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Unit 8 I was not here yesterday
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/20 19:18  新浪教育



  Passage 1


  George Stephenson was born in 1781 in a poor family.He had to start work when he was only eight.When George was fourteen,he became his father's helper.He spent a lot of time learning about engines(发动机).①And on holidays he often divided (拆分) one into pieces and studied each piece carefully.Soon he became a very good worker though he could not read or write.He began to learn the English letters when he was seventeen years old. Every day after he did twelve hours of hard work,he walked a long way to have lessons from a young school teacher.On his eighteenth birthday,he wrote his own name for the first time in his life.George invented many things in his life.The train was the greatest one among them.Today when we watch or take trains from one place to another,well think of this great man—George Stephenson.


  ①He spent a lot of time learning about engines.他花费了很多的时间研究发动机。


  1.In which year did George Stephenson start to help his father?

  A.In 1781.B.In 1789.C.In 1795.D.In 1798.

  2.He learned about the engine ____ .

  A.through reading and writing

  B.by dividing it into pieces and studying each piece carefully

  C.at lessons from a young teacher

  D.by asking a lot of questions

  3.He spent a lot of time learning about engines and soon he became ____ .

  A.a great man B.a good maker

  C.a good worker D.a good student

  4. ____ was invented by George Stephenson.

  A.The train B.The telephone

  C.The car D.The computer

  5.From the passage we know George Stephenson was one of the greatestin the world.

  A.workers B.writers C.learners D.inventors

  Passage 2


  Mark Twin, the famous American writer was travelling in France. He went by train to Dijon, a small town. He was very tired and wanted to sleep. He asked the conductor to wake him up when the train came to Dijon.

  But first he said to the conductor, “I am a heavy sleeper. I may not be happy when you wake me up. I may even shout at you. But dont mind. Just put me off the train at Dijon anyway.”①

  Then Mark Twin went to sleep. Later, when he woke up it was night and the train was in Paris! He was so angry that he ran up to the conductor and shouted at him.②“I have never been so angry in all my life.” Mark Twin said. The conductor looked at him, said with a smile, “You are not so angry as the American that I put off the train at Dijon.”


  ①Just put me off the train at Dijon anyway.


  ②He was so angry that he ran up to the conductor

  and shouted at him. 他太生气了以致于跑到列车员身边对他大吵。


  1. Mark Twin was travelling to Paris. ()

  2. Mark Twin was so tired that he wanted to sleep on the train. ()

  3. He asked the conductor to wake him up at Paris. ()

  4. The conductor asked Mark Twin to get off the train at Dijon. ()

  5. There were at least(至少)two Americans on the train. ()

  Passage 3


  Robert had a look at the clock. It was a quarter past four. He had to wait for one hour and a half before school was over. It's his grandma's seventieth birthday (生日)today. His parents bought some expensive presents(礼物)a few days ago. Theyre going to the party at seven. The old woman likes Robert very much. She often gives him some nice toys or delicious food when she sees him. So he hoped he could go home soon.

  The last class began. Miss Clark told the students to write a composition. All the children brought out some paper and started. But Robert didn't know what to write. He only thought of the party and tried to guess what present his grandma was going to give him.① So Miss Clark was angry(生气的)when she found this. Class was over and the other children left. There was only Robert in the classroom. He had to finish his composition. It was five past seven when his worried parents saw him in front of the house.

  “Why were you so late today, Robert?” asked his mother.

  “Miss Clark told us to write a composition named The Result of Laziness(懒惰的结果), and I gave her a blank sheet of paper(一张空白试卷).”


  ①He only thought of the party and tried to guess what present his grandma was going to give him. 他只想着生日聚会的事情,并猜想奶



  1.When was the school over?


  2.What was Robert going to do after school?


  3.Why did Robert hope to see his grandma soon?


  4.Why was Miss Clark angry?


  5.What did Robert's parents do when he got home?


