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英语辅导报高中教师版:on 用法小议
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/05 12:56  英语辅导报



  On thinking about the idea, I decided against it.经仔细考虑,我决定反对这个构想。

  On arriving there, we all set to work.我们一到那儿,就开始干起来。

  On reaching Paris, they called at the wine shop.一到达巴黎,他们立即就到那家酒店去了。

  The woman cried out on hearing the strange whistle.那妇女一听到那奇怪的哨音便立即大叫起来。

  The students stood up on the entrance of the headteacher.班主任一进来,学生就起立。


  She had a red hat on her head.她头戴一顶红帽子。

  Have you got any money on you?你身上有钱吗?


  People in the south live on rice.南方人以大米为主食。

  That idea is not based on facts.那观点不是以事实为根据。


  I heard the happy news on the radio.我是通过收音机听到这个喜讯的。

  They left on an early train.他们乘早班火车离去的。


  He came back home on New

  Year's Day.他是在元旦回家的。

  It was on a sunny day in July that the accident happened.那起事故是在七月一个晴朗的日子发生的。


  Professor Li will give us a lecture on international affairs.李教授将要给我们做关于国际形势的演讲。

  Please give me some advice on how to learn English.请给我提些关于学英语的建议。


  He is on the committee / the Jury /the team.他是委员会/陪审团/队的一员。

  She is on China Daily.她在《中国日报》社工作。


  That's a country town on the Chang Jiang River.那是位于长江之畔的一座县城。

  The village is on the frontier.那个村庄位于边境。


  What's on at the theatre?剧院里正上演什么戏?

  The lights were all full on.灯全亮着。

  Have you anything on this evening?你今晚有事吗?

  The workers were on strike.工人们正在罢工。

  They are on a friendly visit to China.他们正在对中国进行友好访问。


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