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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《魔法英语》课文译注 > 第十五单元自测题

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/30 13:46  新浪教育


  1___ a doctor for animals is very rewarding.(be)

  2A pet can help older people___ ___ lonely. (feel,little)

  3He ___ ___ ___ ___the road just now.(see, cross)

  4He left, ___ the windows open.(keep)

  5To get an injection is a little___ .(pain)


  1To give a baby an injection isn't easy.(改写句子)

  ___ ___ ___give an injection ___ a baby.

  2Treating large animals is hard work.(改为感叹句)

  ___ ___ ___ ___ large animals is!

  3What makes you think he is a clever boy?(变为被动句)

  ___ ___ ___ you ___ ___ think he is a clever boy?

  4He let me feel worried about the party.(变为否定句)

  He ___ ___ me___ worried about the party.


  The police 1___ a report that six men had stopped a truck. It was carrying two

  bags 2___ something important. The six men had gone when the police arrived.

  After looking of three hours, the police found the truck and the 3___ were tied

  behind his truck. The bad men had put something round his mouth so that he

  would not 4___. The police climbedsintosthe back of the truck and freed the

  driver. They asked him what had happened.“I was stopped soon 5___ I left the

  bank,”the driver said.“Six men stopped me and made me 6___ the river.‘If

  you shout,one of them said.‘We will cut you 7___ pieces.When I got to

  the river, they tied me up. Then they 8___ mesintosthe back of the truck. There

  were two bags in it and they took one of them.”“9___ money was there in the

  bag?”a policeman asked.“There was not any money in it at all,”the

  driver laughed.“Only some letters, the money was in this one. I was 10___ it

  for three hours.”

  1A heard fromB received

  C could receivedD gave

  2A filledB fill withC fullD full of

  3A driverB driver hand

  C driver's handD driver's hands

  4A seeB speakC shoutD smile

  5A afterB beforeC sinceD if

  6A to driverB to driver to

  C driver toD to driver for

  7A asB inC likeD into

  8A carryB threw

  C would throwD wanted to throw

  9A How muchB How manyC WhatD Which

  10A sittingB sitting in

  C sitting onD sitting down


  Modern life is impossible without travelling. The fastest way of travelling

  is by plane. With a modern airline you can travel in one day to places which

  it took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago.

  Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its

  advantages(便利). You can see the country you are travelling through. Modern

  trains have comfortable seats and dinningcars. They make even the longest

  journey enjoyable.

  Some people prefer to travel by sea when possible. There are large liners

  and river boats. You can visit many other countries and different parts of

  your country on them. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes, but

  travelling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.

  Many people like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable. You can

  travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day,

  just as you like. You can stop wherever you wish—where there is something

  interesting to see, at a good restaurantswheresyou can enjoy a good meal, or

  at a hotel to spend the night. That is why travelling by car is popular for

  pleasant trips, while people usually take a train or plane when they are

  travelling on business.

  1From the passage, we know the fastest way of travelling is ___.

  A. by train B. by sea C. by plane D. by car

  2If we travel by car, we can___.

  A. make the longest jurney enjoyable

  B. travel to a very far place in several minutes

  C. make our own timetable

  D. travel only fifty or one hundred miles a day

  3The underlined word“they”in the second passage refer to(指……而言)___ .

  A. modern trains in the country

  B. comfortable seats and dinningcars

  C. the travellers on the modern planes

  D. the slower ways of travelling

  4When people travel on business, they usually take ___.

  A. a plane or a car

  B. a car or a boat

  C. a boat or a train

  D. a train or a plane

  5How many ways of travelling are mentioned in the passage?

  A. FourB. ThreeC. TwoD. Six

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