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Unit 22 The sports meeting
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/20 19:40  新浪教育


  阅读理解的题型针对性强,多数问题都是针对文章中的事实与细节进行提问, 一般涉及文章的“5W”, 即when(何时), where (何地),who(谁), what(什么事),how(怎么样)等内容。 问题的提出多采用特殊疑问句及一般疑问句的形式,但也有的采用选择疑问句或者反意疑问句形式。 解题时,一般采取以下方式:

  通读全文,了解大意。在解题之前,一定要认真通读短文, 掌握短文所提供的信息内容, 理解其内在含义,从而为做阅读理解奠定基础,提高答题的准确率和速度。

  Passage 1


  Wu Ying was the best runner in our class, but she fell and hurt her leg the day before last Saturday.It was ten oclock in the morning last Saturday.It was time for the girls 400metre race.The students asked me to run the race.But I'm not a good runner.What shall I do?

  “Just try!” the teacher said.


  On the first lap,the girl from Class 2 was in front.She ran much faster than I did.But I did my best in the race.

  “Come on!” When I passed the seats of my classmates, I could hear them shouting.

  “Run! Run!”

  I was just running and running.I must catch up with her.Now I was not far behind her.

  At the end of the second lap, we were neck and neck.

  “Come on!” “Come on!” I said to myself, too.

  There, the finishing line was right before us.We passed it at the same time. Both she and I were second.

  “Hooray!” the students called out to me.“Well done!”

  But I was too tired to go any further and fell to the ground.


  1.Wu Ying hurt her leg ____ .

  2.The girl from Class 2 and 1 reached the finishing line ____ .

  3.I ____ the runner from Class 2 at the end of the second lap.

  4.What sport was I in that day? ____ ____ .

  5.How was I after finishing running? ____ ____ .

  Passage 2


  Skindiving(潜泳)is a new sport today.

  This sport takes you into a wonderful new world.It is like a visit to the moon!① When you are under water, it is easy for you to climb big rocks, because you are no longer heavy.

  Here, under water, everything is blue and green.During the day, there is enough light. When fish swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands.

  When you have tanks(罐子)of air on your back,you can stay in deep water for a long time. But you must be careful.②

  To catch the fish is one of most interesting parts of this sport.On the other hand, you can clean the ships without taking them out of water.You can get many things from the deep sea.

  Now you can see that skindiving is both useful and interesting.


  ①It is like a visit to the moon!


  ②When you have tanks(罐子)of air on your back,

  you can stay in deep water for a long time.But you must be careful.



  1.Skindiving can take you to ____ .

  A.the moonB.mountainsC.the sunD.the deep sea

  2.You can climb big rocks under water because ____ .

  A.you are strong B.the fish can help you

  C.you are not as heavy as on the land D.there is a lot of light

  3.A skindiver ____ under water in the day.

  A.can see everything clearly B.can't see anything clearly

  C.can see nothing D.can see only fishes

  4.With a tank of air on your back,you can ____ .

  A.catch fish very easily B.stay under water for a long time

  C.be in safe place D.have more fun

  5.Which of these sentences is NOT true?

  A.Skindiving is a new sport.

  B.Skindiving is like visiting the moon.

  C.The only use of skindiving is to have more fun.

  D.Skindiving is both interesting and useful.

  Passage 3


  Tom is a football fan. He likes football very much, and he often goes to watch matches on Sunday. He does not go to the best seats because they are too dear and he can not see his friends there.①

  There is a big football match in our city now. First it is very cold and cloudy, but later it's very hot. There are a lot of people on the bench (长凳)round Tom at the match, and there is a fat man on a bench behind him. At first the fat man is cold, but then he is very hot. He takes his coat off and put it in front of him, but it falls on Tom's head. Tom isn't angry. He takes the coat off his head and says,“Thank you, but where are the trousers?”


  ①He does not go to the best seats because they are too dear and he can not see his friends there.他不坐最好的座位,因为票价高,而且在那看不见他的朋友。


  Tom likes (1) very much and often goes to watch matches on (2). The best seats are too(3), so Tom does not go there. Now there is a big football match in our city. The weather is (4) and (5) first, but hot(6). The man (7) Tom is very fat. At first he is (8) but then he is hot. He takes off his coat and it falls on Tom's (9), but Tom isnt (10).

  Passage 4


  Football is the most popular game in England. One has only to go to one of the big 1 to watch the game. Everyone can watch it all there,2 for one side or the 3.

  To a stranger(陌生人), one of the most surprising things about football in 4 is that even the 5 boy knows a lot about it.① He can tell you the names of the 6 in most of the important teams, he has 7 of them and knows the results of many matches. He will tell you who he 8 will win(赢) this match ,and 9 of the children want to be a good player when they grow up, but others 10 .


