第三十八课:计谋 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/17 12:16 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 1. Reading comprehension阅读理解………………
计谋(一) Bill Banks was extremely worried. In his case he had an important com- 比尔·班克斯非常着急。他的手提箱里有一份供一种新型的国防 puter program for a new type of defence satellite which he was taking to Japan. 卫星使用的重要的计算机程序,他要把这份程序带到日本去。 He had picked it up from a research station in the desert the day before. Now 这个程序是前一天他才从沙漠地区的一个研究站拿到的。现在 he was in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. Once again he paused in front of a shop 他在埃及的首都开罗。他再次在一家商店的 window as though he was admiring something, then glanced over his shoulder 橱窗前停了下来,好像是在欣赏某件商品,然后他回头看了一眼, before continuing down the street. The two men were still following him, that 又继续沿街走去。那两个人肯定还在 was certain. Bill recognized the one with a beard. He was sure they wanted to 跟踪他。比尔认出了那个蓄着胡须的人。他能肯定这两个人想在 catch him before he could get to the airport.“What can I do?”he asked himself. 他到达机场之前把他抓住。“我该怎么办?”他心想。 Surely there was somewhere in Cairoswhereshe could escape from them.“Ah!” 在开罗肯定会有地方可以把他们甩掉的。“啊!” he said aloud. He had had a sudden thought. He stopped in front of another 他高声地说。他突然想出了一个办法。他在另一家 shop window and thought carefully for a few seconds. Now... what was the name 商店的橱窗前又停下来,仔细思索了几秒钟。哦……他上次来开罗 of the hotel he had stayed in the last time he was in Cairo?Which floor had he 时住的那家饭店叫什么来着?住的是那 stayed on?In a flash he remembered everything and a plan began to form in 一层?刹那间,他什么都想起来了,于是他脑子里开始有了 his mind. He held out his hand and stopped a taxi.“Pyramid Hotel,”he said 一个计划。他把手一伸,拦住了一部出租车,对司机说:去“金字 to the driver. 塔饭店。” On his arrival he went straight to the counter and spoke to the clerk in 一到饭店,他就径直向服务台走去,与柜台后面穿制服的 uniform behind it. He appeared calm, but inside his heart was beating wildly 职员说话。他显得很平静,但心里却害怕得 with fear.“I'd like a room for one right,”he said, and showed the clerk a little 猛跳。“我想开一个房间,住一个晚上。”他说,他递给那位职员一张小 drawing that he had done in the taxi. The clerk was very helpful and was able 画,这是在出租车上画好的。那位服务员可帮了大忙,给比尔安排 to give Bill exactly the room he required. Bill did not go up to his bedroom 的房间正好适合他的要求。比尔并没有立刻上他的 immediately. The two men had followed to the hotel in another taxi and were 卧室去。那两个人已经乘另外一部出租车跟踪 now watching him through the glass doors of the hotel entrance. Bill had a look 他到饭店来了。正在饭店的入口透过玻璃门监视着他。比尔朝四周 around. There was only one entrance to the hotel. The two men could see him 看了一下。饭店只有一个入口。那两个人可以看到他 leave the hotel, or they could follow him upstairs, break /into/ his room and steal 离开饭店,也可以跟着他上楼,闯进房间,把他的小提 his case. Bill felt a little safer downstairs. Outside the entrance stood two police 箱偷走。比尔觉得在楼下更安全一些。在入口处站着两个 officers with guns. In the long passages of this hotel it might be dangerous to 带枪的警官。在饭店的长长走廊里,单独一个人行走也许 walk alone. He might be attacked and have his case stolen from him. 很危险。他可能遭到袭击,提箱也可能被盗。 He walked over to one of the telephones and called his friend Mick Miles. 他走到电话机旁,给他的朋友米克·迈尔斯打电话。 “Mick, this is improtant. I'm being followed. Can you come at once to Pyra “米克,有件要紧的事。