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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 教学参考:一语双关的尴尬

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/01 18:59  英语辅导报


  -What sort of car has your family got?

  -I can't remember its name,I think it starts with T.

  -Really?Ours starts with petrol.

  -How long will the next bus be?

  -About eighteen feet.

  Passenger:Is this my train?

  Inspector:No,it belongs to British Rail.

  Passenger:Don't be funny-I mean can I take this train to London?

  Inspector:No,sir,it's much too heavy.

  Customer:I'd like to try that dress in the window.

  Assistant:I'm sorry,madam,I'm afraid you'll have to use the fitting room,like everybody else.

  Teacher:Bobby,can you name the four seasons?

  Bobby:Salt,pepper,vinegar and mustard.

  Judge:Tell me why did you park your car here?

  Motorist:Well,there was a sign that said FINE FORPARKING.

  American:You English must grow awfully large.

  Englishman:Why do you say that?

  American:Well,I see here in the paper a woman lost five hundred pounds.

  Mother:How do you like your new teacher?

  Mary:Not very much.Why is that?

  Mary:She told me to sit in the front for the present,but she didn't give me any present.

  -The police are looking for a man with one eye.

  -Why don't they use two?


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