英语知识讲解:六级听力的弦外之音 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/18 09:08 英语辅导报 |
哲学家奥斯汀把言语和相关的行为概括为三部分:言中行为(locution),言外行为(illocution)和言后行为(perlocution)。通俗讲就是字面意思、言外之意和有没有效果。由于言外之意往往是话里有话,因此在我们日常生活中引起的笑话还真不少。请看下面一则笑话: Besty:If you have$2,and you ask your father for 4,how much will you have? Bill:Two dollars. Besty:You don't know your math! Bill:You don't know my father1 Besty根据字面意思认为Bill回答的"two dollars"不对,所以说:"You don't know your math!"言外之意有"你怎么这么笨呀,怎么连2+4这么简单的算术都不懂,等等"。言后行为是希望Bill改正。可是Bill非但不改,还说了句:"You don't know my father!" 如果这是一道听力试题,最后问你: What does Bill's answer imply? A.Bill has poor calculating ability. B.Bill's father has poor calculating ability. C.Besty doesn't know about Bill's father. D.Bill's father is mean with money. 我们在选择时,可以排除不是Bill的数学不好,也不是他爸爸的数学不好,而可推断Bill的言外之意是D项"爸爸对他的零花钱管得紧"。 上面这个笑话只起到一个抛砖引玉的作用,让我们从中领悟到能否在短时间内捕捉到相关信息,听懂弦外之音,对说话人的言外之意进行准确判断是通过六级听力考试的关键。弦外之音的揣摩十分复杂,要依据特定的说话场合、说话氛围、说话语调和说话对象等。下面就让我们一起来看看弦外之音都有哪些类型。 类型一:部分考。(第二人的答语中,只考前一部分) 例题:99,1,5 W:How did your interview go? M:I couldn't feel better about it!The questions were very fair and I seemed to find answers for all of them. Q:How does the man feel about the interview? 分析:第一个人的话多为简单的问句或陈述句。第二个人的话前句短,后句长。考生很容易把重心放在后句话的语意理解上,然后挖空心思地猜答案。若能针对M话语中的前句I couldn't feel better about it!(感觉再好不过了!)及相应的自豪语气,就可找对答案:The man is very confident. 类型二:But题型。(第二人的答语中,but是考点) 例题:2002,1,1 A:Is the rescue crew still looking for survivals of the plane crash? B:Yes,they have been searching the area for hours,but they haven't found anybody else.They'll keep searching until night falls. Q:What do we learn from this conversation? 分析:A可为问句或陈述句。B由两句话组成,其中带but的句子是考核重心。这样的考题在六级听力中所占比重很大,考生要排除they have been searching the area for hours等的干扰,注意听but they haven't found any- body else表示转折的这一句。日常会话也是如此,大凡有but的句子,往往是否定A的陈述,另提新观点,言外之意也就由此产生。所以此题答案应为:No more survivors have been found. 类型三:建议题型。(关键句型引出考点) 例题:98,6,10 M:This machine has so many buttons.I can't figure out which one makes it run. W:You'd better read the instructions first. Pressing the buttons randomly may cause the machine to break down. Q:According to the woman,what should the man do first? A.Read the instructions first. 分析:这种题型数量虽多,但是句型相对固定。熟悉以下三类句型就会做到事半功倍,特别是在语速快的情况下,更要把握住下列句型后出现的句子,那里常常是考查点,多是建议功能。 第一类:固定句式。how about,what about,what if,you'd better,why not,why not bother.... 第二类:反问句。Wouldn't it be better...? Hadn't you better tell...?Can't you...? 第三类:一般疑问句。Have you tried...? Would...be better? 类型四:If I were you题型。(建议或虚拟) 例题:2000,1,1 M:I hope I won't sleep over.I've simply got to catch the first flight to New York. W:If I were you,I'd request the wake-up call from the hotel reception. Q:What does the woman advise the man to do? 分析:这样的句子一出来,考生要格外注意。If I were you引导的句子为考核中心,其隐含着提建议或表虚拟的意思。提建议时,答案往往就是其后紧随的句子;表虚拟时,答案通常是反着给的,即把字面的意思否定掉,答案一般表现为否定句形式。另外If only(要是……就好了)也有异曲同工之妙。再如: M:Hey,I heard you bought a parrot. W:That's right.Now if I could only get it to talk. Q:What does the woman want to do? A.Teach the parrot to talk. 类型五:"明确肯定"题型。(答语肯定语气明显) 例题:2002,6,8 M:You are looking a little overwhelmed. W:Exactly.You know,I've got millions of things to do,and all of them have to be finished within 3hours. Q:What does the woman mean? 分析:M往往是肯定句,W是以一个短词开头(同意还是不同意M的观点一听便知),W中的长句起着介绍说明的作用。答案的特点就是找与M的话意思相近,但表述不同的句子。如例题M中You are looking a little overwhelmed.