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Unit 23 A famous person
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/20 19:40  新浪教育


  浏览问题判断好问句的类型,然后找出基本问题与原句相关的语句最后再用适当的词语完成问题的回答。问题的回答一定要针对所给的问题而且要严格契合原文的涵义, 不能所答非所问;注意词语的运用, 务必表达正确。 解题时, 要注意词句的时态要与原文一致;词与词搭配正确;主谓一致。另外,还要留意各类词形的变化,如形容词、副词的比较级, 名词的数与格, 非限定性词等。复读全文, 核对答案。要用全文的主题思想统率各思考题的解答, 研究其内在的联系和逻辑关系,并依此审核已解答的题, 对照题目, 推测判断, 确保理解无误。

  Passage 1


  Henry Ford was the first person to build cars.Those cars were cheap, strong and fast. He would sell millions of them because he could make them in large numbers at a time. He made many cars of exactly the same kind.Fords father hoped that he would become a farmer, but the young man didn't like the idea and he went to Detroit(底特律) and worked there as a mechanic(机械师). By the age of 29, in 1892, he had built his first car. Five years after Ford started his great motorcar factory in 1903, he made the famous “Model T”. This car turned out to be so popular that it stayed unchanged for twenty years.① Since Ford's time, making cars in large numbers has helped to sell the cars cheaply. More and more people can buy cars for their everyday use.


  ①This car turned out to be so popular that it stayed unchanged for twenty years.这种车生产后很受欢迎,车型持续20年没改变。


  1.Fords cars were cheap because ____ .

  A.nobody wanted to buy them

  B.he could make a large number of cars at a time

  C.his cars were not strong enough

  D.his cars were not as famous as Model T

  2.The famous “Model T” was built in ____ .

  A.1892 B.1903C.1908 D.1928

  3.Henry Ford was born in ____ .

  A.1873 B.1863 C.1883 D.1893

  4.Which of the following is right?

  A.The first person to make cars is Henry Ford.

  B.Henry Ford's father was foolish.

  C.Henry Ford's motorcar factory was built in 1908.

  D.Nowadays everyone can buy a car.

  5.Which of the following is WRONG?

  A.Ford's father didn't want his son to be a mechanic.

  B.Ford decided to be a farmer at first.

  C.Ford made his first car at the age of 29.

  D.Ford did a great thing for the people in the world.

  Passage 2


  Balzac was a famous French writer. He often told his friends that he could know anybody's character (性格) by his handwriting.

  One day a woman brought him a page from a young boy's exercise book. She said that she wanted to know what Balzac thought of the boy's character. Balzac studied the handwriting carefully for a few minutes. The woman told him that the boy wasn't her son and that he might tell her the truth.①

  “All right.” said Balzac, “I'll tell you the truth.” And he said that the boy was a badboy. “It's very interesting.” said the woman and smiled, “This is a page from your own exercise book.”


  ①The woman told him that the boy wasn't her son and that he might tell her the truth.这位妇女告诉他那个男孩不是她的儿子,他可以告诉她真实情况。


  1.Who was Balzac?


  2.What did he often tell his friends?


  3.Did the woman ask him to tell the boy's character?


  4.What did Balzac say about the boy?


  5.Whose exercise book was that?


  Passage 3


  A long time ago, there was a wellknown old man. He always knew what was going to happen.

  One day, the king went to see him. He asked the old man, “Can I live a long time? What's going to happen to me?”

  The old man looked at the king for a while and said, “You are going to die in three days.” The king was worried and angry. He shouted at the old man, “If I still live three days later, Ill kill you.”

  Three days later the king really died. Then the king's son became the new king. He was very angry with the old man and was quite worried about himself.①

  So the new king went to see the old man with two soldiers. He said to the old man, “You think you are very clever. Tell me, when will you die?”

  The old man looked at the new king and said. “I will die three days before you.” answered the old man.


  ①He was very angry with the old man and was quite worried about himself.


  根据短文内容, 判断所给句子的正(T) 误(F)。

  1. When the old man told the king that he was going to die in three days, the king was angry and worried. ()

  2. The son became the king and he thought the old man killed the king with a knife. ()

  3. The new king went to see the old man and asked some questions.()

  4. If the story went on, the old man will run away.()

  5. The old man was clever. ()

  Passage 4


  Mr White was a famous writer. When he was visiting Japan, he had to 1 a talk to a large group of students. As most of them could not understand English, he 2 have an interpreter(翻译). He said to the interpreter, “Ill stop many times during my talk, 3 you can easily put it into Japanese. Please put the words into Japanese as soon as I 4 it.”

