新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《全球性金融机构求职指南》 > 销售和交易楼层的文化

Sales And Trading Floor Culture
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/19 17:24  新浪教育

  Interview candidates probably find their first visit to the sales and trading floors of any Wall Street firms to be an unforgettable experience. The loud shouting voices, hasty exchanges of words in an unrecognizable language (somewhat like English), rapid movement, blinking lights on the turret phone panel, squawk boxes with occasional loud messages bursting out, and jam-packed with people who never seem to have time for any civilized conversations. Somehow, they are capable of handling several phones with entangled wires and yet conduct interviews at the same time.

  People who are involved in the sales and trading of any product and instrument are probably not the most approachable type of people during the market hours. If they are in the middle of a transaction, monitoring the markets before triggering a trade, taking an order from a client or getting a price quote from a trader, their entire sensory response system is focused on one and only one thing, the trade at hand. So, if you have the opportunity to sit next to any of them, do not take it personally and feel offended that you are not being treated, as you should be. It is just the nature of the business, where the slightest distraction may result in costly error.




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