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Unit 4 On the farm
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/20 19:17  新浪教育



  Passage 1


  Mrs Brown lives in a small town near a big farm. One Friday afternoon after she finishes her housework, she goes to her small shop. She opens the window of the shop and looks outside. She likes to see the free farm. There are many cows, horses and small animals on the farm.Suddenly (突然) she sees a kangaroo(袋鼠)under her window. It is interesting to see that it is wearing an old jacket. It stands there and looks hungry. Mrs Brown gives some bread and water to it. The kangaroo eats them all. Then it becomes happy and jumps away. Suddenly something drops (掉下)on the floor from its jacket pocket. It is a wallet! She picks it up, opens and finds there is $ 300 and a photo in it. That is a man's photo with his name “John” on it. John? She looks more carefully and remembers she had a brother many years ago.① His name was also John. “Is this man my lost brother?” she thinks. She takes the wallet with her and begins to look for the man. She asks many people in the town, and then she comes to the farm and asks the farmer. To her great surprise(惊奇的), it is John, her lost brother.② They are very exciting and happy to see each other.


  ①She looks more carefully and remembers she had a brother many years ago.她看得更仔细了,她想起许多年前她有个哥哥。

  ②To her great surprise(惊奇的), it is John, her lost brother.



  1. What's on the green farm?___________.

  2. What does Mrs Brown see in the shop?___________.

  3. What does she give the kangaroo? ____________ .

  4. What's the owner of the wallet's name?___________.

  5. Where does she find her lost brother? ___________.

  Passage 2


  Most animals protect(保护)their young until they are old enough to take care of themselves.A fish that swims in the rivers of South America protects its young in a very strange way.This fish,a kind of catfish(鲶鱼),uses its mouth to keep its babies from danger.

  When this catfish lays(产卵)its eggs,it carries them in its mouth.It does not eat during this time.After the eggs hatch(孵化),the fish swims with its young to protect them.It opens its mouth when danger appears(出现),and the small fish swim inside.They swim out only when it is safe again.

  These catfish may have a peculiar way to protect their young,but it seems to work.


  ①Most animals protect(保护)their young until they are old enough to take care of themselves.大多数动物都保护它们的幼崽,直到幼崽们年龄够大能照顾自己为止。

  ②But it seems to work. 但它似乎很见效。


  1.The best title is ____ .

  A.Staying Away From Danger

  B.How A Fish Protects Its Young

  C.Laying Eggs

  D.A Cat That Swims

  2.The catfish in the story live in ____ .

  A.lakes B.the sea

  C.rivers D.North America

  3.The young fish are ____ .

  A.tiny B.large

  C.yellow and gold D.very brave

  4.If the young fish were not near their parents,they would be ____ .

  A.safer B.in greater danger

  C.happier D.less hungry

  5.The word “peculiar” in line 10 means ____ .

  A.easy B.useless

  C.strange D.dangerous

  Passage 3


  My name is Jenny. I'm a student in No. 2 Middle School. My school isn't very big. It has five hundred students and eighty teachers. We are from many parts of the city. But most of us come from the middle of the city. We are all day students. Every morning we come to school by bus or by bike. My home is not far from the school. So I usually walk there.


  ____ (1)Jenny. I ____ (2)in No.2 Middle School. My school is ____ (3). There are five ____ (4)students and eighty ____ (5). We come from many parts of the city. But most of us are from the ____ (6)of the city. We are all day students. Every morning we come to school ____ (7)a bus or ____ (8)a bike. My home is near school. So I usually come to school ____ (9) ____ (10).

  Passage 4


  My parents have a big farm outside the city. There are a lot of animals, like horses, ducks, chickens and c ____ (1). My parents also g ____ (2) rice, w ____ (3) and corn in the f ____ (4). They dont use the animals to do f ____ (5) work, they use a t(6) . It works faster and better. After school I get home to f ____ (7) the animals. I think it is very i ____ (8) . I want to go to c ____ (9) to learn more about farming. Because I think working on the farm is the most e ____ (10) thing to do.

