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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/12 11:32  英语通
Classroom Management - Unit 6
When and how can I correct children's speaking errors?
In this unit we will look at four questions: Why do children make errors? Can errors be a positive sign? How much should you correct errors? How can you help children when they make errors?
1. Why do children make errors?
· When children are tired it is hard to pay attention and they may not have understood part of the lesson.
· Sometimes children use Chinese language patterns in English.
· A vocabulary error may indicate that there is some confusion.
· Errors are actually a very natural part of the learning process and they are a necessary part of the learning process.
2. Can errors be a positive sign?
· Errors provide information about what progress the child and the class are making. If many of the children are making the same errors, you may decide to review part of a lesson.
· Errors can actually show learning. It is natural for language learners to overgeneralise rules. It is like an experimental process. We try something to see if it works. If it doesn't work, we try something else until we get it right. Errors can be a part of the experimentation.
3. Should I always correct errors?
· More correction does NOT lead to fewer errors.
· If the aim of the lesson is on accuracy, focus some attention on correcting errors.
· If the aim of the lesson is on fluency, focus more attention on successful communication and less on the errors that occur.
· If the teacher corrects too much, it could affect negatively the children's willingness and motivation to participate in class.
· Too much stress on error correction may intimidate children into silence.
4. How can I help children when they make errors?
· You can show that an error has been made by giving a surprised look.
· Sometimes simply shaking your head is enough to indicate a mistake.
· Hand gestures are also an effective way to point out errors.
· You can note errors and write them on the board at the end of class and ask children to correct them.
Errors should not be considered negative indications of teaching or learning. They are very powerful aids to both teacher and student. Learn how to take advantage of the information they provide so that you can help your learners.
· indicate (v.) indication (n.) 预示(动词或名词)
· confusion (n.) 混淆
· review (v) 复习
· overgeneralise (v.)过分抽象
· experimental (adj.) experimentation (n.) 试验性的(形容词)试验(名词)
· aim (n.) 目标
· accuracy (n.) 准确
· fluency (n.) 流利
· occur (v.) 出现
· motivation (n.) 动机
· stress (v.) 强调
· intimidate (v.) 吓唬
· aids (n.) 帮助


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