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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/10 08:35  英语辅导报

  现行高一教材(上册)第五单元有这样两句话:1) The most important thing for young Minzhi is not to lose any more pupils from the school-NOT ONE LESS-before Mr Gao returns! 2) When Huike sees the crying Minzhi on television, he himself starts crying, but he is also happy to see her. (Senior Book 1A,人民教育出版社,P.89)

  第一句用了young Minzhi,第二句用了the crying Minzhi。专有名词前一般是不用冠词的,这里第一例young Minzhi没有用冠词,而第二例the crying Minzhi却用了冠词the。这究竟是为什么呢?

  young Minzhi属于普通用法,相当于Minzhi, who is young,年轻的敏芝。而the crying Minzhi属于特殊用法。夸克等人认为,假如专有名词重新划归为普通名词,它就能用冠词或其它限定词来改动词义。例如:

  a Shakespeare[an author like Shakespeare]一位像莎士比亚一样的作家

  I used to know a Mary Roberts, too.[a person called Mary Roberts]我过去也熟悉一位名叫玛丽·罗伯茨的人。

  She is the second Mrs White-the first one died.她是第二位怀特夫人--第一位死了。

  Lu Xun has been known as "the Chinese Gorki".鲁迅一直被称为"中国的高尔基"。


  可见,the crying Minzhi中的Minzhi变成普通名词了,意思是敏芝在哭泣时好像换了一个人。

  现行高一教材(上册)Workbook第一单元有这样一句话:Michel is very interested in Chinese culture and the Chinese language.(Senior Book 1A,人民教育出版社,P.89)

  为什么Chinese culture前没有用冠词,而Chinese language前却用了冠词the呢?


  She's studying European history.

  比较:She's studying the history of Europe.

  human evolution the evolution of man


  the middle ages the art of the Middle Ages但是medieval art

  the Orient the philosophy of the Orient Oriental philosophy

  the 18th century the morality of the 18th century 18th century morality

  the Japanese the invasion of the Japanese Japanese invasion


  Chinese culture和Mediterranean water及Atlantic water (It takes 80 years for Mediterranean water to be changed with Atlantic water, as there is only one narrow entrance where the Mediterranean meets the Atlantic.)(Senior Book 2B, Lesson 62)就属于这种情况。


  the world population

  the population of the world

  the Chinese language


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