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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 教学参考:2003年中考“语序考查”大追踪

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/26 14:04  英语辅导报


  I. 考查某些副词的特殊位置

  【考题】 1. The young man is________to carry the heavy box. (广东)

  A. enough strong B. strong enough

  C. too strong D. so strong

  2. Do you want________?(眉山)

  A. else things B. anything else

  C. other something

  D. something other

  【分析】 1.选B。副词修饰形容词或副词时,一般置于被修饰词之前,但enough置于被修饰的形容词(副词)之后。

  2. 选B。else常置于疑问代词(who, what, whose),疑问副词(where,how,why),不定代词(something,everything)等之后。

  II. 考查形容词后置的情况

  【考题】 1. I have ________ to do today. (长沙)

  A. anything important

  B. something important

  C. important nothing

  D. important something

  2. Who's the greatest man________? (内江)

  A. alive B. living C. lively D. live

  【分析】 1. 选B。形容词修饰复合不定代词something, anything, nothing等时,应置于被修饰的词之后。

  2. 选A。以a-开头的形容词一般作表语,作定语时应后置。

  III. 考查倒装句式

  【考题】 Your sister works very hard, and________. (广州)

  A. so you are B. so you do

  C. so are you D. so do you

  【分析】选D。表示前面的情况也适用于另一个人时,用"So+be /助动词 / 情态动词+主语"的语序;若表示对前面的情况进行强调时,则用"So+主语+be/助动词/情态动词"的语序。

  注意:neither, nor也适用于以上两种句式,但意思是否定的。

  VI. 考查冠词的特殊语序

  【考题】 -Did you see the football match last night?

  -Yes, I have never seen________exciting match before. (福州)

  A. such a B. so a C. such an D. so an

  【分析】选C。so和such都可用于"形容词+单数名词"短语中,但位置不同:用so的词序为"so+形容词+a(an)+单数名词";用such的词序为"such a(an)+形容词+单数名词"。

  V. 考查宾语从句的语序

  【考题】 1.-Excuse me, would you please tell me________?

  -Certainly. Go straight along here. It's next to a hospital. (福州)

  A. how we can get to the post office

  B. how can we get the post office

  C. how get to the post office

  D. how could we get to the post office

  2. He asked________.

  A. whose handwriting the best in our class was

  B. whose was the best handwriting in our class

  C. whose hardwriting was the best in our class

  D. whose was handwriting the best in our class

  【分析】 1. 选A。宾语从句应用陈述(主谓)语序。

  2. 选C。当宾语从句的引导词作主语或主语的定语时,其语序为"疑问词+(名词)+谓语+其它"。

  V I. 考查某些近义词的不同词序

  【考题】 The doctor worked for________after twelve o'clock. (河北)

  A. two more hours

  B. two another hour

  C. more two hours

  D. another two hour


  VII. 考查"动词+副词"型短语动词的宾语位置

  【考题】 The radio is too loud. Please________. (四川)

  A. turn it down B. turn down it

  C. turn it up


  VIII. 考查词序不同,涵义有别的词组

  【考题】 We'll meet again________.(无锡)

  A. before long B. long before

  C. before D. long ago

  【分析】选A。英语中有的词组,由于词序不同,其涵义又大不一样。题中before long意为"不久以后",long before意为"很久以前"。教材中类似的还有too much"太多",much too"太……";short for..."……的缩写",for short"简称";good for "对……有益(好处)",for good"永远地";work hard"努力工作(学习)",hard work"艰苦的工作",等等。


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