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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/30 09:26  英语辅导报

  英语句子通常是主语在前,谓语动词在后。但如果谓语动词出现在主语之前,这种现象叫倒装。部分倒装和全部倒装是专对主语和谓语而言的。谓语的一部分(助动词,情态动词)移到主语之前,而谓语的其余部分(实义动词)仍保留在主语之后,这种主谓倒装叫做部分倒装(Partial inversion)。谓语的所有组成部分都移到主语之前的则称为全部倒装(Complete inversion)。部分倒装句式里是语法上的强制要求,而完全倒装则是出于修辞上的需要,是为了强调主语(使主语占据句尾信息焦点的位置),使其成为新信息,或者因为主语太长,以避免头重脚轻,或者两个原因兼而有之。但是有很多英语语法书把句首的状语说成是被强调的成分。笔者认为不太正确,值得我们去分析研究。从形式上看:


  1. 否定意义的副词和短语,如never, seldom, little, hardly, in no way等位于句首时。例如:

  ① Never shall I forget the day when I met Mr Wang in the countryside. 我永远忘不了在农村见到王老师的那一天。

  ② Hardly had the performance begun when the lights went out. 演出刚开始电灯就灭了。

  ③ Little does he care whether we live or die. 他一点也不管我们的死活。

  ④ Seldom in all my life have I met such a determined person. 我一生中很少遇到意志这么坚强的人。

  2. 具有否定意义的连词或关联词的一部分,如no sooner, hardly, scarcely, not until位于句首时。例如:

  ① No sooner had we sat down to dinner than the phone rang. 我们刚坐下吃饭电话铃就响了。

  ② Not until she saw the present did she feel happy.直到她看到了礼物才感到高兴。

  ③ Scarcely(Hardly) had he reached home when he heard a knock on the door. 他刚一到家就听见敲门声。

  3. so, neither, nor位于句首时。例如:

  ① So loudly did he speak that everybody could hear him clearly. 他说话声音很响亮,人人都能听清楚。

  ② The men were not well dressed. Nor were the women. 男人穿得不好,女人也如此。

  ③ He knows little German. Neither do I. 他几乎不懂德语,我也是。

  4. 当从属连词so...that中的so位于句首时。例如:

  ① So sudden was the attack that we had no time to escape. 袭击来得非常突然,以致我们都来不及逃跑。

  ② So earnestly did the boys beg that their father gave his permission. 男孩儿们恳求得如此热切,结果父亲同意了。

  5. only+状语(副词、介词短语、从句)和not only位于句首时。例如:

  ① Only when he reached school did he realize that he had left the textbook at home. 只是当他到了学校,他才意识到把课本忘记在家里了。

  ② Only in this way can you learn English well. 只有这样你才能学好英语。

  注意:如果正常的句子里没有助动词或情态动词,则部分倒装句里必须加一个助动词do (does, did)来实现部分倒装。例如:

  ③ He became so suspicious that he didn't accept my advice.→So suspicious did he become that...他变得如此多疑,以致不接受我的劝告。

  6. 由连词as, however, no matter how等引导的让步状语从句通常把表语提前时。例如:

  ①Busy as he was, he always found time to study. 虽然他很忙,但他总是找到时间学习。

  ② However hard a solid may be, we can change its shape. 不管固体有多硬,我们都能改变它的形状。

  ③ No matter how hard I try, I can't open the door. 我不管怎么用力也打不开这扇门。

  7. 在含有had, should, were等的虚拟条件状语从句中,若省略连词if,即把它们移到主语前构成部分倒装。例如:

  ① Should it rain tomorrow, we would put off the meeting. 如果明天下雨,我们就推迟会议。

  ② Had he known about it, he would have come to the meeting. 如果他知道这事,他会来参加会议的。

  ③ Were you in my position, you would do the same.假如你处在我的位置,你也会这样干的。


  1、当副词away, down, in, now, off, out, up, here, there等位于句首时,其特点是:主语是句子语义重点,是告诉读者或听者的新信息。例如:

  ① Away went the runners. 赛跑运动员跑远了。

  ② Down came the rain. 下起雨来了。

  ③ Up went the arrow into the air. 箭飞入空中。

  ④ Here comes the bus!公共汽车来了!

  ⑤ There was a knock at the door and in came Mr Smith. 有人敲门,进来的是史密斯先生。

  ⑥ There goes the bell! 铃响了!

  ⑦ Now comes your turn. 该轮到你了。

  ⑧ Out jumped a tiger from behind the rock. 岩石后突然跳出一只老虎。


  ① Here she comes!她来了。

  ② Out they came. 他们出来了。

  ③ Away they rushed when they saw the enemy

  soldiers. 当他们看到敌人时,他们立刻跑了。

  ④ Under (In) no circumstances must this door be left open(unlocked). 在任何情况下都不允许这门开着(锁着)。

  ⑤ To no one will they admit their guilt. 他们对任何人都不会承认有罪。

  2. 当介词短语位于句首,而主语成为新信息时,把听者心中所知的事物暂且捺住,先从环境说起,然后引出未知事物,也就是要把已知的部分说在前,未知的部分说在后,由"熟"而及"生"。这时,状语不是被强调的部分,恰恰相反,主语才是被强调的成分。例如:

  ① At the head of the queue was an old woman. 站在排队前头的是一位老年妇女。

  ② We didn't reach the top because it was too hot. All around it is sand. 我们没有到达山顶,因为天气太热了,周围全是沙子。

  ③ Outside the entrance stood two police officers with guns. 在门口的外边站着两个带枪的警察。

  3. 当充当表语的形容词、分词位于句首,而主语成为新信息时。例如:

  ① The blue dress is the oldest.(比较:The oldest dress is blue.) 那件蓝色的衣服是最旧的。

  ② Very important in the farmer's life is the TV weather report. 农民生活中很重要的一件事就是电视天气预报。

  ③ Covering much of the earth's surface is a blanket of water. 覆盖大部分地球表面的是水。

  (文/丁艳 王军华;英语辅导报初中教师版03~04学年第42期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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