  Passage 4


  根据短文内容和所给的首字母,在下列空白处填入一个适当的词, 使短文内容完整并通顺。

  Why are we always tired,do you know?Firstly(首先), if we cant sleep w(1),we will be tired.But we are often too b(2).We can't f(3) our work in the day and we must do it at n(4).We go to bed l(5) and get up e(6).So we can't sleep well.Most people need at least eight hours and some more.If we sleep for only five or six hours a night,we will be tired.

  Secondly,when we are ill we will be t(7).But we don't know we are ill.So if you are always tired,perhaps you are not so h(8). You'd better go to see a doctor .

  Thirdly,perhaps you cant eat some kinds of food like eggs,nuts,meat,chocolate or coffee.If you are ill and tired after eating some food,please don't eat it a(9)to see if you are well.

  At last,if the air around you isnt nice and clean,you will feel tired.So please open your w(10) often or go out for a walk and you will feel better .

  Passage 1

  本文记叙的是英国发明家、火车的发明人斯蒂芬森的故事。 他的不断努力、刻苦学习精神是值得我们学习的。

  1. C由第一自然段前三句可知此题答案。

  2. B由第一自然段第四行可知。

  3. C由句子 “ Soon he became a very good worker though he could no read or write.”可得答案。

  4. A由文章中“George invented many things in his life. The train was the greatest one among them.”可得答案。

  5. D从本段最后三行可知。

  Passage 2

  这个故事是关于美国著名作家Mark Twin到Dijon旅行的事,他告诉列车员在Dijon叫他下车,结果列车员却把本该到Paris的美国人误认为Mark Twin而强行赶下车,闹出了笑话。

  1. F原文第一自然段第二句给出了Mark Twin的目的地是Dijon,而非Paris.

  2. T与原文第一自然段三句意义相符。

  3. F参见文中第二自然段最后一句。

  4. F参见文章中最后一句“You are not so angry as the American that I put off the train at Dijon.”意思是“你根本没有在Dijon被我赶下车的那个美国人那么愤怒。”

  5. T列车员在Dijon赶下去一个美国人,连同Mark Twin至少两个美国人,正确。

  Passage 3


  1. At a quarter to six. 由原文的第一自然段的第二句话和第三句话可以算出放学的时间在5∶45。

  2. He was going to his grandma's birthday party with his parents after school.由原文的第一自然段的第四、五、六句话可知。

  3. Because his grandma would give him some nice toys or delicious food. 由原文的第一自然段的后半部分可知。

  4. Because Robert wrote nothing on his paper. 由原文可知Robert只在想晚上祖母会给他什么礼物, 而作文只字未写,所以被老师留下来继续写。

  5. They waited for Robert. 由原文的第二自然段的最后一句话可知答案。

  Passage 4


  1. well。well是副词,意为“好”,修饰句中实义动词 sleep; sleep well表示睡得好。

  2. busy。be busy 表示“忙”。too后接形容词或副词的原级。

  3. finish。finish ones work 表示“完成某人的作业(工作)”。can 是情态动词,后接动词原型 。

  4. night。at night 表示“在夜里”。

  5. late。late是副词,表示“晚”,修饰句中实义动词go, go to bed late 表示“睡觉很晚”。

  6. early。early是副词,表示“早”,修饰句中实义动词get。get up early表示“起床早”。

  7. tired。be tired表示“感觉疲劳”。

  8. healthy。healthy是形容词,表示“健康的”。be healthy表示“健康”。so后接的形容词,用原级。

  9. again。again是副词,表示“又;再”,强调动作的重复。

  10. window或windows。open the window意为“开窗”。

  1.He spent a lot of time learning about engines.

  他在研究发动机上花费了很多的时间。(见Line 2—3, Passage 1)

  spend +时间/金钱+(in) doing sth.意思是“花费时间或金钱做某事”,本句型还可以用It takes sb. some time to do sth.来转换。上句可以变成:It took him a lot of time to learn about engines.

  2.He only thought of the party and tried to guess what present his grandma was going to give him. 他只想着生日聚会的事情,并猜想奶奶会给他什么礼物。(见Line 7—9, Passage 3)

  本句中的“what present his grandma was going to give him”作宾语从句,其中“was going to give him”表示在过去的时间里将要的发生的情况,是过去将来时结构。


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