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被高考命题锁定的三个词-- one, it 和 that
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/10 08:37  英语辅导报

  针对one, it和that三个词的测试题,在不同种类的全国高考英语试卷中频频出现,无一年例外。这不能不引起我们的关注。one, it和that意义易混,用法复杂,那么高考命题究竟怎样将考点聚焦到上述三个词呢?前事不忘,后事之师。笔者现将2000年以来的有关高考题辑录于此,并略作解析,以飨读者。



  ①Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,________I will always treasure. (NMET2002第35题)

  A. that B. one C. it D. what


  ②-Why don't we take a little break?(NMET2000第23题)

  -Didn't we just have________?

  A. it B. that C. one D. this

  简析:break在该句中为可数名词,意为"休息"。one在此句中用作泛指,指代"a little break"。该句译作:"为什么不休息一会儿呢?""我们不是刚休息过了吗?"


  ①The Parkers bought a new house, but________will need a lot of work before they can move in. (NMET2001第25题)

  A. they B. it C. one D. which

  简析:it指代上文提到的可数名词"a new house"。该句译作:帕克夫妇买了一所新房子,但在迁入之前需要做大量的工作。

  ②In fact________ is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.(2001上海卷第33题)

  A. this B. that C. there D. it


  ③The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him,________?(2000上海卷第33题)

  A. did they B. didn't they

  C. did it D. didn't it

  简析:附加疑问句中用it指代的The news。该句译作:他们没有通过驾驶测试的消息使他很失望,是吗?

  ④Someone is ringing the doorbell, go and see________.(2000上海卷第29题)

  A. who is he B. who he is

  C. who is it D. who it is



  ①There's a feeling in me________we'll never know what a UFO is-not ever. (NMET2002第35题)

  A. that B. which

  C. of which D. what


  ②-He was nearly drowned once.

  -When was________?

  -________was in 1998 when he was in middle school.(NMET2002春季卷第30题)

  A. that; It B. this; This

  C. this; It D. that; This

  简析:第一个空用that,指代发生在过去的"溺水"一事;第二个空it组成了"it is...when"强调结构。该句译作:"他曾差一点儿淹死。""啥时候?""那是在他1998年中学读书时。"

  ③It was for this reason________her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village. (2001上海春季卷第32题)

  A. which B. why

  C. that D. how

  简析:that在句中组成了"it was...that"强调句型。该句译作:正是这条理由,她叔叔搬出了纽约,在一个小村庄定居下来。


  -There's coffee and tea; you can have________.


  A. either B. each

  C. one D. it



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