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Unit 23 The find of the century
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/18 10:39  新浪教育


  我们要站在文章作者的角度上,定位作者的写作意图。往往作者不会把自己的观点直接告诉读者,而是以间接的方式予以表达,如反问、假设、想象等。所以在解答“What is the purpose of writing this text?”此类问题时,如果我们在已知材料中找不到现成的答案时,不可以草率地做出主观判断,应把仔细揣摩作者的间接表达作为解题的要领。需要注意的是,有的观点是作者故意设立的“靶子”,是作者反对或批驳的对象,要小心区分真伪。


  Passage 1


  The first tape recorder didn't use tape. It used long thin wire. It was invented in 1900 by Valdermar Poulsen. In 1930, German scientists invented the tape we use today. Back then the tape was on big rolls. In 1964 the Philips company in Holland invented the cassette. It's pretty much a holder for the tape.① People use cassettes all over the world. If you don't have a cassette recorder, borrow one.

  Think of a book your parents read out loud to you. That might be a great book to read out loud to your mum or dad in their car. Put a cassette in the recorder, open the book, hit the record button and start reading out loud.

  Remember there is no such thing as a wrong way to do this. You might think youve made a mistake, but this gift is part of you, and nothing about that can be a mistake. Its impossible.

  You get to be all artistic and creative (有创造力的) here.② You might want to play music in the background. Do whatever you want. The gift is you, so you decide. Remember to say “I love you” at the end of your reading. That's like the prize at the end of the book.



  ① It's pretty much a holder for the tape. 它确实是装磁带的好装置。

  ② You get to be all artistic and creative here. 你必须富有艺术性和创造性。


  1. Why does the author mention the history of tape recorders in Paragraph 1?

  A. To inform readers of new inventions.

  B. To lead into his following suggestion.

  C. To give an example of his suggestion.

  D. To show the importance of tape recorders.

  2. What does the author advise us to do?

  A. To read a book to our parents in their car.

  B. To ask our parents to record a book.

  C. To make a gift for our parents.

  D. To practice reading out loud.

  3. Why does the author say in Paragraph 3 that it is impossible to make a mistake?

  A. Because the tape shows your true love.

  B. Because it's easy to use a tape recorder.

  C. Because the music is what your parents like.

  D. Because it's impossible to find a mistake in the book.

  Passage 2


  When Geoff Marcy was 14, his parents bought him a telescope. Every night, he would go onto the roof outside his window to see the wonders of the sky.

  “What excited me most was whether there were planets in other solar systems (太阳系) where life might exist,” he says. “I decided to try to find planets orbiting (沿轨道运行) other stars like our Sun.”

  And he did. “My fellow researcher, Paul Butler, and I found our first planet in 1995,” Dr. Marcy says. “We worked for ten years without finding anything! But we stuck with it, and our patience paid off.”

  Since then, the two scientists have discovered 65 of the more than 100 planets found orbiting other stars. Dr. Marcy and Dr. Butler also observed the first “family” of three planets. In June 2002 they announced another discovery: a Jupiterlike (像木星一样的) planet orbiting star 55 Cancri.

  At first, the two researchers found only planets that orbit close to stars. Recently, the scientists found planets farther out. The planet orbiting 55 Cancri is a major breakthrough: it is the first sighting of a large gas planet about the same distance from the star as Jupiter is from the Sun.①

  Why is this important? Scientists think that life on Earth may exist because of two special features (特征) in our solar system. The first is Jupiter.

  “Because it's so big, Jupiter pulls comets and asteroids (小行星), or they all come and hit the Earth.” Dr. Marcy explains. “Without Jupiter, life on Earth would likely have been destroyed.”

  A second feature is that Earth is a rocky planet where liquid water, which is necessary for life, can exist. Unlike gas planets, rocky planets like Earth have surfaces where water can gather in pools and seas, which may support life. A huge space exists between the Jupiterlike planet and two other planets that lie close to 55 Cancri. Is there an Earthlike planet in the space, too small for us to notice? “If so,” says Dr. Marcy, “we would have two striking similarities to our solar system: a Jupiterlike planet and an Earthlike planet. ② And there may be life!”



