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"变脸"的未来 "Facing" the Future of Transplants
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/16 10:27  英语文摘

  It’s still one of the mythic feats of medicine transplanting the organs of one human being to another. It seemed the stuff of science fiction when Dr. Christian Barnard performed the very first heart transplant operation 36 years ago. Liver lung and kidneys transplants are now almost routine. But surgeons are once again about to go where medicine has never gone before. They’re preparing for the first transplant of a human face. Technically the operation could be performed now but ethically should it be performed at all﹖

  It’s what makes us unique the thing most idolized on a model and the sign age is catching up with us.

  “The human face is you, “ says Dr. John Barker. “Take that away—could it benefit you to give you a face back﹖” Dr. Barker is on the cutting edge of a radical new surgical procedure. He’s part of one of at least five medical teams worldwide who are pioneering a new technique that seemed unimaginable until recently—a total face transplant.

  It would be an extreme procedure for the most extreme cases primarily for cancer patients and seriously disfigured burn victims.

  Could a single face transplant be the answer for thousands of patients with severe facial deformities﹖For some it could be a medical miracle to others it seems macabre.

  Medical technology has advanced so far that a facial transplant is not only possible but it has a high likelihood of succeeding. Now the question raised at a symposium here in London is not can they be done but should they be done.

  The main topic was the ethical implications of such a transplant.

  There are severe risks. The recipient would have to take antirejection drugs for life the recipient could even die from infection and what’s more unlike a heart or lung transplant. this is not a matter of life or death. So some people have problems with facial transplants because the recipient isn’t necessarily near death.

  Then there is psychological impact of using someone’s face. It’s their identity. It’s who they are. Could there be a possibility that a family member might think that the recipient closely resembles the donor﹖

  It’s still unclear exactly when this procedure might happen. Doctors in Britain say they’ve already been approached by at least 10 patients eager to undergo a facial transplant.

"变脸"的未来 "Facing" the Future of Transplants



  “ 脸就是你的身份,” 约翰·巴克博士说。“将你的脸切除,然后给你贴上另一张脸,这对你能有什么好处?”巴克博士正处在一项全新外科手术研究的最前沿。他是一个医学团队的一员,目前全球至少有5支这样的团队,他们正在开创一种直到最近还看似不可想像的新技术——整脸移植术。








  (鄂慧媛 摘译自 NBC News Jan. 18 2004)


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