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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 高中英语课外学习辅导:省略要点总动员

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/06 08:53  英语辅导报



  While (he was) waiting there, Mr Smith was reading some old magazines.

  When (it is) completed, the car factory will bring more and more jobs to the city.

  If (it is) carefully done, the experiment will be successful.

  Though (they were) tired, they kept working at the machine.


  He is more confident than (he has) ever (been) that our country will completely reunited in the near future.

  In learning English I have the same trouble as you (have).


  My father works on a farm and my mother (works) in a factory.

  I could have done the work well, but I didn't (do it well).

  Tom won the first race and Mike (won) the second (one).

  如果是不相同的结构,一般不宜省略.例如可以说: The hunter was frightened and was firing at the bear.但一般不说:The hunter was frightened and firing at the bear.

  四、不定式在like, expect, manage, love, want, wish, refuse, try等动词以及形容词afraid, glad, happy, willing, able等之后常省略,只保留不定式符号。

  -Will you go to the cinema with me?

  -I'd love to (go to the cinema with you).

  You may watch TV this evening if you want to (watch TV this evening).


  Our native village is no longer what it used to be.


  -When are you due to arrive?

  -(I'm due to arrive) In about an hour.


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