我被人跟踪了。你能不能立刻到金字塔饭店 mid Hotel?How quickly can you get here?Good. When you arrive, go to the 来一下?你要多久才能到这儿?很好。你到了饭店就去找 clerk at the desk. Ask for me by name but don't say my name aloud. Just show 服务台的工作人员。就说要找我,但是不要大声地说出我的名字。把 the clerk a piece of paper with my name wirtten on it. Don't go to my room. 我的名字写在纸上,再把这张纸给他看看就行了。不要到我的房间来。 Telephone my room from downstairs. Listen, but don't say anything and don't 在楼下给我的房间打电话。但是,听着,什么话也不要说,也不要 repeat anything. That's very important!I will tell you what to do. Bring your 重复。这点很重要。我会告诉你怎么办。带上你的 passport with you and lots of money. Youre going to Japan instead of me!” 护照,还要多带点钱。你要代替我去日本!” Bill walked around the ground floor of the hotel and bought a magazine 比尔在饭店的一楼走来走去,到书店里买了一本杂志。 from the bookshop. He glanced at his watch once again and then looked at the 他再一次看了看表,又朝前门 front entrance. Outside a taxi was driving up to the hotel. It stopped and a tall 入口处望了望。外面一部出租车开到饭店门前,停了下来,走出一个带着 fair man with sunglasses got out. Bill smiled to himself and began to feel less 墨镜、皮肤白净的高个子男子。比尔暗自微笑,开始觉得不那么着 anxious. Then he walked up to the counter and spoke to the clerk.“Please can 急了。他走到服务台前对那位服务员说:“能找个人 someone show me to my room?”I'd prefer someone large, he thought to him 带我到房间去吗?”他内心里希望要一个强壮的汉子。 self. They took the lift to the fourth floor and went to Room 441. Bill entered the 他们乘电梯到了四楼,走到441房间。比尔走进 room, had a look around and smiled. This was perfect! 房间,向四周看了看,露出了笑容。太好了! |
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第三十八课:计谋 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1the day before(某日的)前一天;头一天 Joe told us that he had come back the day before. 乔告诉我们,他是头一天回来的。 2escape from从……逃跑 escape作不及物动词时表示“逃跑”,须和from搭配;作及物动词时表示“逃脱或逃避”,后接名词或动名词。 You can't escape being punished.你无法逃避惩罚。 It is difficult for them to escape from the prison. 对于他们来说,想从监狱逃走是很困难的。 3in a flash一瞬间;转眼间;突然间 She'll call him and he'll be here in a flash. 她给他打电话,转眼间他就会到的。 4On one's arrival, one+谓语+其他成分某人一到达……,就…… 介词upon/on在这里表示时间,后面常接名词或动名词,意思是“在……时间;刚刚;一……就……”。例如: On/Upon hearing the news she turned pale. 听到这个消息,她的脸都白了。 He left all his possessions to his son upon/on his death. 他死后把财产留给了儿子。 5calm无风的,无风浪,镇定的,宁静的 The sea is calm tonight.今晚海上没有风浪。 You must try to be calm.你们必须尽力镇定一些。 辨析:calm“安静”,可指海洋,天气,即风平浪静,也指人心平气和、镇定自如; quiet“安静”“平静”,反义词是noisy,指在声音方面; silent“沉默的”“不作声的”“不发音的”; still绝对的“寂静”“不动”,指完全没有声音或动静。 6with fear由于害怕 英语里“介词with+名词”结构经常用来表示原因,作“由于……”解释。 The students jumped with joy.学生们高兴得跳了起来。 He was shivering with cold.他冻得发抖。 7Outside the entrance stood two police officers with guns. 这是一个倒装句,其正常语序为:Two police officers with guns stood outside the entrance.当表示状语的短语放在句首时,这个句子常常用全部倒装。例如: From the valley came a tinkling sound.山谷里传来叮叮口当口当的声音。 8with+名词/分词短语/介词短语常用来表示伴随状况或原因。例如: He sat in his armchair, with his eyes fixed on the TV set. 他坐在椅子里,两眼盯着电视机。 With the children at school, their mother could go out to work. 孩子们上学去了,妈妈可以外出工作。 9show sb. to带某人去某地 Let me show you to the door.让我送你到门口。 |
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