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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/21 16:17  英语辅导报


  It's important and necessary of us to 1. ________

  know certain things to keep children safety in the house. 2. ________

  If we are using gas fires, make 3. ________

  sure that a window is closed. Check to see 4. ________

  if electric wires are safe and keep them out of the reach of children when go out. Keep 5. ________

  poisons on a high shelf and children can't 6. ________

  touch them. Parents should not have young children to get close to pools, lakes and 7. ________

  rivers with themselves. Small things 8. ________

  shouldn't be left on the floor because a baby may put them in its hand. If you 9. ________

  follow the piece of advice, child will be safe in the house. 10. ________


  1. of→for。形容词侧重于动词不定式的sb.时用for,侧重于说明sb.的用of。

  2. safety→safe。keep sb. safe,形容词作宾补,表状态。


  4. closed→open。此题需要生活常识,用煤气应开窗通风。

  5. go→going 或go 前加we。要么用从句,要么用分词形式作状语。

  6. and→so。 so 在此引导目的状语从句。

  7.去掉第一个to。 have sb. do sth.是固定结构。

  8. with→by。 by oneself独自,单独。

  9. hand→mouth。放进嘴里有卡哽的危险。

  10. child→children。应与全文内容一致。


  Yesterday evening, I went to see a film calling 1. ________

  The Living Forest. I heard people said that it a good film, 2. ________

  but I went to see it. At first, we saw 3. ________

  the great land of the African Continent. There 4. ________

  were still much undeveloped places. We could see 5. ________

  Africa natives living in the forest. Their life 6. ________

  were very hard, in some particular ways . 7. ________

  we could not understand them not at all. Some people even 8. ________

  sharpened their tooth and they thought it was very beautiful. 9. ________

  Africa is also very famous of its animals. We saw several lions and other wild beasts.10. ________


  1. calling→called。called引导一个过去分词短语,作后置定语。

  2. it后加was。句中缺少谓语动词。

  3. but→so。本句语境为因果关系。

  4. √

  5. much→many。place是可数名词。

  6. Africa→African。作定语用形容词。

  7. were→was。life是抽象名词"生活",为不可数名词。

  8. 去掉第二个not。not重复。

  9. tooth→teeth。牙齿的复数不规则,应牢记。

  10. of→for。be famous for以……而出名。


  Trees are usefully to us in three important ways: 1. ________

  they give us wood and another products; 2. ________

  they give us shade and they help to stopping droughts and floods. 3. ________

  However, people in many part of the world 4. ________

  have not realized that the third benefit 5. ________

  is the more important. A large number of 6. ________

  trees have cut down, but new ones 7. ________

  haven't been planted. It is really danger 8. ________

  for people. Though we do not try to keep the balance of nature, 9. ________

  we will lose our live environment. 10. ________


  1. usefully→useful。be 后接形容词。

  2. another→other。 another 修饰单数可数名词, other后接复数形式。

  3. stopping→stop。句中to为不定式符号,而非介词。

  4. part→parts。指世界上的许多地方,用复数。

  5. √

  6. more→most。语意有最高级的含义,应用 the most。

  7. have 后加been。trees 是cut down的宾语,故用被动式。

  8. danger→dangerous。 dangerous 表"危险的",danger为名词。

  9. Though→If。用if引导条件状语从句,表假设。

  10. live→living。 live用作形容词多修饰动物,表示"活的、活生生的",living表"生存、生活",living environment 生存环境。


  Once upon time there was a man named Lord Ye. 1. ________

  It was said that he was very fond of 2. ________

  dragons that he had them painting all over 3. ________

  his house. When the real dragon in the heaven heard of this, 4. ________

  it decided fly down and pay 5. ________

  a visit to him. It put it's head through one 6. ________

  of Lord Ye's windows. If the lord saw 7. ________

  the dragon, he got up immediately and runs away, 8. ________

  frightened nearly out of his wits.

  9. ________

  This shows that the lord was not real fond of dragons. 10. ________


  1. time 前加a。 once upon a time从前。

  2. very→so。与后面的that 构成so...that...句型。

  3. painting→painted。 have sth. done 句型,"把龙画在墙上 "。

  4. 去掉heaven前的the。heaven前不用冠词,sky前通常加the,即 in the sky意。

  5. fly 前加to。 decide to do sth.意为"决定做某事"。

  6. it's→its。it's是 it is 的缩写; its为 it的所有格形式。

  7. If→When。 依语境,本句是时间状语从句。

  8. runs→ran。前后时态应一致。

  9. √

  10. real→really。此处应用副词修饰be fond of。

  (文/张士辉;英语通高中一年级版 03~04学年第5期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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