were getting on 家。周兰开始同其中的一个女孩聊起来,她们很快就相处得 well together. As soon as the competition started, there was no more time for 很好。比赛一开始,就没有时间谈话了。 talk. They each had to perform on three pieces of equipment as well as the 她们每个人既要表演自由体操,还得完成三套器械动作。 floor. Zhou Lan did well and made no serious mistakes. 周兰做得很好,没有大的失误。 Finally it was time for her performance on the highandlow bars. She stood 最后到了她表演高低杠的时候。她站在 below them and waited. Then she looked at the judges, one of them nodded and 高低杠下等着。她看了一下裁判员,有位裁判点点头,她就开始 she began. She jumped upwards, caught the high bar in both hands and did a 表演。她向上一跳,双手抓住高杠,干净利索地翻转 neat circle. In all, she gave a very good performance and landed neatly and 一圈。总的来说,整个动作她都做得很漂亮, steadily on the floor at the end. 最后落地也很干净、稳当。 All the people watching clapped. It was clear that she had done well. 所有的观众都鼓掌了。很显然,她的动作做得十分出色。 Zhou Lan glanced at the judges who were busy writing on their mark sheets. 周兰瞅了一眼忙着在记分册上打分的裁判。 She thought she had done fairly well, but she didn't think she had won. She went 她认为自己做得相当好,但没有想到自己已经获胜了。她回 back to the bench to join the other gymnasts and sat down next to her new friend. 到长凳子那里去同其他运动员在一起,并坐在她那位新朋友的旁边。 After a long wait, the results were announced, and Zhou Lan was first. 等了好一会儿才宣布成绩,周兰是第一名。 Victory for Zhou Lan! She had gained more points than anyone else. Everyone 周兰获胜了!她的得分比其他任何人都高。大家 cheered and clapped and her fellow gymnasts came up to congratulate her. She 都在欢呼、鼓掌,她的体操运动员伙伴们都过来祝贺她。她 was delighted and very proud. The first thing she did was go up to her trainer 很高兴,也很自豪。她所做的第一件事就是走到她的教练面前, and thank her for all her help during her training. 感谢她在训练期间给予她的所有帮助。 |
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第三十五课:体操 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1be content感到满足;感到满意 She is quite content with her present fortune. 她对自己目前的境遇感到颇为满足。 I should be well content to do so.我很愿意这样做。 2be used to习惯于 Some of the students are not used to living in the north. 有些学生不习惯在北方生活。 3get on/along进展;相处 How are you getting on with your classmates?你与同学相处得怎么样? 4in all总共 There are seventy students in our class in all.我们班共有七十名同学。 同义词链接:altogether;in a whole number 5glance at匆匆看一眼;匆匆读一遍 I glanced at my watch and was surprised to see it was nearly midnight. 我一看表,大吃一惊,时间已近午夜了。 短语链接:at a glance看一眼就……;take a glance at…看一眼…… 6cheer充满欢喜,欢呼,喝采,加油 Everyone was cheered by the good news. 人人都因这个好消息而受到鼓舞。 句型链接:cheer+名词/代词使高兴,使鼓舞;cheer sb. 为……欢呼,为……加油;cheer (sb.)up高兴、振作 ◆注意◆cheer用作名词时,常用复数Cheers!表示“干杯”的意思。 7be proud of以……为自豪 I'm proud of my hometown.我为我的家乡而自豪。 同义词链接:take pride in |
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