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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/16 13:38  英语通

10 Central Huaihai Rd, Shanghai 211020
Tel: 021 7564 8900

Mr. P. Roberts
48 Yongjia Rd
Shanghai 231001

Dear Mr. Roberts

  I am writing to let you know about Shanghai Life’s exciting new online product portfolio. As a long-standing subscriber to the print edition of Shanghai Life magazine, you already know that we are the leading provider of all kinds of information relating to China’s liveliest and most diverse city. With the launch of our new online package, we are now extending this service still further.

  With an exciting range of exclusive services, Shanghai Life Online is essential for anyone who wants to get the very best out of life here in Shanghai. The new services include:

  Classified section: Updated daily, our classified section should be your first port of call, whether you’re renting or leasing property, seeking a new flatmate, buying or selling goods, or just looking for a date on Friday night.

  Events diary: The very best of Shanghai’s restaurants, bars, clubs, art galleries and museums will tell you all about their latest offers, exclusively, here.

  Reviews: Our team of roving reviewers will be combing Shanghai and passing judgement on all of the city’s venues. Don’t go anywhere without seeing what they had to say about it first!

  I would like to invite you to try Shanghai Life Online for yourself by signing up for a week’s free trial. There is no obligation to subscribe to the service when your week’s trial is over. All you need to do is send an email to freetrial@shanghailife.cn and you will receive your new username and password by automatic reply.

  At the end of your week’s trial you will receive another email inviting you to subscribe to the service. We hope that at just 45 RMB a month for full access to Shanghai Life Online, you will see this as a must-buy service and a valuable addition to life in Shanghai.

    Yours sincerely

        Kenny Hu, Marketing Manager, Shanghai Life.

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