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英语辅导报大学版:关于词组 nothing like
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/19 23:12  英语辅导报

  nothing like是一个副词短语,用在非正式的英语中。它的同义结构有nowhere near,not anything like,not nearly,nothing near等。


  a.用于表达"not at all like丝毫不像"。常见句型为subj.+linking v.+nothing like...。例如:

  1.It looks nothing like a horse.这完全看不出像马。

  2.He is nothing like his father.他一点儿不像他父亲。

  3.This is nothing like back home in Colorado.这跟家乡科罗拉多的情况迥然不同。

  b.用于表达"nothing better than没有比……更好的"。常见句型为there is nothing like...。例如:

  1.There's nothing like a holiday to make one feel rested.没有比放假使人休息得更好的了。

  2.There is nothing like leather for shoes.用皮革做鞋子再好没有了。

  3.There is nothing like home.金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。

  c.用于表达"far from,absolutely not远远不如,绝对不"。常见句型为subj.+linking v.+nothing like as(或so)...as...。例如:

  1.This book is nothing like as useful as yours.这本书远不及你那本有用。

  2.This poem is nothing like so excellent as that.这首诗比那首诗逊色得多。

  3.He was nothing like so well today as yesterday.他觉得今天身体远不及昨天好。

  二、在上下文清楚,不影响理解的情况下,可将nothing like后面的成分省去。如:

  -Is it£3 for a taxi to the airport?雇一辆出租车到机场要三镑吗?

  -No,nothing like(as much as that)!不,没那么多。

  Reading Comprehension

  Directions:Find from A)and B)the implication of each of the following statements:

  1.The doctor started to cut the desert sore off my hand,and to my astonishment it was nothing like as painful as I had expected,although one's hands are one of the most sensitive parts of one's body.

  A)I was astonished at the doctor's skill to cut desert sores.

  B)I was shocked at the fact that I felt much less painful when the doctor cut the desert sore off my hand.

  2.Her cooking is nothing like as good as yours.

  A)Her cooking is no better than yours.

  B)Your cooking is far better than hers.

  3.If you've had a long hard day there's nothing like a nice hot bath to make you feel better.

  A)A nice hot bath is the most effective way to make you feel better after a long hard day.

  B)After a long hard day,taking a nice hot bath can make you feel much better.

  4.Nothing like enough was done to improve the working conditions.

  A)Work done to improve the working conditions was approximately enough.

  B)Work done to improve the working conditions was absolutely not enough.

  5.Studying that lesson should take nothing like two hours.

  A)Studying that lesson should take no less than two hours.

  B)Studying that lesson should take much less than two hours.

  6.That city is nothing like as big as it looks on the map.

  A)That city is much smaller than it looks on the map.

  B)That city is anything but small.

  7.There's nothing like a good cry to get all your worries out of your system.

  A)The best way to get all your worries out of your system is to let out a good cry.

  B)Letting out a good cry can't help you to get all your worries out of your system.

  8.This book is nothing like as difficult as I expected.

  A)Just as I expected,this book turns out to be very difficult.

  B)This book is much easier than I expected.

  9.There's nothing like a good cup of tea.

  A)The last thing one will ever do is to have a good cup of tea.

  B)Nothing else can compare with a good cup of tea in making one relaxed and happy.

  10.He lives nowhere near London.

  A)He lives at a short distance from London.

  B)He lives far away from London.


  1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B

  6.A 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.B


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