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Unit 2 What are we going to do
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/20 19:15  新浪教育


  1浏览答题, 明确要求。先把文章后的问题从头到尾看一遍,做到心中有数, 以便能带着问题去看文章。随时留心文章要点、人名、地名、事情的经过与结果及其中的关键词。 这样有助于抓住问题的关键, 做到有的放矢,既加快了阅读速度,又争取了时间。

  2快速阅读, 弄懂大意。尽快把文章读一遍,尽量排斥生词和个别难句的干扰,可以跳过它们继续往下读,努力抓住文章大意。 我们可以根据各类文章的性质,在开始阅读后有意识地着重掌握和记住某些关键的内容和词汇。初中阶段,碰到的主要是记叙文。如果是故事或传记,就应特别注意找出主要的人物、事件发生的地点、时间、主要细节以及最后的结局。

  Passage 1


  (Li Lei and Yang Li study in the same class. It's Sunday morning.)

  Y: Hi, Li Lei!

  L: Hi, Yang Li! Where are you going?

  Y: I'm going to the bookshop to buy some picture books for my sister.

  L: Oh, I want to buy some books, too. May I go with you?

  Y: Of course.

  L: How are we going?

  Y: How about by bike?

  L: You know, my bike is broken.

  Y: Oh, I forget.

  L: Why not go there by bus?

  Y: Yes, it's a good idea. We may go there by Bus No. 214.

  L: Would you wait for a few minutes? I don't have enough money. I must go home to fetch (取)some.

  Y: OK. Don't worry.


  1. Who are Li Lei and Yang Li?

  A.They are brothers.B. They are sisters.

  C. They are classmates. D. They are father and son.

  2. Where is Yang Li going?

  A. He is going to shop. B. He is going to a bookshop.

  C. He is going to park. D. He is going to school.

  3. What is Yang Li going to buy?

  A. He is going to buy some clothes.

  B. He is going to buy pencils.

  C. He is going to buy pictures.

  D. He is going to buy picture books.

  4. Why are they going by bus?

  A. Li Lei's bike is broken. B. Li Lei doesn't have one.

  C. Li Lei can't ride his bike. D. Li Lei likes to go there by bus.

  5. Why does Li Lei go home first?

  A. Because he forgets his school bag at home.

  B. Because he wants to fetch some money.

  C. Because he wants to take his sister.

  D. Because he wants to get his bike.

  Passage 2


  It's Friday afternoon. Two girls are going home from school. One is Liu Mei, the other is Wang Yang. An old woman comes up and asks,“Excuse me. Can you help me?” She has a big bag in her hand.

  “Of course, Granny. What can we do for you?” Liu Mei and Wang Yang ask. The old woman says,“I'm coming to see my daughter, but I can't find her house. Here's her address.”“We can take you there.”say the two girls. They help her find her daughter. How happy they are!

  The two girls say“Goodbye” to the Granny and her daughter.

  “Could you tell me your names, please?” asks the Granny.

  “We are Young Pioneers.”


  1What are the two girls going to do? ____ .

  2What does the old woman say to the girls? ____ .

  3What does the old woman have in her hand? ____ .

  4What do they say to the old woman and her daughter? ____ .

  5Does the girls tell their names to the Granny? ____ .

  Passage 3


  “Which meal do we all need most,breakfast,lunch or dinner? ” Miss Baker asks.Boys and girls wave(挥动)their hands in the air.They know the answer.

  “What do you think,Jim?” Miss Baker asks.

  “Dinner.”Jim answers.

  “Dinner is the big meal of the day,” says Miss Baker.“But I don't think we need it most.”

  Tom puts up his hands.“Do we need lunch most? ”

  “No,”says Miss Baker.“We need breakfast most. ” “Why is this so?”

  “From night to morning is a long time to go without(没有) food.”says Ann.

  “That's right!”says Miss Baker.“We need food every morning.What may happen(发生)to us if we have no breakfast?” ①

  The students have many answers to give.

  “We may feel(感觉)hungry .”

  “We may not feel like(不想)working.”

  “We may feel sick(生病).”

  “Yes,you are right.”says Miss Baker.“Now let's talk about what makes a good breakfast.Give me your answers.I will write them on the blackboard.”

