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Unit 21 She taught herself
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/20 19:39  新浪教育



  Passage 1


  Helen Keller was a very bright and beautiful girl. At the age of six months she could already say a few words. But before she was two years old, she was badly ill. She could not see or hear, and soon she could not even talk. Since then Helen had to fight for(为……而战) what she wanted.

  When she was six, her parents invited a teacher for her. With the help of the teacher, she began to see and hear the world around her through her hands.① She learned to read the books for the blind (盲人). The teacher took Helen for long walks, and told her about all the beautiful sights (风景). Helen touched flowers, climbed trees and smelt a storm before it came. She also learned how to swim and ride a horse.

  After she grew up, she became a famous writer in America. Her first and most famous book is “The Story of My Life”. Her story brought new hope to many blind and deaf people. It gave light to those in darkness and encouraged (鼓励) them to live and work.②


  ①With the help of the teacher, she began to see and hear the world around her through her hands. 在老师的帮助下,她通过手去感受


  ②Her story brought new hope to many blind and deaf people. It gave light to those in darkness and encouraged them to live and work.她的经历给许多盲人、聋人带来了新的希望。它给在黑暗中的这些人带来了光明,并鼓励他们去生活和工作。


  1.When could Helen Keller already say a few words?

  A. At the age of two.B. At the age of a year and a half.

  C. At the age of six months. D. When she was six years old.

  2.Why couldn't Helen see or hear later?

  A.Helen was badly ill. B. She had a traffic accident.

  C. Helen was very tired. D. She became very lazy.

  3.How could Helen begin to see and hear the world around her?

  A. With the help of her father.

  B. She could see and hear the world around her through her feet.

  C. With the help of her parents.

  D. With the help of her teacher, she could begin to see and hear everything. around her through her hands.

  4.After Helen grew up she became a famous ____ .

  A. doctor B. scientist

  C. singer D. writer

  5.What gave light to those in darkness and encouraged them to live and work?

  A. The teacher's help. B. Their parents help.

  C. Helen's story.D. Helen's songs.

  Passage 2


  Wu Bing was a tall boy. He liked sports very much. He didn't do well in his lessons. He was often asleep in class. He was the naughtiest(最淘气的) boy in his class.

  He would have a biology lesson next class. Wu Bing knew that his biology teacher was nearsighted (近视的). He took off his coat and put it on his desk. Then he took Li Lei's seat. Li Lei wasn't here because he was ill. Wu Bing's seat was at the back of the classroom and Li Lei's was in the middle.

  When the bell rang, the teacher came in. “Good afternoon, class.” said Mr Zhang. “We are going to learn a new lesson in this class. But before that, let's review our lessons. Now, please answer my question. Why are bears often asleep for about six months in winter?”

  “Li Lei, could you tell me the answer?” asked Mr Zhang and he looked at Wu Bing. Wu Bing had to stand up and answered, “Because no one dares (敢) to wake them up.”

  All the students laughed.

  The teacher shook his head and said, “You are a good student, I think. But please get ready to answer my questions next time. Now, let's begin the new lesson.”

  The teacher looked around and found that Wu Bing was asleep. He became very angry. “Don't sleep in class, Wu Bing. If you don't look at me, you won't know what a hippo(河马) looks like.” All the students laughed again.

  Wu Bing stood up and said, “I'm here. That's my coat.” The teacher and the students laughed loudly.


  1. Wu Bing was a ____ .

  2. Wu Bing was the ____ boy in his class.

  3. Li Lei sat ____ ____ ____ of the classroom.

  4. They had their biology lesson ____ ____ ____ .

  5. All the students laughed ____ ____ in the biology class.

  Passage 3


  Thomas Edison wore many caps during his life. At first, when he was just a poor working boy, he wore work caps of many kinds. Later he invented many things and became a famous man. Then he wore the caps of many famous schools and colleges.

  When he was a boy, Edisons thinking cap saved his mother's life. One day she became ill. The doctor came and had to operate at once, but it was late at night and there wasnt enough light in the room. In those days there were no electric lights. People used oil lamps (油灯).

  Edison quickly put on his thinking cap. He got all the oil lamps in the house and put them on a long table. Then he took a big mirror and placed it behind them. At once the room became quite bright. The doctor could operate. In this way Edison saved his mother.

  Edison was good with both his hands and his head. He was interested in everything. But most of all he was interested in electricity. If we look around us, we can see many of Edison's inventions. The electric light, the telephone, records and first moving pictures are all his brains(智力)children. They are very common (普通的) now. Edison's thinking cap made them. Usual caps keep the head warm. But thinking caps keep the world warm.①


  ① Usual caps keep the head warm. But thinking caps keep the world warm.平常的帽子能使头温暖,但思想的帽子却能温暖世界。


  Thomas Edison wore many caps during his life, such as (1) caps, the caps of many famous schools and colleges. But the most important cap was his (2) cap. It had saved his mother's (3). One day when he was a boy, his mother fell ill. The doctor wanted to give her an(4). But the light in the room was not (5) (6). Edison quickly put on his thinking cap and he found a way to save his mother. Edison was good at (7) his hands and his head. He was (8) interested in electricity. We can see his (9) everything because they are very common. They are (10) by Edisons thinking cap.

