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Unit 1 Welcome back
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/20 19:15  新浪教育



  Passage 1


  The English name includes(包括)the first name, the middle name and the last name. When someone asks you,“What's your name, please?”, he usually wants to know your full name. For example, Thomas Johnson or Elizabeth Williams.

  The first name is the given name. This means the name is given to you by your parents or someone else.① The last name is the family name. When a woman gets married(结婚), she takes her husband's family name.② The English may have their middle names, but they don't often use them.

  Thomas father is called Mr Johnson, and Elizabeth's mother is called Mrs Williams. We use “Mr” and “Mrs” before the full name or the last name. If you don't use the person's last name, you may say “Sir” or “ Madam”. For example, “Yes, Sir” or “Excuse me, Madam”. You may call your friend by his or her first name. Thomas parents or friends can call him Tom or Tommy. Tom or Tommy is his nickname(昵称).


  ①This means the name is given to you by your parents or someone else.


  ②When a woman gets married, she takes her husbands family name.



  1. When someone asks you, “What's your name, please?” you may say ____


  A.Thomas B. Tommy

  C. Williams D. Elizabeth Williams

  2. Jim's parents give him ____ .

  A.his last name B. his family name

  C. his pen name D. his first name

  3. Which of the following is NOT true?

  A.The English often use their middle name.

  B.When a woman gets married, she will take her husband's family name.

  C.We use “Mr” before a man's full name.

  D.We can call our friends by their first names.

  4. Which of the following CAN't you say?

  A. Mrs Elizabeth. B. Mr Thomas Johnson.

  C. Mrs Johnson. D. Mrs Elizabeth Williams.

  5. If you don't know a man's name in England, you can call him ____ .

  A. MadamB. SirC. MrD. Mrs

  Passage 2


  A: Welcome back, Tom!

  B: Thank you, Mum.

  A: Did you have a good time in China? ①Do you like China?

  B: Certainly! It's great!

  A: I'm happy you enjoy it.

  B: Mum, here are some pictures. Please have a look.

  A: Oh, good. What's this? Is it the Great Wall?

  B; Yes, it is. It is very long.

  A: And what's this?

  B: Let me see. Oh, it's the Tianan Men Square(广场).

  A: Mm, China is very beautiful.

  B; Yes, Mum. I think so.


  ①Did you have a good time in China?


  根据对话内容判断下列句子正(T) 误(F)。

  1. Tom comes back from China.()

  2. He doesn't like China very much.()

  3. Tom's Mum has a picture of the Great Wall. ()

  4. Tom thinks the Great Wall is not long. ()

  5. Tom's Mum likes China, too. ()

  Passage 3


  Did you hear the sayings “If you want a friend, be one.”?

  Here is how one new teacher made friends with the girls and the boys in her class on the first day of school .As the bell rang, the teacher smiled at each girl and boy. Then she said in a quiet voice, “Good morning. How nice it is to have all of you in my class this year.I'd like to know each of you.I am sure we will enjoy working together. ” Everyone felt that she meant what she said because of her sweet voice and her friendly look.

  She told the girls and boys her name and wrote it on the blackboard. Then she told them some of the things she liked to do and she was hoping to do with them during the year.

  Then she said to the class, “Now you know my name and the things I like and I want to know your names and the things you like. Then I will feel that I know you.”

  Could you make friends by doing the same things as the teacher did?

  One way of getting to know and to like the other girls and boys in your class is to find out more about them. It is often easy to be friends with those people, who have the same hobbies with you, play the same games, and have made the same journeys you have.

  You may find that some new comers in your class may miss their old friends and feel strange and alone. You can invite them to walk to and from school or to ride bikes with you. You will find many things to talk about.Just talking together on a friendly manner(方式)is one good way to make friends.


  1. —How do you understand the saying “If you want a friend, be one.”?

  —It means “ ____ ”.

  A. If you want to have a friend, try to make one be your friend

  B. You can make friends by doing what a friend should do

  C. You may have a friend by doing everything for him

  D .When you need a friend, you have to be a friend of yourself

  2.The teacher's sweet voice and her friendly look ____ .

  A.showed that she would like to be a friend of the girls and boys

  B.made every girl and boy happy

  C.told the girls and the boys everything about herself

  D.meant she wanted to tell the boys and girls something interesting

  3.The people ____ will become friends easily.

