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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/12 11:48  英语通
Classroom Management - Unit 7
How can I show the meaning of words?
Do children need to learn all the new words they meet? How can we help children to remember words? When should we translate, and when should we use other methods when showing meaning? Read on for some suggestions.
1. Do I need to explain all new words to children?
· When children learn their first language, they do not learn all the new words they meet at the same time. At first, they learn words they are interested in, words their parents feel are useful, or words that clearly relate to their reality.
· Children can often understand the meaning of a story or dialogue, even when they do not know all the words.
· If you spend a lot of time teaching new words, children don't have the time to practise words and structures they already know.
· Children do need to know words, but only teach a word if it is a common, useful or interesting word for them.
2 How can I help children to remember vocabulary?
· Distinguish between active vocabulary(words children can use)and passive vocabulary(words they can understand but not use well).
· Recycle words through games, dialogues, short tests, posters on the classroom wall. This helps passive vocabulary to become active.
· You can help children, but they can also help themselves. Encourage children to keep their own vocabulary books.
· Translation can be used in vocabulary books, but students might also try drawing pictures, writing example sentences in English, or grouping words in categories(for example the weather, travel, clothes, family).
3. When should I translate vocabulary?
· Translation is quick, and can be useful to explain passive vocabulary, or abstract words such as 'love', 'hate', or 'war'.
· It can be useful sometimes to explain a word in English and ask children for a Chinese translation of the word.
· However, if you only translate words, lessons may become a little boring both for you and the children.
· Different ways of showing meaning may help different children to learn and remember, and may give them more chance to hear and practise English.
4. What other ways can I use to show meaning?
· Simple ways like using pictures, real objects or drawing on the blackboard are also quick, and need little preparation. They may be more memorable for children than translation.
· Use gestures, mime, body language and facial expressions to show the meaning of words such as 'hot', 'cold', 'happy', 'sad', and so on.
· Use examples from the real world ('Is there a zoo in our city? What animals can you see in a zoo?').
· Ask children who know a word to explain in English or to draw a picture. This may take a little time, but may add interest and enjoyment to the lesson.
Children need words, but it is not possible to teach all new words to children. Sometimes words are best acquired through exposure and in context. Repeated exposure in a meaningful context combined with activities that recycle words are very important aspects that teachers have to keep in mind when teaching and reviewing vocabulary. Translation can sometimes be helpful, but teachers can use other methods that may be more enjoyable and memorable for the students.
· reality (n) 现实
· distinguish (v) 区别
· recycle (v) 循环
· encourage (v) 鼓励
· category (n) 类别
· abstract (adj) 抽象的
· boring (adj) 令人厌烦的
· preparation (n) 准备
· memorable (adj) 难忘的
· gesture (n) 手势
· mime (n) 比手划脚;哑剧动作
· facial (adj) 面部的
· exposure (n) 暴露
· context (n) 上下文


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