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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/11 16:41  英语通
Materials and Planning - Unit 8
How can I work in different stages of the lesson?
How can I work at the beginning, middle and end of a lesson? Can I only use certain activities in certain stages of the lesson? This unit has some ideas.
1. How can I start a lesson?
· How you start depends on what your aim is. If it is to present new language, for example, you might want to start with a story, picture, song, dialogue or game which includes the new language.
· Make the aim of the lesson clear to children.
· Think about starting your lessons with routines. Routines can make children feel secure. Remember to change them sometimes to keep children interested.
2. How can I use the blackboard?
· It depends on your lesson, but, children may need to practise language they know with some help from you, and then to produce language with less help from you.
· They can do this by working on activities in pairs and groups.
· Your role is to support and observe.
· Support children before an activity by checking that they understand your instructions and by putting pictures, grids, drawings or key phrases on the blackboard to help them to remember language they need.
· Observe during the activity and give feedback to children on their work after it.
3 How can I finish a lesson?
· Try not to finish the lesson in the middle of an activity. If you run out of time, think about finishing before your last activity and using a short emergency activity.
· Give children time to think about what they learned in the lesson. This is an important educational aim for children. They can write or tell you about this, probably in Chinese.
· Sometimes you can summarise the main points of the lesson.
· Make sure you allow enough time to set homework.
4. Is it best to use certain activities for certain stages?
· No. Each teacher and each class is different. The activities you use may even depend on the time of year or the time of day!
· If you have a lesson after lunch for example, you may want to use an activity which wakes children up a little!
· You will need to be flexible in your teaching and balance the use of routines which children know and like with new activities which will keep children interested in learning. riting will need to be about twice as large as normal. Put lined paper under the transparency to help you write or draw.
We have looked at ways of working in different stages of a lesson, and at the importance of giving children time to think about their learning. It is important to be flexible in using activities which support your teaching aim and the needs of your children.
· stage(n) 阶段
· certain (adj) 某些
· routine (n) 日常事务
· secure(adj) 无虑的,放心的
· role (n) 角色,任务
· support (v and n) 支持,帮助
· observe (v) 观察
· grid (n) 格子
· feedback (n) 反馈
· emergency activity (n) 应急活动
· summarise (v) 总结
· allow (v) 允许
· flexible (adj) 灵活的


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