  ①To a stranger(陌生人), one of the most surprising things about football in England is that even the smallest boy knows a lot about it.对于一个陌生人来说,最令人吃惊的事情是,甚至连小孩对英国足球的事都知道得很多。



  ()2.A.waiting B.looking C.asking D.shouting

  ()3.A.other B.same C.team D.player

  ()4.A.China B.Canada C.England D.the U.S.A.

  ()5.A.biggest B.tallest C.shortest D.smallest

  ()6.A.players B.cities C.countries D.matches

  ()7.A.maps B.pictures C.clothes D.balls

  ()8.A.says B.asks C.decides D.hopes

  ()9.A.all B.both C.some D.none

  ()10.A.do B.dont C.are D.arent

  Passage 1


  1. on Saturday/last Saturday。由本文的第二句话可知运动会是上周六举行的。

  2. at the same time。根据句子“We passed it at the same time.”可知。

  3. caught up with。由句子“At the end of the second lap, we were neck and neck”可知。

  4. In the girls 400metre race。本句的意思是“那天我参加了什么运动?” 由“It was the girls 400metre race.”可知答案。

  5. Fell to the ground。此句问“通过终点线以后我怎么样?”由“I was too tired to go any further and fell to the ground.”可知答案。

  Passage 2


  1. D由第四自然段的句子“When you have tanks(罐子)of air on your back,you can stay in deep water for a long time.”和“You can get many things from the deep sea.”可知答案。

  2. C由第二自然段中的句子“When you are under water, it is easy for you to climb big rocks, because you are no longer heavy.”可知。

  3. A由第三自然段第一句话“Here, under water, everything is blue and green. During the day, there is enough light.”可判断出。

  4. B由第四自然段的句子“When you have tanks of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time.”可知。

  5. C通过阅读全文,只有C 项不符合文章的大意。本文的最后一句话“Now you can see that skindriving is both useful and interesting.”更说明了这个问题。

  Passage 3


  1. football。 此空可根据原文第一自然段第二句填出来。Tom十分喜欢足球。

  2. Sunday。 根据原文第二句的后半部分可判断, 此处填星期日。

  3. Dear。 文中的第一自然段倒数第一句“He does not go to the best seats because they are too dear...”他不去最好的座位, 因为太贵。因此本空填dear。

  4. cold。短文第二自然段第二句说明开始时天气又冷又阴。

  5. cloudy。 见上题解释。

  6. later。 见第二自然段第二句后半部分, 可知后来天气变得十分热。因此填later。

  7. behind。文中说有一个胖男人坐在Tom后面的长凳上,可知填behind。

  8. cold。这个胖子开始冷,后来又热。

  9. head。见本文倒数第三句 “it falls on Tom]s head”,填head头部。

  10. angry。见本文的倒数第二句。

  Passage 4


  1. A 本句的大意是:人们不得不去其中的一个大城市看比赛。

  2. D shout for...意为“为……呐喊”,由上下文可知,只有D项填上之后符合句意。

  3. A the other 意为“另一个”,指两者中的另一个。当表示两件事物或两个人中“一个……另一个……”这一意思时,用one...the other...。

  4. C 阅读全文可知,本文专门介绍英国的足球状况。in England“在英国”。其他选项与原文不符。

  5. D 句子 “even the smallest boy knows a lot about it.”的大意是“甚至小孩子对足球都知道得很多”这事令陌生人吃惊。

  6. A 本句的大意是“他能告诉你大多数重要球队足球选手的名字”,其他选项均不符题意。

  7. B 本句的大意是“他有他们的照片,知道许多比赛的结果。”其他选项不符题意。

  8. D 由本句的句意可知“他会告诉你他希望谁会赢得这场比赛”。其他选项均不符。

  9. C “some of +名词”表示“……中的一些”,结合句意,只有填C项合乎句意。

  10. B 由but可知,后半句表示意思上的转折,所以应用否定形式来表达。其他三项不符合句意。

  1.When you have tanks(罐子)of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time.But you must be careful.(见Line 7—8, Passage 2)

  本句是一个when引导的时间状语从句,注意时态的一致性:当主句是一般将来, 或含有情态动词,或是祈使句时,那么从句必须用一般现在时。

  2.To a stranger, one of the most surprising things about football in England is that even the smallest boy knows a lot about it. 对于一个陌生人来说,最令人吃惊的事情是,甚至连小孩对英国的足球的事都知道得很多。(见Line 4—5, Passage 4)

  句中的“one of the +形容词的最高级+复数名词”表示“……中最……之一”。如:She is one of the most popular teachers in our school.她是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。


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