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Diminished Expectations
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/18 13:59  英语文摘

  By Phil Zabriskie

  For many Asians, America no longer stands for peace, freedom and liberty 2



  For nearly a year after 9/11, in conversations throughout Southeast Asia, I encountered sympathy and admiration for the U.S. “Where are you from?” a diplomat or a street vendor would ask. “America,” I’d reply, “New York City.” This would elicit expressions of outrage at the terrorist attacks, generous inquiries into the wellbeing3 of my friends and family and then perhaps a mention of the war in Afghanistan. From the impoverished or oppressed, a request often followed: please tell your President to *send help4. A faint belief that *he might5 was detectable. A sense that *he could6, through benign gestures or a forceful imposition of will, was unmistakable.

  Those kinds of conversations are no more. They7’ve been replaced by versions of an exchange I had recently in Kuala Lumpur. A Malaysian political analyst asked about my provenance8. As I replied his eyes narrowed. *“Can you explain what your President is doing?”9

  Before I moved to Asia two years ago, I had underestimated how much psychological space America—the nation and the ideals it represented—occupied in the world. But over the past few months, and especially since the start of Gulf War II, it’s become apparent that respect for America has severely diminished. Pledges to bring freedom and (maybe) democracy to the citizens of Saddam’s horrifying regime—which only Tony Blair articulated effectively10 during a U.N. debate marked by the cynical opportunism of all parties involved—*ring hollow when voiced by the Bush camp.11 Making war to bring peace is a hard sell, especially when TV images provide *stark reminders12 of the real human costs of that conflict. What’s more, though the war in Iraq is still in its early stages, the inability of the U.S. and British forces to deliver a swift victory—and the early success militiamen have had in temporarily sidetracking13 the march to Baghdad—is *chipping away at14 the aura of American military invincibility. It has happened before, in Somalia in 1993 for example, but never was there this level of roundtheclock coverage of each roadblock and minor setback. And never before were there networks that tailored15 their broadcasts as platforms for American righteousness (Fox News Channel16, most bombastically) or the U.S.’s tactical and moral fallibility (alJazeera17 and alArabia).

  America, to many Asians, once represented ideals of life, liberty18 and the pursuit of happiness. People whose lives were proscribed19 by poverty or tyranny or both at least knew there was a place where freedom was said to ring20. The place’s existence stirred hope in the most hopeless circumstances. And millions emigrated and found better lives there. Some religions allow *the earthbound21 to imagine a heaven that might one day welcome them into its splendor; so, too, did America—a secular *promised land22 —allow the world’s dispossessed to believe its liberty, and its prosperity, could one day be theirs as well. They forgave or overlooked U.S. foreignpolicy sins such as a coddled23 dictator in the Philippines, illegal invasions in Cambodia or deadly subterfuge in Laos. The stirring ideals of America’s founding fathers continued to resonate abroad even if the ideals’ caretakers24 occasionally ignored them.

  In Asia and beyond25, however, the exported26 and willfully internalized American dream has been punctured by months of failed and feckless diplomacy, by the Bush Administration’s disregard for international opinion and now by sandstorms, *alleged errant missiles27 and the fact that war is rarely quick and never clean. Last month in Yogyakarta28, Indonesia’s intellectual center, numerous students told me that yes, they would like to work in the U.S. —because there were no jobs at home, not because they admired America. Religious and community leaders expressed anger toward the Bush Administration—not, they stressed, at the American people—as well as disappointment that it seemed to be abandoning the precepts for which it had been most respected. Quite simply, they feel *let down29.

  Asians I’ve met used to say America is the country that defeated the Nazis and won the cold war. Now, in the mainstream, I hear that America “was” the country that *performed those noble services30. This 21st century incarnation, with Bush at the helm, “is” the country that they feel countenances31 Israeli occupation of Palestine, that never articulated a convincing or consistent case for war against Iraq, and that has temporarily suspended tenets of its own Constitution. We shouldn’t be surprised at the vehemence of the protests around Asia or that the debate has become *as much about Bush’s America as32 Saddam’s Iraq. This is the anger of betrayal, *fueled in part by33 the frantic outcry that emerges when one realizes that what he or she has idealized cannot or will not *live up to34 those expectations. -







  过去,我见过的亚洲人常说,美国这个国家打败了纳粹,赢得了冷战。现在,我见过的亚洲人中主要流传这样一种说法,美国这个国家“曾经”从事过那些崇高的事业。以布什为舵手,美国这个国家现在“是”21世纪的化身,这些亚洲人感到它支持以色列占领巴勒斯坦,从未提出令人信服的或前后一致的攻打伊拉克的理由,而且暂时中止了自己宪法规定的信条。整个亚洲掀起了抗议的热潮,对布什的美国的争论已经与对萨达姆的伊拉克的争论一样多了,这没有什么好奇怪的。这是对背信弃义的愤怒。当一个人意识到他或她一直奉为理想的东西不能够或将不会满足那些期望时,就会发出这声愤怒的呐喊。(陈永国 摘译自 Time Apr. 7, 2003)

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