的不同表述就是答案:She's been kept extremely busy.在交际中,对前一句起着确认作用的短句有:you are right,all right,I know,that's right. 类型六:"鼓励安慰对方"题型(态度真诚) 例题:2001,1.8 M:Though we didn't win the game ,we were satisfied with our performance. W:You did a good job,you almost beat the world champions. Q:What do we learn from this conversation? A.They both feel good about the results of the game. 分析:第一个人的话里表达了不太如意的一面,常带有否定词,而第二个人的话多以鼓励或劝慰的小短句开头。如:Don't worry;I have the same feeling with you;Take it easy;It's OK!Don't be upset!I know you can do it;Come on!It doesn't matter;Don't blame yourself!You deserve it!这些短语蕴含的言外之意就是别紧张、别急,我们对你有信心。后面还伴有相应的长句,往往起补充说明的作用,所以答案里面一定会出现表示肯定意义的词汇。 类型七:口语小短句(不懂真要命) 例题:2002,6,9 M:Er,it looks like I'm going to be a little late for class.I hope Prof.Clark doesn't start on time today. W:Are you kidding ?You can set your watch by the time he starts his class. Q:What can we infer about Prof.Clark? 分析:第一个人的话不难,第二个人的话越听越糊涂。如果把握住小短句的言外之意就不怕了。Are you kidding?意味着对第一个 人的话语进行否定,例题中也就是说Prof. Clark will not be late,答案He is always punctual for his class.就是正确选项。与之相反,you can say that again;you bet I am;you said it;isn't it though?(可不是嘛!);of course,等小短句的背后,多半是表示对前一句的肯定。这些技巧的掌握,有利于解决长难句的听力问题。 类型八:比较和顺序题型(一锤定音) 例题一:99,6,4 W:I thought Tom said he got A in all his tests. M:Mary,you should know better than to take Tom's words too seriously. Q:What are they talking about? 例题二:99,6,7 M:You know,the Browns have invested all their money in stocks. W:They may think that's a wise move,but that's the last thing I'd do. Q:What's the man's opinion about the Browns' investment? 分析:两句话语速快,都有一锤定音之感。听懂了当然感觉爽,听不懂,越想越没着落。两个例子中,例一有比较级know better than to take Tom's words too seriously,言外之意就是Tom的话不可靠;例二言中之意表示that's the last thing I'd do,但言外之意表示"最不想做的是……",所以答案中常有否定词出现,此题的正确答案是:He doesn't think the Browns' investment is a wise move.要想做好这种类型的题,一要熟悉固定句式:the last thing(最不想做的是);二要勤于比较和总结。如:fitting the shower pipe is far more important than installing a telephone;we couldn't have played worse;I need your help fixing the shelf before I pain it;that was no the first dangerous situation he was in. 类型九:重复反问题型(什么?就是这么简单!) 例题: M:Can't we slow down?I'm tired. W:Slow down ?Don't you realized how late we are going to be? Q:What does the woman mean? A.They aren't going to be on time. 分析:由于W话里有重复部分,所以有极明显的听觉特征:放慢语速,突出语调、重音等。考试重心落在第二个人的第二句话上面,推出的意见有两种可能:一是否定上句,二是肯定上句,加重语气。具体结果要根据实际情况来判断。这种能力可以通过跟读、模仿来得以培养,而且短时即可见效。 类型十:"所答非所问"题型(跟你绕个小圈子) 例题:99,1,6 W:I just made a jar of jam this morning and now I can't find it anywhere. M:Did you hear a crash.That was it.I'm just as clumsy as ever. Q:What is the problem? 分析:第一个人发起了话题,第二个人没有正面回答,给出了好像没内在联系的答语。其实不然,交际会话中有一个合作原则,即第二个人说的一定和第一个人的话题有着必然联系,否则就是交际失败。有时由于面子效应,第二个人会间接回答第一个人,我们分析来看就是话里有话。如例子中,W发现果酱罐不见了,M问:你听见撞击声了吗?言外之意就是有人把它打碎了,谁干的呢?接着又补充一句:I'm just as clumsy as ever.我和以前一样笨手笨脚。我们因此可以断定:The man broke the jar of jam.这样的题根据语境、场景进行联想,越是直截了当、不用绕弯子的答案越不可能是正确答案。 以上是近年来,出现频率较高的言外之意题型。通过对上述十种类型的分析,相信读者朋友们心里大概也有了一定的了解。那么为了此文的完美,再附上两条应对此类听力题的建议,仅供参考。第一,由于弦外之音的判断十分复杂,平时在复习时要做到精听,就是要大家能准确听出个别词的读音及词义,不懂的地方要一遍一遍地听,直到听懂为止。这样有助于大家发现个体差异(连读有问题?还是个别词不熟悉?词组没听出来?俚语不懂?),然后对症下药。简单的泛听,只能是培养语流和语调,难免有囫囵吞枣之嫌。第二,听力考试中要集中精力,一旦有个别词没听懂,不要费时去猜,要尽可能结合场景和语气,做到对整体的把握。 (文/北京师范大学祝珣;英语通大学英语六级考试版2003年第10期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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