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大学英语辅导:部分以-ive 结尾的名次小结
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/03 16:00  英语辅导报

  一般情况下,英语中以-ive结尾的单词为形容词,例如,在《大学英语》(修订本)第二册第十单元Word Building一项中,练习11(page 202)就提到了名词加后缀构成的形容词的用法。但在很多情况下,以-ive结尾的词汇其词性往往是名词。为了引起学生对这类名词的注意,本文小结如下:

  1. alternative n. 二者择一,取舍;替换物,选择对象。如:

  Do you have any alternative in the matter? 在这件事上你有选择的余地吗?

  There is no other alternative.除此之外,别无选择。

  2. captive n. 俘虏,被监禁的人;对……着迷的人。如:

  They were taken captives during the war. 战争中他们被俘虏了。

  He was a captive watching TV, so he was called TV fan. 他是个对电视着迷的人,所以人称电视迷。

  3. cooperative n. 合作社。如:

  Do you know when the advanced agricultural producers' cooperative was founded? 你知道高级农业生产合作社是什么时候建立的吗?

  There is a credit cooperative in the village. 村里有一个信用合作社。

  4. detective n. 侦探。如:

  The private detective was investigating the case of murder. 私人侦探在调查那件凶杀案。

  The plain-clothes detective has searched the office secretly. 便衣警察秘密搜查了那个办事处。

  5. directive n. 命令,指令,指示。如:

  The operative plan has become the classic type for all such directives. 行动计划成了所有这类命令的卓越典范。

  According to the directive, the duty of the demolition party was to destroy the enemy blockhouses. 按照命令,这个暴破小组的任务就是要炸掉敌人的碉堡。

  6. executive n. 执行者,管理人员;行政官。如:

  A good executive usually gets on well with people. 一个好的管理人员通常平易近人。

  The president is the chief executive of a country. 总统是一个国家的最高行政长官。

  7. explosive n. 炸药(可数)。如:

  Explosives must be handled with care. 炸药必须小心操作。

  That is a high explosive. 那是烈性炸药。

  8. incentive n. 刺激;鼓励,动机。如:

  The teacher gave his students an incentive to make greater efforts. 老师激励学生们做出更大努力。

  He has no incentive to work hard. 他没有努力工作的动机。

  9. initiative n. 开始,首创精神;主动(性),积极性。如:

  The monitor helped his classmates on his own initiative. 班长主动地帮助同学们。

  Everyone should have initiative. 每个人都应该有进取精神。

  10. locomotive n. 火车头,机车。如:

  As is known to all, revolutions are locomotives of history. 众所周知,革命是历史的火车头。

  The train cannot move without a locomotive. 如果没有机车,火车就无法开动。

  11. motive n. 动机,目的,(文艺作品的)主题。如:

  What do you think his motives were in helping us? 你认为他帮助我们是出于什么动机?

  She did it this way from good motives. 她这样做是出于好意。

  12. native n.当地人,本国人;生长于某地的动物或植物。如:

  Do you know who is the author of "The Natives of Beijing in New York"? 你知道《北京人在纽约》的作者是谁吗?

  The panda is a native of southwest China. 熊猫是栖息在中国西南部的动物。

  13. objective n. 目标,目的,宗旨。如:

  He attained his objective through hard work.他通过艰苦的工作达到了目标。

  My objective this summer will be learning to drive a car. 我今年夏天的目标就是学会开车。

  14. perspective n. 正确观察事物的能力,眼力;想法,远景,前景;展望,前途。如:

  We should learn to see things in perspective. 我们应该学会正确地观察事物。

  The picture looks strange because it has no perspective; in those days artists didn't understand perspective. 这幅画看上去挺奇怪,因为它没有采用透视法;在那个年代,艺术家们并不懂得透视法是什么。

  15. relative n. 亲戚, 亲属。如:

  She is a near relative of mine. 她是我的近亲。

  I have no relatives in the USA. 我在美国没有亲戚。

  16. representative n. 代表,代理人。如:

  Representatives from decades of countries attended the meeting in Beijing. 来自于几十个国家的代表出席了在北京召开的会议。

  He resides in a neighboring country as a representative of our government. 他是我国政府派往驻邻国的代表。

  另外还有不少这样的词如:adjective(形容词,修饰语),collective(集体,集合名词),comparative(比较级),conservative(保守主义者),corrosive(腐蚀剂),derivative(引出物,派生词),effective(实际可以作战的部队,有生力量),interrogative(疑问词),narrative(记事,叙述),negative(否定词),offensive (攻击,攻势),passive(被动语态/式,被动消极的东西),positive(明确,确实),predicative(表语),primitive(文艺复兴前的画家或雕刻家,早期艺术)等。

  (文/黄建敏;英语辅导报大学二年级版 03~04学年第42期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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