第二十四课:找到正确的位置!(4) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/01 17:08 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 4. Map puzzles迷宫…………………………… Are you good at reading maps? Please look at the map on pageⅳ. Read the 你擅长看地图吗?请看ⅳ页上的地图。请阅读下列 following and try to answer the questions. Then continue this activity in pairs. 提示并回答问题。然后两人一组继续这项活动。 1You are standing at A. Walk along the street, and take the first turn- 你站在A的位置上。沿着这条街走,在第一个十字路口往 ing on the right.Then take the second turning on the right and the first 右拐。然后在第二个十字路口向右拐,再从第一个 turning on the right.swheresare you now? 路口向右拐。现在你在哪里? 2You are standing at B. Go along the street and take the third turning 你站在B的位置上。沿着这条街走,在第三个十字路口 on the right. Then take the second turning on the left.swheresare you now? 往右拐。然后在第二个十字路口向左拐。现在你在哪里? 3You are outside the park. You want to go to the train station. How can 你站在公园外。你想去火车站,你怎样 you get there? 到达那里? 4I am standing in front of the train station. How can I get to the bus station? 我站在火车站前。我怎样才能到公共汽车站? 5Sally is now behind the supermarket. How can she get to the school? 莎莉现在在超市后边。她怎样才能到学校? 5. Practise练习……………………………… 1.A:Excuse me. Is there a bookshop near here? 劳驾。这附近有书店吗? B:Yes. Go along this road, and take the first turning on the left, and 有。沿着这条路走,在第一个十字路口往左拐,然后在 the second turning on the right. It's next to the Blue Sky Hotel. 第二个十字路口往右拐。书店紧挨着蓝天饭店。 A:First left, and second right. Thank you! 先往左拐,再往右拐。谢谢! B:Youre welcome. 不用谢。 2.A:Excuse me. Where's the nearest hospital, please? 劳驾。请问最近的医院在哪里? B:I'm sorry, I don't know. You'd better ask that policeman. 对不起,我不知道。你最好问那个警察。 A:Thank you all the same. 还是很感谢你。 6. Write写作………………………………… Read the following and make up a dialogue. 读下面短文然后编对话。 Mr Zhang is in New York. He is studying English at a college. He finds 张先生在纽约,他在一所大学学英语。由于他不认 it very hard to travel around the big city because he does not know the way. He 识路,他发现在大城市里游览很困难。 always takes a map with him when he travels. But he cannot find every place 所以外出时,他总是带着地图。但是他不能在地图上找到每 on the map because some places are too small. He often asks policemen for 个地方,因为有一些地方实在太小。他经常向警察 help because most of them are friendly and they know the way very well. Now 求助,因为大多数警察都很友好,他们对路很熟。现在 Mr Zhang's watch is broken, so he needs to find a watch shop. 张先生的表坏了,他需要找个修表店。 MR ZHANG:Excuse me. 张先生:劳驾。 POLICEMAN:Yes? 警察:什么事? MR ZHANG:... 张先生:…… |
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第二十四课:找到正确的位置!(4) |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1He finds it very hard to travel around the big city because he does not know the way. 动词find意思是“觉得”,“认为”,作此意讲时常用句型“find it+形容词+to do sth.”, it作find的形式宾语,真正宾语是后面的不定式to do sth., 而句型中的形容词作宾语的补足语,用以说明宾语的具体情况。动词think也可以这样用。例如: I find it very interesting to talk with him.我觉得和他谈话很有意思。 I find it difficult to read English stories.我认为读英文小说很困难。 I think it very important to learn English.我认为学英语非常重要。 2He often asks policemen for help because most of them are friendly and they know the way very well. (1)在这里ask与for连用,意为“请求(得到某物);寻找(某人)”。例如: She asked her father for advice.她向父亲征询意见。 Has anyone asked for me at the hotel?旅馆里有没有人找我? (2)在这里most意为“大多数的”。例如: He wants to visit most (of the) countries in Europe. 他想要访问大多数欧洲国家。 Most of his students are studying aboard. 他的大多数学生现在都在国外学习。 3need的用法简析 need一词用法很广,是个兼类词。 (1)need可作名词用,意为“必需”“需要”,这时,need为不可数名词,通常无复数。 I have no need of money.我不需要钱。 We have a great need of knowledge.我们非常需要知识。 (2)need作实义动词用,意为“需要”。 Do you need any help?你需要帮助吗? (3)need可作情态动词用,一般用于否定句或疑问句中,意为“必须,有必要”。例如: You needn't come.你不必来。 Need I go?我有必要去吗? |
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