  At that time he 5 a very interesting story. It was so interesting that he 6 to stop when he finished 7 two or three sentences. At last he stopped 8 the interpreter 9 , all the students laughed loudly.

  The next day Mr White asked the interpreter, “Can you tell me 10 you made that long story into such a short Japanese one?”

  “I didnt tell the whole story.” the interpreter answered with a smile, “I just said, ‘Mr White told us a funny story. You will all laugh, please.”


  Can you tell me how you made that long story into such a short Japanese one?



  ()1.A. haveB. doC. giveD. make

  ()2. A.didnt have B. had to C.must D.wont

  ()3. A.so B. but C.or D.usually

  ()4. A.to finish B. shall finish C.finish D.finished

  ()5. A.told B. said C.talked D.spoke

  ()6. A.forgot B. remembered C.had D.began

  ()7. A.every B. each C.every other D.each of

  ()8. A.let B. letting C.to let D.lets

  ()9. A.began B. went on C.left D.translate

  ()10. A.what B. how C.if D.why

  Passage 1


  1.B 由原文的句子“He would sell millions of them because he could make them in large numbers at a time.”可知本题的答案。

  2.C 由原文句子“Five years after Ford started his great motorcar factory in 1903,he made the famous ‘Model T.”可知本题的答案。

  3.B 由原文的句子“By the age of 29,in 1892,he had built his first car.”可推算出他的出生时间。

  4.A 通览全文可知本题的答案为A 符合题意。

  5.B 阅读全文可知, 所给的四个选项中A、C、D都符合文章的意思,而B项与文意不符 。

  Passage 2


  1.He was a famous writer. 由第一自然段的第一句话可知。

  2.He often told his friends that he could know anybody's character by his handwriting. 由第一自然段的第二句话可知。

  3.Yes, she did. 由第二自然段的第二句话可知。

  4.He said that the boy was a badboy. 阅读第三自然段可知。

  5.It was Balzac's. 由全文的最后一句话可知本题的答案。

  Passage 3


  1.T 由第三自然段“The king was worried and angry.”一句话可知, 本题是正确的。

  2. F 由文章可知老人并没有用刀杀死国王。所以本句是错误的。

  3. T 由句中“He said to the old man, ‘ You think you are very clever. Tell me .When will you die?”可知新国王来到老人身边想问一些问题。本题是正确的。

  4. F 由句子“The old man looked at the new king and said, ‘I will die three days before you. answered the old man.”可以判断新国王是不敢杀这位老人的,当然老人也不会跑的。所以本句是错误的。

  5. T 这位老人之所以没被杀,是因为他很聪明。所以本句是正确的。

  Passage 4


  1. C 本文考查固定搭配的用法:give a talk意为“做报告”。

  2. B 结合上下句的意思是:“大多数学生不懂英语,所以他必须得有个翻译”。表示“必须,不得不做某事”应用“have to”的相应形式。

  3. A 此空需一个连词,承接上下文。所给的选项中,只有A符合题意。

  4. C 本句考查动词时态的用法。在as soon as 引导的时间状语从句中,如果主句是一般将来时, 或含有祈使句的话,那么从句必须用一般现在时。

  5. A 本句考查是固定短语的用法。“tell a story”是“讲故事”的意思。

  6. A 本句的大意是“这个故事太有趣了,以至于他忘记了……”。

  7. A every 是形容词,作定语修饰名词。本短语的意思是“每两、三句话”。其他选项都不符合题意。

  8. C stop to do sth.意思是“停下正在做的事情, 去做另一件事情”;stop doing sth.则是“停止正在做的事”。由句意可知C 项符合题意。

  9.D 本句的意思是“最后他停下来,让翻译来把他讲的译成日语”。所以选D项合题意。

  10.B 由句意可知此空需填一个疑问词,表示方式。从所给的选项看,只有B 项符合题意。

  1.He was very angry with the old man and was quite worried about himself.他对这老人很生气并且对自己的情况也很担心。(见Line 9, Passage 3)。

  句中的angry with sb.意为“对某人生气”;angry at sth.则是“对某事生气”。如:The teacher was very angry with him at that thing.老师对他的那件事很生气。

  2.“Can you tell me how you made that long story into such a short Japanese one?”“你能告诉我你是怎样使那么长的故事变成一小段日语的呢?”(见Line 9—10, Passage 4)

  本句是一个由how引导的宾语从句,从句中make sth. into ...意思是“使……变成……”。如:Do you know how glass is made into a glass? 你知道玻璃是怎样制成玻璃杯的吗?


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