PREFACE | 2004/07/20 10:19 新浪教育 |
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The evolution of this book stems from the management and professional experiences of two experienced bankers who have more than 25 years of combined experience with leading global financial institutions including Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citibank,and Credit Suisse. Over the years of recruiting staff at various levels, we realized that there is a worrying knowledge gap that exists in the young candidates. As employers, we have met and interviewed many MBA candidates and young professionals who were inspired to join the global financial industry over the years.The prestige, fast-pace, exciting and jet-setting environment-are some of the "mystical" factors that seemingly attracted many talented young people to the world of investment banking and international capital markets. Sitting across the table looking at these candidates, on many occasions, we wished they could have done a better job in preparing themselves on knowing more about industry anatomy, business culture, market knowledge, interview techniques and knowing what is expected of them during the entire interview process. It would have been a simpler issue if efforts were the issue. To be fair to these aspiring young people, knowing how to go about preparing or learning about the industry was not an easy task. There are numerous "how to"books on job application and career pursuit, explaining the techniques of resume preparation, interview techniques and so on.Then there is an enormous library of reference books on various capital market topics such as equity market, foreign exchange markets, fixed income markets, derivatives, mergers & acquisitions, and so on. What candidates really need is a combination of correct mindset and practical knowledge that will differentiate them from others. Encapsulating the workflow and thought process that one would go through in a professional career pursuit in this highly competitive global industry, our book unites the required financial market knowledge with relevant and penetrating insights into seeking a career with global financial institutions. As the book is being written, business conditions of the global financial industry are undergoing probably one of the worst periods in history since 1987. The inevitable collapse of the stock market, caused by confluence of factors including 1)unsustainable hyper-up Internet business models and excessive stock valuations, 2)September 11 terrorist acts, 3)unprecedented magnitude of accounting frauds by Corporate America, 4) Wall Street investment banks suffering from credibility crisis given the conflict of interests on investment research and investment-banking business and 5) the dramatic economic slow down led by the U.S. In the midst of these challenges, a number of the global financial institutions are now facing the full implications of mergers and acquisitions that took place one or two years ago, in their efforts of building mega universal banks. The adverse industry fundamentals have exacerbated the layoffs and hence severely curtailed new hiring. "Timing"the market is always endeavored by many participants in the financial markets, but with questionable efficacy. Many people will question the wisdom of seeking a career in the global financial industry given the difficult environment at this moment. On the supply side, we firmly believe that aspiring candidates who are seeking a career in the global financial industry should view it as a long-term commitment, instead of merely "timing" the market, jumping on the bandwagon,and eventually pulling out for a quick roll. On the demand side,the most important asset of the global financial institutions continues to be its people who leave the office at the end of each day,and return to work the next. Substantial operating costs in global financial institutions are spent on human talent(40% to 60%)-their need for talented human resource is secular. It is precisely in these trying times that candidates should be even better prepared for their career pursuit in order to be differentiated. We hope this book will contribute meaningfully to their endeavors. Chong Chin Cheong Yee Chin lit Feb. 2003 |
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作为职业银行家,我们二人合作撰写了此书。 我们曾在诸如高盛、JP摩根、花旗银行、瑞士信贷银行等全球领先金融机构中担任专业管理职务超过25年共同经验。根据多年招募不同职位雇员的经验,我们发现年轻求职者的知识结构同岗位要求之间存在明显的知识鸿沟。 作为雇主,我们面试过许多MBA学生和年轻的专业人士,他们都满腔热忱地想成为全球性金融行业的一员。崇高的声望、紧张的节奏、振奋人心而又舒适优越的工作环境——这些表面上充满“诱惑”的因素使投资银行和国际金融市场吸引了许多有才华的年轻人加入其中。 坐在这些求职者的对面做应征面试考官,每次我们都希望他们可以准备得再好一些,对这个行业的结构、商业文化、市场知识、面试技巧了解更多,清楚整个面试过程中面试官对他们有什么样的期待。 如果仅仅是因为他们缺乏努力,事情就简单多了。站在一个公平的角度,对于这些积极向上、充满抱负的年轻人来说,知道怎样准备和学习金融领域的知识不是一件轻而易举的事情。 目前,有关求职的专业书籍汗牛充栋,内容涉及准备简历、面试技巧等;关于资本市场,例如股票市场、外汇交易市场、债券市场、金融衍生产品、合并和收购等金融专业的参考书也不计其数。然而,求职者真正需要的是将正确的面试心态和实际的行业知识结合在一起的那种书籍,通过阅读他们可以真正有别于其他人。只有对高度竞争的全球性金融机构工作流程和思考过程有总体把握,才可以在这个领域进行专业的求职。我们这本书正是从深入的视角囊括了求职全球性金融机构所必需的专业知识。 本书写作之际,正值1987年以来全球金融行业最萎靡时期。以下众多因素的综合作用使得股票市场的崩溃无可避免:1)人为抬高的网络商业模式无法持续发展,以及高科技股溢价;2)“9·11”恐怖事件的影响;3)史无前例的美国企业会计和财务丑闻;4)由于投资研究分析和投资银行业务间的利益冲突,华尔街的投资银行遭受信用危机;5)以美国为首的经济大幅度滑落。 一两年前,许多全球性金融机构开始并购以适应挑战,希望建立功能齐全的混业综合银行。目前,这些庞大的机构还在消化的过程中。不利的金融业大环境加剧了业内人士的失业状况,同时也减少了金融机构对新人的需求。 金融业人士总是试图握准时机,以获得最大利益,但实际上的效应却见仁见智。于是,不少人怀疑选择这个时机加入金融业工作是否明智,而本书的作者坚信,对希望在金融机构工作的有志之士来说,他们应该更多将这种工作视为一种长期投入行为而非短期投机行为。而从金融机构角度来讲,它们最宝贵的资产莫过于机构内的人才——那些真正愿意在金融机构兢兢业业工作的人才。 出于对人才的实际需要,金融机构在人才方面的花费占运作成本的一大部分(40%—60%),而且他们对优秀人才的需求是长久不间断的。想让自己成为金融改革大潮中的弄潮儿,求职者们必须作更充分的准备。谨以此书献给每位有志之士,希望对你们有所裨益,并预祝成功! 张情昌 余晋历 2003年2月 |
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