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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/12 11:10  英语通
Classroom Management-Unit 5
How can I organise pair, group and individual work?
Do pair and groupwork take up too much learning time in class? How do I organize and monitor pair, group and individual work in class?
1. Do pair and groupwork take up too much time in class?
· It certainly saves time if the teacher always gives children individual work and then asks them to answer questions. But what is the teacher saving time for? More of the same?
· Children do sometimes need to work individually, but if you work in this way all the time, it does not give children much listening and speaking practice.
· To give children a chance to practise listening and speaking you may want to use pair and groupwork as well as individual work.
2. What can I do before starting pair, group or individual work?
· Plan carefully before the lesson - What steps do you want children to follow?
· Set a clear goal - Children need to know and understand the purpose of an activity.
· Set a clear time limit - This will help children to plan their time.
· Give an example and demonstrate how the activity works - This may be easier for children to understand than a verbal explanation.
· Check that children understand by asking them to explain to you. They can use Chinese for this if they need to.
3. What can I do during pair, group, or individual work?
· When the activity starts, walk around the class, look and listen. This is a good chance for you to see how children are learning.
· You might want to make a few notes on strengths and weaknesses of the class, so that you can give them feedback later.
· Only help if children seem very confused.
· Always have an extra activity ready for children who finish before others. This can be something like asking children to look quietly at their vocabulary books, or asking children to work in pairs to name categories of words.
· Stop the activity when most children have finished even if it is before the set time limit.
4. What can I do after pair, group, or individual work?
· You can ask individual children, pairs or groups to do the activity or answer questions. If children know that the teacher may check work, they are more likely to try to do the activity well.
· You may want to look at your notes and tell the class what they did well, or what they need to improve: To avoid embarrassment, it is usually best not to name individuals who made mistakes!
· After the lesson, you might want to make a note of anything you have learned about your children's work, as this may help your planning in later lessons.
A key to meeting the learning needs of different children is careful planning and management by the teacher. It is important to remember that the teacher has more to do than just set up the activities and then to test the students for accuracy at the end of the activity. There is a lot of important information that the teacher can gather as she roams the classroom and monitors classroom work. Being able to stop and work with small groups of children at a time can provide the students with a bit more one-on-one attention which is scarce in large classrooms.
· organise (v) 组织
· goal (n) 目标
· purpose (n) 目的
· demonstrate (v) 示范
· verbal (adj) 口头的
· feedback (n) 反馈
· confused (adj) 困惑的
· category (n) 种类
· improve (v) 改进
· avoid (v) 避免
· embarrassment (n) 尴尬,窘迫
· monitor (v) 监控
· scarce (adj) 难得的,罕见的


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