  Passage 1

  本文描写一位慈善的妇人,在给小袋鼠吃东西的时候, 无意发现了一个秘密——失散多年的哥哥就在本地的一个农场。真是善有善报啊!

  1.There are many cows, horses and small animals on the farm. 由短文的第五句话可知此题的答案。

  2.She sees a kangaroo under her window. 本句问的是“布朗夫人在商店里看到了什么?”根据短文内容可知答案。

  3.Some bread and water. 由短文的内容可知答案。

  4.John. 本句的大意是“这个钱包的主人是谁?”根据“That is a man's photo with his name ‘John’ on it.” 可知此空的答案。

  5. On the farm. 通览全文可知,Mrs Brown的哥哥就在这个农场。

  Passage 2


  1. B 本文介绍了有一种鱼用奇怪的方式保护自己的小鱼。因此最好的标题应该是B。

  2. C 通过阅读第一自然段中第二句话可知,它生活在南美洲的河流中。

  3. A根据第二自然段中“It opens its mouth when danger appears, and the small fish swim inside .”可知,这种小鱼是极小的。

  4. B根据第二自然段最后一句话可知,它会随时随地处于高度危险之中。

  5. C在谈到catfish保护幼鱼的方式时,作者提到了两个词,第一个是第一段倒数第二句话中的strange 一词,第二个是第三自然段中的peculiar 一词。由此观之,这两词的意思是一致的,故选C答案。

  Passage 3


  1. Im。My name is Jenny =Im Jenny ,由此可知。

  2. study。study是动词,表示“学习”之意,由原文第二句话可知。

  3. small 。由原文第三句话可知。“我的学校不太大。”所以此空可填写small。

  4. hundred。由原文第四句话可知。

  5. teachers。解释同4。

  6. middle。由原文第六句可知。

  7. on。 on a bus 表示乘公共汽车,相当于by bus。

  8. on。 on a bike 表示“骑自行车”,相当于by bike。

  9. on。 on foot 表示“步行”之意,由本文最后一句话可知。

  10. foot。 见上题的解释。

  Passage 4



  2.grow。“grow+植物名词”意为“种植……”。由句意可知, 此空应填一个动词原形。


  4.field。本句的大意是:我的父母在田地里种植大米、小麦和玉米。in the field表示“在田地里”。

  5.farming。本句的大意是:他们不使用动物干农活。do farming work 意为“干农业方面的活”。


  7.feed。feed the animals 表示“饲养动物”。由句意判断该空应用动词原形。

  8.interesting。interesting是形容词“有趣的”的意思。本句的大意是:我认为饲养动物是很有趣的。be interesting 表示“有趣”,“有意思”,因空前有very, 所以必须用原形。

  9.college。本句的大意是:我想上大学学会更多的有关农业的知识。go to college表示“上大学”。

  10.exciting。由空前的“is the most” 可以判断,此空应填一个多音节的形容词。由上下文意思判断出作者喜爱在农场干活,他认为这是令人兴奋的事,因此填exciting。

  1. Most animals protect their young until they are old enough to take care of themselves.(见Line 1—2, Passage 2)


  本句中的until是连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“直到……为止”;句中的enough是副词, 修饰形容词时要放在后面,“形容词+enough+to do sth.”意思是“够……而能做某事”。如:She is old enough to go to school.她年龄够大能上学/她到上学的年龄了。

  2. ...but it seems to work(见Line 9—10, Passage 2).


  本句中的seem是系动词,意为“似乎;好像”,常用的句型有:It seems+that 从句/seem to be/seem to do sth.。上句可改为:It seems that it is working.

  Unit 5Shall we go to the zoo?

  差之毫厘,谬以千里。A miss is as good as a mile.

  事实胜于雄辩。Actions speak louder than words.


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