教学参考:“中外”书面表达异同评析 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/06 20:02 英语辅导报 |
2003年高考书面表达的体裁并不新颖,但命题人独具匠心,只用了两幅图就把内容表达出来了,这与往年大不相同。但考查的主要项目和目的万变不离其宗,这就是考学生的审题、观察和运用语言的表达能力。 同是一份书面表达,但由于作者的理解水平、文化素养、表达能力以及要求不同等因素可有数种表达方式。现将高考所给参考答案(以下简称"中文")和美藉外教的译文(以下简称"外文")做比较,以便从中悟出点什么。 中文:Dear Bob, I'm so glad to learn that you're coming in September.I've found a place for you. It's a small flat of 25square metres,with a bedroom,a bathroom and a kitchen.In the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa,a desk and a chair.The rent is 500yuan per month. The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street,which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School.Bus No.11can take you straight to school.In fact,it is only one stop. Do you think you'd like it?If not,I can try and find another place for you. Just let me know. Yours, Li Hua 外文:Dear Bob, I'm so glad to hear from you and I am very glad you will be coming here to study Chinese.Ihave done research for you and found a nice apartment,only one bus stop away from your school.It is not that big,only 25square meters, but I think it is fine for your needs.It contains a small bathroom and a kitchen,and a bedroom.The rent is500yuan per month.Is this suitable to your budget?If it is too expensive,please let me know as soon as possible,so I can make further arrangements for you.Once again I am very excited that you will be coming here to study! I am looking forward to meeting you. Kind Regards Li Hua 一、相同之处 1.格式:开头和结尾都遵循了应用文信函的基本要求。 2.语言:正统得体,规范达意。 3.内容:要点完整充实,图示去粗取精。 着重探讨不同之处,以供借鉴,从中得到启迪。 二、差异之处 1.修饰语的使用:主要指形容词做定语,副词做形容词的状语。"外文"多于"中文","外文"(8个):a nice apartment,a small bathroom,further arrangements;so glad,very glad,that big, too expensive,very excited,"中文"(3个):a small flat,another place;so glad 2.形容词做表语:"外文"多于"中文","外文"(7个):I'm so glad...,I am very glad...,It is not that big...it is fine...,Is this suitable...,If it is too expensive...,I am very excited..."中文"(2个):I'm so glad...,.which is not far... 3.句子结构:"外文"较"中文"复杂,"外文":共9个句子,5个简单句,1个并列句,1个复合句,2个并列复合句;"中文":共11个句子,7个简单句,4个复合句。 4.动词时态:"外文"较"中文"繁多,"外文"(4种):一般现在时,现在完成时,现在进行时,将来进行时;"中文"(2种):一般现在时和现在完成时。 5.情感体现:"外文"丰富细腻,表现在使用大量的形容词和副词,两个将来进行时,once again的强调,加之结尾句中富有传情表意的look forward to的现在进行时的使用等,使感情得到提升,更值得一提的是,别具一格、灵活得体的结尾礼词Kind Regards,这在多种《应用文大全》之类书中是罕见的,真可谓"圆满"了。相比之下,"中文"表达显得平如镜,淡如水,表现在修饰成分少,没有结束语,语言拘泥,缺少活力,恪守规定,全文字数112个,而"外文"129个。 虽然高考所给答案主要是针对考生的现状,与"外文"有一定的差异,但它毕竟是教和学的标杆,它必须是规范标准的语言,它必须尽量"洋化",只有这样才有利于教和学,才有利于选拔人才。 (文/山东蓬莱吕青敏;英语辅导报高中教师版03-04学年第20期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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