大学英语辅导:表示比较和对比的常见句型 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/19 23:18 英语辅导报 |
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在写作过程中,我们经常要对人、物及观点、现象等进行比较和对比。所以掌握一些表示比较和对比的句型是很重要的。下面,笔者就此进行了一些归纳,希望能达到抛砖引玉的目的。 一、表示比较 当我们强调两个人、物或观点、现象的相同点时,常常使用下面的句型: 1.Both A and B Both Mike and Jim have red hair./Mike and Jim both have red hair. Both men and women have complained about the advertisement. 2.Just as A,B... Just as Mr.Smith,Mr.Jones is a good teacher. 3.Like A,B... Like most people,I'd prefer to have enough money not to work. 4.A is as...as B She'll soon be as tall as her mother. 5.also... She's a photographer and also writes books. I'm cold,and I'm also hungry and tired. 6.A...;similarly,B... Cars must stop at red traffic lights;similarly,bicycles should stop too. 7.Neither A nor B Neither my mother nor my father went to university. 8.likewise... Just water these plants twice a week,and likewise the ones in the bedroom. My friend ordered a lemonade,and I did likewise. 二、表示对比 当我们强调两个人、物或观点、现象的不同点时,经常使用下面的表达句式: 1.Unlike A,B... Unlike you,I'm not a great dancer. 2.A is not as ...as B He is not as smart as she. 3.A...,in contrast,B... Their economy has expanded enormously,while ours,in contrast,has declined. 4.A...;however,B... This is one possible solution to the problem;how- ever,there are others. 5.A...,although B... Although he is poor,he is well contended. He decided to go,although I begged him not to. 6.A...,but B... She is pretty,but her husband is ugly. 7.A...,whereas B... He must be about sixty,whereas his wife looks about thirty. You eat a massive plate of food for lunch,whereas I have just a sandwich. 8.A...;on the other hand,B... He is an able man,but on the other hand he demands much of people. (文/陈连丰;英语辅导报大学一年级版03~04学年第16期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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