  The first word Miss Baker writes on the blackboard is milk. What else do you think she will write?


  ①What may happen to us if we have no breakfast?



  1. are discussing eating.

  2.Miss Baker thinks is a big meal of the day.

  3.Why is breakfast the most important meal? .

  4.We may feel hungry.This means that .

  5.Miss Baker teaches by .

  Passage 4


  go, camp, come, work, sleep, John

  John's family is (1) on vacation(度假) next week. Theyre going (2) John is going on Monday and coming home on Friday. He's going to a party on Saturday night.

  John's father is working from Monday to Wednesday. He's going on vacation on Thursday and (3) home on Sunday.

  John's mother is going on vacation on Monday. She's staying all week and coming home on Sunday.

  (4) Uncle Sal is going to watch a baseball game on Monday night. And he has (5) on Tuesday. He's going camping from Wednesday to Friday night. He has to work on Saturday.

  Aunt Lily doesn't like camping. She's going on Wednesday morning and coming home on Wednesday night. “One day is OK.” she says.“But I like (6) in my bed.”

  Passage 1


  1. C由对话前头作者叙述的第一句话可知,李磊和杨利在同一班级学习,因此是同学。其他选项在文中没有介绍。

  2. B由对话中的句子“I'm going to the bookshop to buy some picture books for my sister.”可知,杨利要去的地方是书店。

  3. D见上题的解释。杨利去书店要买的东西是图画书,而不是其他东西。

  4. A原文中的句子“You know, my bike is broken.”说明杨利提的建议实施不了,那么就计划乘公共汽车去。

  5. B由原文的句子“I don't have enough money. I must go home to fetch some.”可知,李磊要先回家取钱然后才去书店买书。其他选项与题意不符。

  Passage 2


  1. They're going home. 由原文第一自然段的第二句话可知。

  2. Can you help me? 由原文第一自然段倒数第二句话可知。

  3. A big bag. 由原文第一自然段最后一句话可知。

  4. They say “Goodbye” to the old woman and her daughter. 由原文第三自然段可知。

  5. No, they don't. 由原文最后一句话可知。

  Passage 3


  1. The teacher and her students。 由boys and girls 抢着回答问题及“The students have many answers to give”和“The first word Miss Baker writes on the blackboard is milk.” 可知,这段对话是师生间在讨论吃的问题。

  2. breakfast。 由文章第八行可知。

  3. Because from night to morning is a long time to go without food.


  4. we want to eat some food.我们之所以会感到饿,是因为想吃东西。 这是事实。

  5. asking questions and discussing them。Miss Baker 是通过向学生问问题及与他们一起讨论问题而进行教学活动的。

  Passage 4


  1.going。go on vacation 意思是“去度假”。由本句的时间状语next week判断出该句的谓语动词应用一般将来时。而在英语中表示位置移动的词常用它的进行时来表示将来时。


  3.coming。coming home表示“来家”。结合句意和所给的单词,只有come合适。空前有and, 说明与前面是并列关系,因此要用coming的形式。

  4.John's。 由本文的第一句话可知,本次的度假野营计划是发生在约翰家。由上下文可知,此空应填一个名词的所有格形式。

  5.to work。本句的大意是“他不得不在星期二工作”,have to 意为“不得不”做某事, 后接动词原形。

  6.sleeping。由本句的句意可知,此空应填一个sleep的形式。like doing sth.表示“喜欢做某事”。因此,此空应填sleeping。

  1.What may happen to us if we have no breakfast? (见Line 10—11, Passage 3)


  本句是一个if引导的时间状语从句。如果主句是祈使句或含有情态动词, 或是一般将来时,那么从句应用一般现在时。主句中的情态动词may在此句中,表示一种可能性,happen to sb.意思是“某人发生了什么事”。

  2. He's going camping from Wednesday to Friday night. (见Line 9, Passage 4)


  本句的语法是be going to结构,表示“计划、打算、准备将要做某事”此动作要在将来发生。如果句中谓语动词是go, come, move, start等表示移动的一类动词时, 则要用现在进行时来代替一般将来时;“go+doing”形式,表示“去做某事”,如:go fishing/swimming/shopping/skating 去钓鱼/游泳/买东西/滑冰。


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