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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/14 14:22  英语辅导报

  1. express

  [考纲释义] vt. 表达;表示

  [备考实例] My companion ________ his surprise when he learnt his ________ hadn't arrived for such a long time.

  A. expressed; luggages

  B. expressed; luggage

  C. performed; luggages

  D. performed; luggage

  [考点解析]根据题意"我的同伴听说他的行李这么长时间还没到时,他表示惊讶",正确答案为B项。express是及物动词,意为"表达、表示",常用短语有:express oneself表达自己的意思(思想);express one's satisfaction with对……表示满意;express one's surprise表示惊讶。luggage意为"行李",为不可数名词。

  2. blame

  [考纲释义] vt. & n. 责备;责怪

  [备考实例] Who is to ________ the fire?

  A. blame for starting

  B. blame to start

  C. blamed for starting

  D. be blamed to start

  [考点解析] sb. be to blame for (doing) sth.是一习语,意为"某人对某坏事应负责任;某人应受责备"。答案为A。常见结构还有:blame sb. (for sth.)或blame sth. on sb.。

  3. tense

  [考纲释义] adj. 拉紧的; 紧张的

  [备考实例] The city seems ________ tonight, as if something is going to happen.

  A. nervous B. restless

  C. tense D. tight

  [考点解析] 答案为C。nervous意为"紧张的,不安的",常用来形容人,指内心紧张与忧虑,如:Don't be nervous! You will pass the exam. 别紧张,你会通过考试的。restless意为"静不下来的,焦躁不安的",多指人的外表,它是人的内在紧张心情的外在表现,如手脚不停,来回走动等;tense意为"紧张的",它既可用来形容人由于各种原因而引起的紧张,多指一种感觉,也可用来指人周围的环境和气氛等;tight意为"紧的",一般用来形容事物,如:She likes to wear tight dress. 她喜欢穿紧身衣服。

  4. seek

  [考纲释义] vt. 试图;探寻

  [备考实例] I have never sought ________ my views. I hope you will not misunderstand me.

  A. hiding B. to hide

  C. hidden D. to be hidden

  [考点解析] (1)seek后接动词的不定式形式(seek to do sth. = attempt to do sth.),意为"设法(试图)做……",故答案为B。(2)seek sth.意为"寻找;征求;谋求;追求"。seek还有下面的习惯用法:seek after追求,企图得到;seek for寻求,寻找; seek one's fortune寻找致富及成功之路。

  5. break down

  [考纲释义] 失败;破裂;瓦解

  [备考实例] News reports say peace talks between the two countries________with no agreement reached.

  A. have broken down

  B. have broken out

  C. have broken in D. have broken up

  [考点解析] 答案为A。本题检测考生在特定语境中对短语动词的辨析能力。题意为"新的报告说那两个国家的和平谈判失败了,没有达成协议"。与break构成的重要短语还有:break into/in破门而入,突然发生;break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生; break off折断(树枝),停止(工作);break through突破(障碍);穿越……;break up拆散,分解,打碎,驱散。

  6. ashamed

  [考纲释义] adj. 惭愧的,害臊的

  [备考实例] She felt ________ of having done that and tears ran down her cheeks.

  A. shame B. ashamed

  C. sorry D. disappointed

  [考点解析]根据句意"她为做了那件事而感到羞愧,泪水流下了脸颊"可知,正确答案为B。 ashamed常作表语,常见搭配有:be ashamed of oneself为自己感到害臊;feel ashamed for sb. 替某人感到害羞;be(或feel) ashamed to do sth.对做某事感到羞耻。

  7. burst

  [考纲释义] vi. 突然发生,突然发作

  [备考实例] The police________ into the room and caught the murderer.

  A. burst B. entered

  C. looked D. shouted

  [考点解析]"突然闯入某地"应用burst into这一短语,答案为A。burst常用短语:burst into a place闯入某地;burst into tears(=burst out crying)突然大哭;burst into a song突然唱起歌来;burst into laughter(=burst out laughing) 捧腹大笑,突然笑起来。

  8. envy

  [考纲释义] vt. & n. 嫉妒;羡慕

  [备考实例] -Victor looks unhappy.

  -Yes, he always________our success.

  A. cheers B. envies

  C. admires D. stops

  [考点解析] 根据题意"维克多看上去不高兴。""是的,他总是嫉妒我们的成功。""envy嫉妒",符合句意, 所以选B。 envy有下列一些习惯用法:envy sb. (sth. ) 嫉妒;羡慕;envy sb. sth. 嫉妒(羡慕)某人某事;feel envy at对……感到嫉妒。


  1. - Can you________yourself to others in English, Mary?

  - Sorry. I can't________myself in English

  Well. Chinese, OK?

  A. be expressed; introduce

  B. express; be expressed

  C. introduce; express

  D. introduce; be introduced

  2. -The lesson should ________ a question, not a puzzle.

  -I am________.

  A. have started with; to blame

  B. start with; to be blamed

  C. have started from; to be blame

  D. start from; to be blamed

  3. The boss was very angry in the meeting so the atmosphere of the meeting was pretty ________.

  A. alone B. deserted

  C. tense D. calm

  4. He was always ________ for a chance to advance his own interests.

  A. trying B. managing

  C. attempting D. seeking

  5. -Why did the police ________ the crowd?

  -Because the president's car________ in the street.

  A. break down; broke down

  B. break up; broke out

  C. break down; broke up

  D. break up; broke down

  6. Harley felt rather ________ for having done so little for his class.

  A. satisfied B. content

  C. ashamed D. disappointing

  7. As soon as he saw his son playing with fire, he ________ anger.

  A. broke out B. burst forth

  C. broke away D. burst into

  8. The Smiths bought a new car, which was the ________of their neighbours.

  A. envy B. admire

  C. respect D. proud



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