  ①The planet orbiting 55 Cancri is a major breakthrough: it is the first sighting of a large gas planet about the same distance from the star as Jupiter is from the

  Sun. 沿着55 Cancri运行的行星的发现是一个重大的突破:它是首次发现的气体行星,而且它到达恒星55 Cancri的距离和木星到达太阳的距离相同。

  ②We would have two striking similarities to our solar system: a Jupiterlike planet and an Earthlike planet. 我们会发现它与太阳系有着两大惊人的相似之处,那就是与木星相似的行星和与地球相似的行星。


  1. Which of the following is TRUE of the recent discovery?

  A. The planet is not as protective as Jupiter.

  B. The planet is close to star 55 Cancri.

  C. The planet proves to be a gas planet.

  D. The planet is as large as Jupiter.

  2. How many planets orbiting other stars have the two scientists discovered so far?

  A. 100B. 69C. 66D. 65

  3. Dr. Marcy thinks that life may exist in the 55 Cancri system because ____ .

  A. he has found the system similar to the solar system

  B. he has discovered an Earthlike planet there

  C. he has discovered a rocky planet there

  D. he has found signs of life in the system

  4. “But we stuck with it” (in Paragraph 3) means ____ .

  A. they felt discouragedB. they carried on with it

  C. they failed in their attemptD. they made some progress

  Passage 3


  How is a photograph produced? It is produced by the effect of light on certain chemicals. Certain chemicals change when light reaches them. Where the light is strong, they get less dark. For this reason the “negative” (底片) picture taken by a camera represents(表现)light objects as dark shapes, and dark objects as lighter shapes.① Only when scientists had discovered something about the effects of light was it possible to take photographs.

  Scientific discoveries have important effects on society. The discoveries about light made by scientists had farreaching effects. Life would not be the same without the camera, the motion picture and the television set.

  When Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, he was not in a position to know the effect on society which his new medicine would produce.② The effect of penicillin on a human body is to kill some of the dangerous germs(细菌)quickly before they have time to produce very harmful effects on the sick person. Before penicillin was discovered, millions of people died every year of illnesses caused by these germs. The number of deaths was greatly reduced by penicillin. So the effects of penicillin on human societies was to make them much larger by add

  ing millions of people to the numbers which existed before.



  ①For this reason the “negative” picture taken by a camera represents light objects as dark shapes, and dark objects as lighter shapes. 由于这个原因,照相机拍出的底片上浅色的物体总是呈现出深色的形状,而深色的物体颜色却浅一些。

  ②When Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, he was not in a position to know the effect on society which his new medicine would produce. 当Alexander Fleming发现青霉素时,他自己也无法预料他的新药会对社会产生什么样的影响。


  1. This passage mainly talk about ____ .

  A. causes and effects

  B. the effects of light on certain chemicals

  C. the effects of penicillin on human bodies

  D. the importance of scientific discoveries

  2. When Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, he ____ .

  A. realized his new medicine would greatly affect the human society

  B. couldn't imagine how greatly his new medicine would affect the human society

  C. didn't stand in the place where he became an important scientist

  D. knew what great effects his new medicine would have on the human society

  3.Since the discovery of penicillin, it has saved millions of lives because ____ .

  A. sick people need the treatment of penicillin

  B. dangerous germs are killed by it before they have time to produce harmful effects on sick people

  C. the number of deaths is greatly reduced by penicillin

  D. the effect of penicillin on human society was to make the world's population larger

  Passage 4


  So far, about 27 countries have visited Antarctica for scientific research. 1 the living conditions are very hard, many scientists 2 to stay there for long periods of time.

  So, how do they manage their lives on the ice?

  Well, during the 3, the temperature in Antarctica reaches about20℃. It falls to about 60℃ in winter. So,

  4 there are 24 hours of sunshine, scientists must keep wearing all the correct clothes to 5 themselves from the cold. These clothes include jeans, running shoes, jackets, long underwear, boots and woolen socks.

  Although highly technical clothing provides much 6 against the extreme cold, scientists often need to 7 when there is an icy wind blowing and the temperature is 30℃. Natural protection such as facial (面部的) hair can also 8.

  “Thats 9 many researchers wear a 10. It really does keep you warm.” says German explorer Arved Fuchs.

  Usually, the polar researchers have 11 meals. Some 12 have feasts (盛宴) on holidays like Christmas and New Years Day. 13 are always welcomed and usually finished the quickest.①

  Life on the ice means living with other researchers in 14 living spaces. Most people sleep in dorm style rooms.More remote field camps use 15 tents. So, at least some researchers dont have to 16 with annoying snorers (打鼾者).

  But what do they do for 17 in their spare time? There are actually a lot of things they can do. They watch movies, read tons of books, listen to music, paint and ski. Some 18 researchers might even do some knitting (织毛衣).

  It is important for a polar researcher to be in good physical condition. They can be required to 19 to heights of more than 3,000 metres and the Antarctic atmosphere has less oxygen than that of any other 20.