  A.without knowing each otherB. with the same interest

  C.of a few words D. of few words

  4. A new comers will be your friend if ____ .

  A.he always thinks of his old friend

  B. you ask him to do something

  C.he knows you very well

  D. you talk with him in a friendly way

  5. What is the best title of the passage?

  A Friendly Way of Making Fiends

  B. How to Make Friends between Teachers and Students

  C. The Relationship(关系) between Teachers and Students

  D. Making Friends

  Passage 4


  In China, most people's names have 1 parts, the family name and the given name. A man may have 2 names. 3 example, when they are very young4 home, they usually have informal(非正式的) names. If someone is a writer, he or she may have a 5 name. Now young couple(夫妇)become very careful when they 6 their child. Most of the names have special(特殊的) 7 Some show their parents 8. Girls names often show that their parents want them9 nice. Boy's names often show that their parents want them to be useful 10 the country.


  ()1.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four

  ()2.A. many B. much C. a lot D. lots

  ()3.A. Of B. With C. For D. To

  ()4.A. in B. in C. for D. at

  ()5.A. pen B. pencil C. ruler D. knife

  ()6.A. names B. name C. named D. to name

  ()7.A. mean B. meaning C. means D. to mean

  ()8.A. idea B. think C. ideas D. think about

  ()9.A. be B. being C. are D. to be

  ()10.A. to B. with C. for D. about

  Passage 1


  1. D由第一自然段的第二句话可知,在问对方的姓名时, 是指对方的全名。只有选项D符合此意。

  2. D由第二自然段的第一、二句话可知。

  3. A本题的四个选项意思是,A:英国人常用他们的中间名;B:当一个女人结了婚,她就随她丈夫的姓了; C:我们可以在一个男子的全称前用“先生”称呼;D:对朋友我们可以叫他们的名字。通过阅读第二自然段和第三自然段,可知只有A项与短文意思不符。

  4. A通过阅读第三自然段,我们知道,可以在姓前加 “Mr” 或 “Mrs”的称呼, 但在名前不能用这样的称呼。

  5. B由第三自然段的一句话:“If you dont use the persons last name, you may say ‘Sir’ or ‘ Madam’.” 可得出此答案。

  Passage 2


  1. T 通过 “Welcome back! Did you have a good time in China?” 可知本句是正确的。

  2. F通过“Certainly! Its great!”可判断该句是错误的。

  3. F通过阅读可知,是Tom has a picture of the Great Wall。因此本句是错的。

  4. F此句与对话的内容不符,所以是错误的。

  5. T通过母子的对话可知,妈妈也喜欢中国。因此,本句是正确的。

  Passage 3


  1. B你可以通过做一个朋友应该做的事情交朋友。

  2. A老师甜甜的嗓音和友好的表情表明了她想成为少男少女们的一个朋友。

  3. B有同样兴趣的人会容易地成为好朋友。

  4. D如果你以友好的方式与一个新来的人谈话,他将会成为你的朋友。

  5. D这篇短文主要讲怎样和别人相处,交朋友。因此,最佳标题自然是“交朋友”。

  Passage 4


  1. B由第一自然段的第一句话的后半部分可知。


  3.C本句考查的是短语的固定搭配用法。for example 意思是“例如”。

  4.D本句考查的是介词短语的用法。at home意思是“在家”。





  9.D本句考查的是want一词的用法。want sb.to do sth.意思是“想让某人做某事”。

  10.C本句考查是介词的用法。for the country 意思是“ 对国家来说……”。

  1.This means the name is given to you by your parents or someone else.(见Line 4-5, Passage 1)

  本句是一个含有一般现在时被动语态结构的句子。在这种结构中,主语是动作的承受者,而不是发出者;谓语部分是由be+动词的过去分词(动词+ed) 构成, 其后常有一个by引导的介词短语。 如:This book is written by my father.这本书是我爸爸写的。The windows are cleaned by the students. 窗户是学生们擦的。这个语法我们以后会学到的。

  2.Did you have a good time in China? (见Line 3, Passage2 )

  本句的语法结构是一般过去时,即在过去的时间里发生的动作或存在的状态。含有实义动词的过去时的陈述句结构是:主语+动词的过去式+其他。如:I bought the book yesterday.昨天我买了这本书。一般疑问句的结构是:Did(助动词)+主语+动词原形+其他?如: Did you watch TV last night? 昨晚你看电视了吗?



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