新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《全球性金融机构求职指南》 > 产品和服务的领导地位

Leadership Positions in Different Products and Services
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/19 17:16  新浪教育

  It may appear that all financial institutions offer similar products and services to the same group of blue-chip clients. If you spend time going through their annual reports, industry journals and magazines, combing through the daily financial newspapers, you will notice that every institution have their own strengths and is the market leader in certain products and services. Some houses are well regarded for emerging market bonds and currencies, while others could be reputed for their unique expertise in derivative products. One unfolding development as major banks consolidate and merge their operations is that the number of counter parties for trades is getting smaller.

  The major categories that are usually featured in the league table or industry polls include mergers & acquisitions, equity underwriting, debt underwriting, corporate advisory, derivatives and FX trading. For mergers & acquisitions, this is further divided into U.S. domestic, Pan-European, Asia and cross-border transactions. Equity underwriting is divided into various categories: the U.S., Individual countries in Western Europe, Global depository receipts (GDRs), American depository receipts (ADRs). Debt underwriting encompasses even more categories: U.S. Corporate bonds-investment grade, high-yields, municipal bonds, convertible bonds, Eurobonds, Yankee Bonds, Samurai bonds, etc. Corporate advisory is further divided into anti-takeover defense, capital restructuring, divestitures, capital raising, etc. The derivatives category includes credit derivatives, equity derivatives, interest rates derivates, swaps, among others. FX markets include all the major exchange rates such as EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GPB/USD, USD/CHF, and the major cross rates such as EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY.


  可能看起来,所有的金融机构对同一行业的蓝筹客户(blue-chip client)提供相似的产品和服务。但如果你花一些时间浏览这些金融机构的年报表、行业期刊和杂志,梳理每日财经报纸的内容,你就会发现其实每个金融机构在特定产品和服务方面都有各自的强项和优势。一些机构十分适合于新兴的证券货币市场,另一些机构可能因其在经营衍生产品如新奇期权证券(exotic option)方面的专业技术而闻名。随着相同业务竞争对手数量的减少,一些主要银行在巩固业务基础和进行业务合并方面的成效日益显现出来。

  投资银行的主要业务种类经常刊登在行业排名表(league table)或行业内部推举的名单上,主要包括:合并与收购、股票承销、债权承销、公司顾问、衍生产品、外汇交易服务等等。对于合并与收购业务,可细分为美国国内、泛欧洲、亚洲和跨国交易。股票承销业务也被分为美国、西欧某个国家、全球存托凭证(GDRs, Global depository receipts)、美国存托凭证(ADRs, American depository receipts)。债权承销的种类更多,包括:美国公司债券投资等级(U.S.Corporate bonds-investment grade)、高收益率(high-yields)债券、市政债券(municipal bond)、可转换公司债券(convertible bond)、欧洲债券(Eurobond)、扬基债券(Yankee Bond)(指外国筹资者在美国发行的以美元计值的债券)、武士债券(Samurai bond)等等。公司顾问业务分为:反接管防御(anti-takeover defense)、资本重组(capital restructuring)、撤资(divestitures)、融资等服务。衍生产品服务包括:信用衍生产品(credit derivatives)、股票衍生产品(equity derivatives)、利息率衍生产品(interest rates derivatives)、互换(swaps)等。外汇交易市场包括所有的主要汇率,如欧元/美元、 美元/日元、英镑/美元、美元/瑞士法郎,以及主要的交叉汇率如欧元/日元、英镑/日元等。

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