  ① Vegetables are always welcomed and usually finished the quickest. 蔬菜总是很受欢迎,而且常是最快就被吃完。

  ② Most people sleep in dorm style rooms. 许多人都睡在像集体宿舍一样的房间里。


  1. A. AlthoughB. ButC. BecauseD. Unless

  2. A. supposedB. usedC. oughtD. have

  3. A. springB. summerC. winterD. autumn

  4. A. as ifB. as long asC. even ifD. in case

  5. A. preventB. separateC. freeD. protect

  6. A. warmB. foodC. air D. protection

  7. A. go outsideB. stay indoorsC. sleep on iceD. work at home

  8. A. helpB. doC. mindD. depend

  9. A. howB. whereC. whyD. when

  10. A. hatB. shirtC. raincoatD. beard

  11. A. badB. goodC. sweetD. common

  12. A. evenB. stillC. everD. yet

  13. A. BooksB. VegetablesC. SongsD. Letters

  14. A. comfortableB. brightC. tightD. big

  15. A. commonB. advancedC. smallD. separate

  16. A. catch upB. keep upC. make upD. put up

  17. A. sportsB. funC. workD. research

  18. A. femaleB. maleC. polarD. Russian

  19. A. skateB. runC. climbD. fly

  20. A. stateB. cityC. continentD. country

  Passage 1


  1. B通过录音机的发明来引起下文。

  2. C文章的第三段的第二句话及第四段的第四句中都暗含了作者的建议。

  3. A事实上父母并不会在意朗读的内容,因为这是子女对他们表达的一份爱意。

  Passage 2

  本文主要介绍了科学家Geoff Marcy和他的搭档Paul Butler在天体研究方面的发现。

  1. C由文章第五段中“it is the first sighting of a large gas planet about the same distance from the star as Jupiter is from the Sun.”一句可得出答案。

  2. D此题极易误选C答案,关键在于第四段的首句中的“since then”。

  3. A根据文章的最后两句可得出这个星系和太阳系极为相似。

  4. B文章第三段提到他们辛苦工作了十年都未有任何发现,但他们还是坚持不懈,最后获得了成功。

  Passage 3


  1. D本文的主题句在第二段首句。

  2. B由文章第三段的第一句可知。

  3. B由文章的第三段的第二句话可得出答案。

  Passage 4


  1. A连词although在此引导一个让步状语从句。

  2. D尽管生活条件很艰苦,但很多科学家为了研究不得不在那儿呆上很长一段时间。

  3. B与下文中的winter相呼应。

  4. C即使一天24小时阳光普照,科学家们也要穿上厚厚的衣服。

  5. Dprotect sb. from the cold意为“保护某人不被冻坏”。

  6. D衣服是用来御寒保暖的。

  7. A在野外才会有刺骨的寒风刮过。

  8. A天生的毛发也有助于防寒。

  9. C这就是许多研究者留胡须的原因。

  10.Dwear a beard“留胡须”。






  16.D独居不会被鼾声打扰。put up with意为“忍受;忍耐”。

  17.B这一段讲的是科学家们业余时间的安排。for fun“取乐”。




  1. Every night, he would go onto the roof outside his window to see the wonders of the sky. 每天晚上他都会到窗外屋顶上去观察天空奇观。(Paragraph 1 ,Passage 2)

  这里的would表示过去习惯性的动作,它和used to的区别是:

  (1) used to表示过去与现在的情况有不同,而would只表示过去的情况,与现在无关。

  He used to live in the country, but now he lives in the city. 他过去住在乡下,但现在住在城里。(不用would)

  (2) used to可表示过去的状态,而would只表示过去的习惯动作。

  Kate used to be very thin. 以前凯特非常瘦。(不用would)

  (3) would表示过去的习惯动作时,往往要带有一个特定的时间状语。

  He would come to see us on Sundays. 过去星期天他经常来看望我们。

  2. So far, about 27 countries have visited Antarctica for scientific research.到目前为止,已有27个国家到达南极大陆进行科学研究。(Paragraph 1 ,Passage 4)

  so far 到目前为止。常见的far 短语还有:

  so far as 尽……说;就……而论。

  So far as I know, he has gone to town. 就我所知,他进城了。

  by far (修饰比较级, 最高级, 表示数量、程度等)……得多;尤其;更

  This is too expensive by far. 这太贵了。

  far from 远离;决非;完全不

  She is far from better. 她身体远未康复。

  far and wide 普遍,到处,广泛地

  He likes traveling far and wide to meet new friends. 他喜欢到处旅行,广交朋友。


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