  Passage 4



  Wang Yani was born in 1975 in Gongcheng, China. (1) a baby, she loved to draw. She drew lines everywhere. She(2) drew on the walls! Her father was an artist. Yani wanted to be like (3). So she tried to stand like her father (4) he painted. This made him laugh. One day, she (5) lines on his painting. She was only two and a half years(6) , but her father got angry. She cried and said, “I want to paint like you! ”(7) her father thought about his own childhood. He also wanted to draw and paint. But his parents (8) understand him. They just got angry. He decided to help his daughter (9) an artist.

  Wang Yani was famous at a young age,(10) she still has normal(常人的)life. So the Wang family lives like everyone else.①


  ①Wang Yani was famous at a young age, but she still has normal(常人的)life. So the Wang family lives like everyone else.王亚妮


  Passage 1


  1. C 由第一自然段的第二句话可知。

  2. A 阅读第一自然段可知她盲、聋、哑的原因是得了一场重病。

  3. D 从第二自然段的第二句话可知本题的答案。

  4. D 由第三自然段的第一句话可知。

  5. C 通过阅读第三自然段的大意可得出结论。

  Passage 2

  本文描述了淘气顽皮的男生吴冰在课堂上的滑稽表现,他的举动使师生多次哄堂大笑,令人无可奈何。作者意外地阐述了一个道理:作为一名教育工作者, 要转变教法,用发展的观点看问题才能使学生的积极性调动起来。

  1. student。由第一自然段可知,吴冰是一个顽皮淘气又酷爱运动的学生。

  2. naughtiest。 由第一自然段“He was the naughtiest boy in his class.”可知。

  3. in the middle。 由第二自然段的最后一句话“Wu Bing's seat was at the back of the classroom and Li Lei's was in the middle.”可知。

  4. in the afternoon。由“He would have a biology lesson next class.”和第三自然段“When the bell rang, the teacher came in...”可知。

  5. three times。通阅全文可知,师生们哄堂大笑共三次。

  Passage 3

  本文介绍了著名发明家爱迪生的一生中戴过的帽子,有work caps, the caps of many famous schools and colleges and thinking caps 等,他善于动手、动脑,为人类造福,并被后人永远怀念。

  1. work。 该篇文章谈的是托马斯·爱迪生一生中戴过许多顶帽子,如第一段中所谈到的“work caps”,“the caps of many famous schools and colleges”。因此该空应填work。

  2. thinking。根据第二自然段的第一句及最后一段,我们能判断出他的“thinking cap”是最重要的。

  3. life。 正是他的“thinking cap”救了他母亲的命。

  4. operation。 根据第二自然段“The doctor came and had to operate at once”, 该空应填手术的名词形式,因该空前有不定冠词an。

  5. bright。根据第二自然段中的“...there was not enough light...” 我们可知室内光线不够亮, 所以第五个空和第六个空应填bright enough。

  6. enough。见上题解析。

  7. using。该句与短文第四自然段第一句“爱迪生善于动手、动脑”意义相同, 又因be good at 后接动名词形式,所以此空填using。

  8. most。根据第四自然段“He was interested in everything. But most of all he was interested in electricity.” 可得出答案。

  9. inventions。根据第四自然段“If we look around us, we can see many of Edison's inventions...They are very common now.”可得知答案。

  10. made。该句与第四自然段“Edison's thinking cap made them.”意思相同。 该句将原句改为被动句,根据被动语态的构成“be+动词的过去分词”。

  Passage 4


  1. As。本词表原因,“因为,由于”之意。

  2. even。她喜爱到处画,甚至也在墙上画。

  3. him。亚妮的父亲是位艺术家,所以亚妮想和她父亲一样,应填him。

  4. as/while/when。学习父亲站的那种姿势。故填此答案。

  5. drew。亚妮在画上画线,父亲很生气。所以这里可以用动词。

  6. old。two and a half years old意为“两岁半”。

  7. Then。她哭着要学画,然后父亲想到了自己的童年。用此词填比较合适。

  8. didnt/couldn't。本句子的意思:父母亲既不理解,而且又生气。故用否定结构。

  9. become/be。本句的意思是:最终父亲理解了,帮她成为了艺术家。

  10. but。本词是连词,表转折“但是”,虽然亚妮成材了,但是她并非神童,而是常人。故填此词。

  1.With the help of the teacher, she began to see and hear the world around her through her hands. 在老师的帮助下,她通过手去感受周围的世界。(见Line 6—9, Passage 1)

  with the help of...意思是“在……的帮助下”。此短语还可换成with one's help...如:上句可改为With the teacher's help...

  2.Usual caps keep the head warm. But thinking caps keep the world warm.平常的帽子能使头温暖,但思想帽却能温暖世界。(见Line16—17, Passage 3)

  “keep+sth/sb+形容词(宾语补足语)”意思是“使……处于某种状态之中”。如:We must keep our classroom clean. 我们必须保持教室清洁干净。


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