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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/12 09:57  英语通
Classroom management - Unit 3
How can I organise children's seating in class?
Should children sit in the same place for each lesson, or should they sometimes move? What if I cannot move my furniture? How can I train children to move quickly and quietly?
1. How can a seating plan help children?
· A seating plan can help children to learn. You may want to organise children who work together well to sit next to each other in class.
· A seating plan can help you control behaviour. If some children sometimes misbehave, it may be an idea to seat them in places where you can see them easily.
· A seating plan can help children with special needs. Children with poor eyesight may need to sit near the front of the class.
2. What other seating arrangements can I use?
· If you can move classroom furniture, you may sometimes want to change the normal seating plan, as different arrangements may work best for different activities.
· You can have children sitting in rows for whole-class activities such as singing songs or copying vocabulary from the blackboard.
· For group work or pairwork, you may want children to move desks into groups. This can give good opportunities for communication.
· For activities involving movement, you may sometimes want children to move into the school courtyard, where there is more space.
3. What can I do if it is impossible to move classroom furniture?
· For pairwork, children can simply work with the child next to them, or the child in front or behind them.
· For groupwork, it is usually possible for children to turn in their seats and work with children sitting behind them.
· If it is important in pairwork that children do not see each other's work, each pair can put a coursebook or school bag between their work.
4. How can I train children to work in different seating arrangements?
Moving places and furniture takes time at first, but most classes soon learn to do this quickly without too much noise.
· You will need to stage your instructions clearly.
· You may also need to move one part of the class at a time.
· Children should lift, not push or pull furniture. This reduces noise.
· If a class goes into the school courtyard, they must be silent before the activity and as quiet as possible during the activity. This is so that they do not disturb other classes.
· Allow enough time for children to move furniture back before the end of the lesson.
We have looked at the advantages of having a seating plan for a class, and at the advantages of moving children for some activities. We have also looked at ways of working when you cannot move furniture, and at ways of organising the class to move when you can.
· organise(v) 组织
· furniture (n) 家具,桌椅
· seating plan (n) 固定座位安排
· control (v) 控制
· behaviour (n) 行为
· misbehave (v) 举止不当
· arrangement (n) 布置
· row (n) 一排,一列
· courtyard (n) 庭院
· stage (v) 实行,进行
· disturb (v) 打扰


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