我的奔驰车(Mercedes) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/09/15 10:33 新浪教育 |
B what kind of car you have? N well, it was a Mercedes『梅塞德斯,即奔驰汽车』. 【注】说说奔驰车的由来:1900年戴姆勒研制出一种高速新式轿车,当年3月奥匈帝国的总领事埃米尔。耶利耐克要求订购36辆,并建议生产功率更大的汽车,同时提出了一个极具浪漫色彩的要求,那就是这批车要以他10岁的女儿梅塞德斯的名字为商标,从1902年起,这颗吉祥的三角星形标识便成为梅塞德斯-奔驰的独家烙印而铭记在人们的心中,同时奔驰车也成为身份显贵的象征。 B doesn't it have an emergency system? 『车上没有应急系统么?』 N yes, it does, when the airbag disengages『脱离』or anything, the automatic signal『自动信号』goes to their central station『中心站』. B central station? N while, to their central station, and then they come to my car speaker『车载电话』and then got me. B how quick do they get there? N pretty quick. Pretty quick. B and the ambulance『救护车』? N yes, the terrible thing was, that when they tried to even touch my arm, you know, I just let out such a scream, it surprised me, because the pain was so excruciating『极痛苦的』. B Wow! B do you still feel pain when typing now? 『你现在敲键盘感觉到痛么?』 N no, I am ok, fully ok now. B that’s good, take care of your arm. N 编辑:趴趴 |
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