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Commercial Bank
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/19 18:54  新浪教育

  Institutional Banker

  The foreign commercial banks are probably the earliest among global financial institutions to set foot in China. They have limited business scope in China given that the financial markets have yet to open up. Foreign banks typically focus on non-RMB loans, letter of credits, unsecured revolving credits and trade financing. Within the limited fund raising arena available in China's capital markets, most of the private enterprises with overseas markets and operations often consider tapping the international capital markets. Foreign banks thus far have been focusing on marketing to foreign enterprises and joint-venture companies using traditional loans combined with the new emphasis on advisory services, focusing on overseas capital raising and other investment banking products. The institutional bankers sought after by these foreign institutions are those with 4 to 5 years of experience, have client contacts, and product knowledge on commercial banking as well as investment banking services.

  Currently, over thirty foreign banks in Shanghai, and twenty three foreign banks in the rest of China (14 in Shenzen, 5 in Tianjin and 4 in Dalian) are permitted to conduct RMB business with Foreign enterprises and Sino-foreign joint venture companies. However, these institutions must meet the 8% capital reserve requirement for their RMB loans. By the end of 2003, some cities in the western region including Jinan, Chengdu, Chongqing and southern city Fuzhou will also be opened to foreign banks for RMB business with foreign and Sino-foreign enterprises. China’s commitment to the WTO is to open up the corporate RMB business to foreign banks two years after its accession. The PBOC has announced that before December 11, 2003, foreign banks will be allowed to conduct RMB business with Chinese enterprises.

  With this development, foreign banks will need to build up institutional bankers who have the product knowledge and business contacts in order to expand their client focus into the Chinese enterprises. In dealing with Chinese local enterprises, most foreign banks are skeptical of their reported financial statements, corporate governance and internal control procedures and quality of the management. On the other hand, it will be unwise for them to overlook the Chinese local enterprise market if they want to grow their businesses in China. Hence, foreign banks need to recruit local talents who have integrity, and value system that allow them to conduct banking business in accordance to international best practices.



  外资商业银行恐怕是全球金融机构中最早涉足中国国际金融机构的。由于中国的金融市场还没有对它们完全开放,允许外资银行在中国从事的业务范围相对有限。外资银行的业务重点是非人民币贷款、信用证(letter of credits)、无担保的周转信贷(unsecured revolving credit)、贸易融资(trade financing)等。由于民营企业在中国资本市场融资受到种种限制,所以大多拥有海外市场和机构的中国民营企业(private enterprise)有意去国际资本市场上融资。外资银行针对这类外资、合资企业以及大型民营企业,在传统的贷款中结合了相关海外融资咨询及其他投资银行产品以招徕客户。因此,外资银行需要那些具有4至5年经验、有良好的客户关系、掌握商业银行业和投资银行的产品知识的人才。

  目前,上海大约有30家外资银行,其他地区有大约23家外资银行(14家在深圳、5家在天津、4家在大连)获得许可向中国的外资企业、中外合资企业提供人民币业务。但是在人民币贷款项目上,这些机构必须满足8%的资本储备金(capital reserve)要求。至2003年年底,中国的一些西部城市包括济南、成都、重庆以及南方城市福州,也将对外资银行开放外资企业和中外合资企业的人民币贷款业务。中国的入世承诺是入世后两年内对外资银行开放公司人民币业务(corporate RMB business)。中国人民银行宣布在2003年12月11日前,将允许外资银行对中国的公司开展人民币业务。

  随着这样的发展,外资银行需要培养和储备一支高效的企业机构银行家(corporate banker)队伍。这些公司银行家需要具有金融产品知识和广泛的客户关系以开拓中国企业客户群。与中国本地企业打交道时,许多外国的银行家对本地企业的财务报表(financial statement)、公司治理、内部控制程序(internal control procedure)以及质量管理持有怀疑态度。但是另一方面,如果他们想在中国发展业务,就决不能忽视中国本地企业这个巨大的市场。因此,外资银行需要雇用那些具有诚实品质和良好价值观的本土人才,具有这些素质的人才可以根据国际准则为外资银行在中国顺利地开展业务。

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