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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/12 10:47  英语通
Classroom Management - Unit 4
How can I help children to take part in the lesson?
How does the teacher give children in large classes a chance to show what they can do in English? We will look here at four ways of trying to help as many children as possible take part in English lessons.
1. Help children to take part by using pair and group work.
· Pair and group work can be noisy, but if it is mostly noise in English, it is good noise, as it gives more children a chance to speak in English.
· Pair and groupwork help children to get confidence in using English. It is less frightening to speak English to one or two partners than to the whole class.
· Children will need some training in how to behave in pair and groupwork. This may take time, but they usually learn quickly!
2. Help children to take part by spreading attention around the class.
· When asking children questions, try to ask children sitting in different parts of the room, and not always the same children who are good at English.
· This means that children will need to pay attention, because they know the teacher may ask them to do or say something.
· Sometimes, choose easier questions for students who are not so good at English. This gives them a better chance of success.
3. Help children to take part by varying lesson activities.
Because different children learn in different ways:
· try to vary activity types and lesson topics to give all children a chance to learn in ways that suit them.
· plan a balance of speaking, listening, reading and writing activities over a lesson or week of lessons.
4. Help children to take part by connecting activities to their world.
· Make language in the coursebook or lesson meaningful to children. This should help them to experience language at a deeper emotional level and therefore help them to remember better.
· Make some activities and questions more personal. This can also help children to see that English is useful for the real world, not just the classroom.
· For example, if the coursebook activity is about music, you can ask children 'Do you like music?Who is your favourite singer?
· If the coursebook activity is about shopping, you can also ask children questions about shops. You could also bring in a shopping bag to class and ask children to guess the things that are inside!
Giving children a chance to show what they can do in the language, and to give them a chance to feel successful can be extra challenging for the teacher of large classes. By keeping in mind the different learning styles, varying the activity types accordingly and making the lessons meaningful, the teacher is providing an atmosphere that allows everyone to participate.
· take part in (v) 参与
· noisy (adj) 喧闹的
· confidence (n) 信心
· behave (v) 表现
· spread (v) 发散,散开
· vary (n) 变换
· suit (v) 适合
· connect (v )结合
· meaningful (adj) 有意义的
· emotional (adj) 情感的
· personal (adj) 个人的
· successful (adj) 成功的


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