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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/21 16:18  英语辅导报

  Mrs Hammond was old and blind, but she was determined to do everything for herself. She even used to go for walks by herself once a day for 1 , and found her way by touching things with her white stick. She learned 2 everything was, so she never lost her way.

  One day, some men came and cut down some of the familiar 3 at the side of one of the paths which she 4 . When she reached that place that evening, she did not feel the trees with her stick, so she was in 5 .

  She waited for a while and listened, but did not 6 any other people, so she went for a kilometre or two, and then she heard 7 beneath her.

  "Am I 8 ? I suppose so," she said, "I must be on a 9 , and there must be a river under me. I've been told that there's a river in this part of the country, but I don't know its exact 10 . How am I going to get 11 to my house from here?"

  All at once she heard a man's friendly 12 near her. "Excuse me, can I help you?"

  "How kind of you!" Mrs Hammond answered. "Yes, please. Some of the trees which I follow have been 13 today, and if I hadn't been lucky enough to meet you, I don't know 14 I'd have done. Can you please 15 me to get home?

  "Certainly," the man answered. "Where do you live?"

  Mrs Hammond told him, and the man took her to her house. She told the man how 16 she was that she had met him. But the man said, "I want to 17 you."

  Mrs Hammond asked, "Whatever for?"

  "Well," the man said quietly, "I was balanced on the edge of that bridge for ages in the 18 , because I was trying to make up my mind to 19 myself into the river and drown myself. 20 I'm not going to do it now."

  1. A. gameB. exercise

  C. sport D. training

  2. A. how B. where

  C. what D. that

  3. A. grass B. bushes

  C. trees D. plants

  4. A. followed B. led

  C. walked D. headed

  5. A. need B. danger

  C. dark D. difficulty

  6. A. see B. find

  C. meetD. hear

  7. A. noiseB. water

  C. boatD. train

  8. A. lost B. all right

  C. wrong D. alone

  9. A. boat B. plane

  C. bridge D. highway

  10. A. size B. length

  C. position D. name

  11. A. far B. near

  C. away D. back

  12. A. touch B. voice

  C. sound D. noise

  13. A. lost B. destroyed

  C. removed D. planted

  14. A. how B. what

  C. why D. which

  15. A. tell B. directC. help D. get

  16. A. pleased B. proud

  C. worried D. wonderful

  17. A. help B. know C. thank D. meet

  18. A. worry B. sorry C. hurry D. dark

  19. A. put B. throw C. jump D. take

  20. A. And B. Yet C. But D. So


  通读全文,本文是记叙文,全文讲述了这样一个故事:Mrs Hammond是个盲人,年纪又大了。 然而不因自己年纪大又是残疾人就自暴自弃,相反地,她事事都要亲自去做,她每天出去运动。有一天,她迷了路,一个准备轻生的人帮助了她,这个人被她的精神所感动,放弃了轻生的念头。

  1. B。老人每天都出去运动。在此C有较大干扰性,sport 作"运动"解为可数名词,因此不合题意。

  2. B。从空后的so she never lost her way我们得知,老人知道路上一切事物的位置。

  3. C。从下句When she reached that place, she did not feel the trees with her stick得此答案。

  4. A。显然,她以前是循着(followed)这些树走的。

  5. D。这些树都没有了,她回去确实困难了。

  6. C。她在那里等着,然而没有遇到任何人,在此D有较大干扰性,hear sb.意思是"听到某人说话",因此不合题意。

  7. B。从后文她推测可能来到河上,我们得知, 此时她听到了流水声。

  8. A。当Mrs Hammond听到下面的流水声,她推断自己迷路了。

  9. C。因为听到流水在下面,因此Mrs Hammond知道自己来到了桥上。

  10. C。联系前句,我们知道以前有人告诉过Mrs Hammond在这个地方有条小河,因为她以前没来过,因此她不知道它的位置。

  11. D。因为迷了路,因此如何回家让她犯了愁。

  12. B。 voice指说话的声音,其他答案均不合题意。

  13. C。remove在此相当于cut down and carry away。

  14. B。 what引导宾语从句,在从句中作宾语。

  15. C。 Mrs Hammond求这人帮忙。

  16. A。 Mrs Hammond告诉这人,她能遇到他有多么高兴。

  17. C。从后文我们知道,是Mrs Hammond的精神感动了那人, 使他鼓起生活的勇气,因此他说要感谢这位老人。

  18. D。 这个人在暗处准备投入河中。

  19. A。 put myself into the river 意思是"把我自己投到河里去"。

  20. C。前后间为转折关系。

  (文/赵炳河;英语通高中一年级版 03~04学年第5期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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