英语辅导报大学教师版:如何写好你的CV |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/28 13:18 英语辅导报 |
2000级本科生以及2001级研究生毕业在即,很多同学在英文简历上花了不少工夫,但是成功的简历却并不多见。笔者将平日搜集到的与简历有关的知识总结了一下,在这里主要向大家介绍一下CV的概念、与CV有关的求职信(Cover Letter)最后再给大家做一个简单的CV Sample。 第一:关于Resume与Curriculum Vitae (CV) 简历(履历)的英文表达是Resume或Curriculum Vitae (CV),这点我想大多数大学生朋友是知道的。但事实上Resume与CV无论从篇幅的长短、简历的内容还是从简历的目的来看都是有一定区别的。请大家参考下面这段英文。The primary differences between Resume and CV are the length, the content and the purpose. A resume is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience and education. A goal of resume writing is to be brief and concise since, at best, the resume reader will spend a minute or so reviewing your qualifications1. A Curriculum Vitae, commonly referred to as CV, is a longer (two or more pages), more detailed synopsis2. It includes a summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, affiliations and other details3. 事实上,Curriculum Vitae (CV)通常是在应聘学术性、国际性或科研等机构的职位时常用的一种履历。 在撰写Curriculum Vitae的时候,要尽量做到五个C: ●Clear-well-organized and logical ●Concise-relevant and necessary ●Complete-includes everything you need ●Consistent-don't mix styles or fonts ●Current--up-to-date 下面这17点中的大部分可能是您的CV中所应具备的: 1. Heading Name: address(es), and phone number(s), including area code(s) 2. Education: Listing of academic degrees beginning with the degree in progress or most recently earned4. Include: name of institution, city and state, degree type (B.A., B.S., M.A., etc5.) and area of concentration, month and year degree was (will be) received. Note: You may wish to include the title (using the format appropriate to your particular academic field) of your thesis6. If you are an undergraduate and your GPA7 is 3.5 or higher, it is appropriate to include it. 3. Certifications: List all relevant certifications and the year received. 4. Honors and Awards: Receipt of competitive scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships; names of scholastic honors; teaching or research awards. 注: 1. qualifications:资格,条件。 2. synopsis:概要。这里讲CV的篇幅要长一些,大概要两页或更多,它是一种较为详细的履历。 3. CV包括求职者在教育和学术背景方面的大概情况,同时包括教学及科研经历、作品发表、演讲次数、奖励、荣誉、何协会成员(affiliations相当于memberships)以及其它细节。 4.从正在攻读的学位或最近取得的学位开始列明。 5. B.A.(文学学士),B.S.(理学学士), M.A.(文学硕士)等。其它如M.S.(理学硕士),PhD(哲学博士),L.L.B.(法学学士),J.M.(法律硕士),J.D.(法律博士),L.L.M.(法学硕士),J.S.D. or S.J.D.(法学博士),M.B.A.(工商管理硕士)等等。 6. title of your thesis:毕业论文题目。 7. GPA(Grade Point Average):平均分。 5. Relevant Experience: Listing of positions (part-time, full-time, volunteer, temporary and permanent) related to the type of work sought. Include: department, firm, agency, or organization; complete name; city and state; job/position title; dates; also include a brief description of your activities/duties, using strong action verbs. List these in reverse chronological order 8. 6. Other Experience: Groupings of other experiences (including volunteer work and/or internships 9 ) can enhance your CV. Your experience can also be broken into other categories such as: Teaching, Counseling, Administration, Volunteer, Community, Internship, etc. Entries 10 within each section should be in reverse chronological order. 7. Grants Received 11: Include name of grant; name of granting agency; date received; title or purpose of research project, etc. 8. Professional Associations: Memberships in national, regional, state, and local professional organizations should be listed. Also list significant appointments to positions or committees in these associations. Student memberships in professional associations are appropriate. 9. Publications: Give bibliographic citations 12 (using the format appropriate to your particular academic discipline) for articles, pamphlets, chapters in books, research reports, or any other publications that you have authored or co-authored. In fine arts areas, this can include descriptions of recitals and art exhibits. 10. Presentations: Give titles of professional presentations (using the format appropriate to your particular academic discipline); name of conference or event; dates and location; if appropriate in your discipline, also include a brief description. Presentations should be listed in reverse chronological order. 11. Recent/Current Research: Description of research projects recently conducted or in progress 13. Include the type of research and a brief description of the purpose. 12. Institutional Service 14: List institutional committees you have served on, including offices held, student groups you have supervised, or special academic projects you have assisted with. 13. Courses Taught: List the names of courses you have taught, and brief course descriptions. 14. Community Involvement 15: Appropriate and relevant volunteer work, church work, community service organizations, etc. 15. Educational Travel: Names of countries, dates, purpose (typically, only include if relevant to the position/grant for which you are applying). 16. References: Optional to end vita with statement "Available upon Request 16." 17. Qualifications or Skills: A summary of particular or relevant strengths or skills which you want to highlight. Typically, this is not included as a separate section, but addressed in other sections. Occasionally, however, it may be appropriate to list special computing or language skills. (文/屈文生;英语辅导报大学教师版2003-2004学年第31、32期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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