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Unit 26 Mainly revision
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/20 19:42  新浪教育





  Passage 1


  A great French writer said that we should help everyone as much as we can because we often need help ourselves. Sometimes the small can help the great.① And he told the following story:

  An ant (蚂蚁) was drinking near a small river and fell in. She tried her best to reach the bank, but she couldn't move at all. The poor ant got too tired but was still doing her best. Then a big bird saw her. With a pity the bird threw a piece of wood into the water. With it the ant reached the bank again. While she was resting and drying herself in the grass, she heard a man coming up. The man was walking with a gun in his hand. As soon as he saw the bird, he wanted to kill her. But the ant bit(咬) him in one of his feet and at the moment the bird flew away at once.

  The ant saved the bird's life.


  ①A great French writer said that we should help everyone as much as we can because we often need help ourselves. Sometimes the small can

  help the great.一位伟大的法国作家曾说过,我们应该尽可能多地帮助每个人,因为我们自己经常需要帮助。有时渺小的人物也可以帮助大人物。


  1. According to (根据) the French writer, we often need help from others, so we should ____ .

  A.help others as possibleB.not help the people

  C.get as much help as we can D.first need to help ourselves

  2. An ant fell into the river and couldnt reach the bank because ____ .

  A.she didn't try to B.she tried too hard

  C.she didn't cry for help D.she couldn't move at all

  3.Though the poor ant was too tired, she ____ .

  A.lost hope B.stopped trying

  C.stopped to rest D.went on trying

  4.The sentence “We often need help ourselves” means ____ .

  A.we often help ourselves

  B.we often need to help others

  C.we often need other people to help them

  D.we often need help from others

  5.The title of this story should be ____ .

  A.Help B.Pity

  C.The Ant D.The Bird

  Passage 2


  Why does the Leaning Tower of Piza(比萨斜塔)in Italy lean(倾斜)? It leans because of a mistake. It has leaned almost since the day the tower was built.

  In 1174, the people of Piza in Italy wanted to build a bell tower. They wanted the tower to be the most beautiful bell tower in all of Italy. The city also needed a bell tower because the church did not have one.

  As soon as the first floor of the building was finished, the tower started to lean. Builders tried to make the building straight again as they added more floors, but the Leaning Tower only got worse as the tower grew.

  It took almost 180 years to finish the tower. Today, the Leaning Tower has eight floors. It is 54.5 metres tall, and it leans almost 4 metres to one side. The tower is also sinking into the ground on which it was built. Every year, the tower leans another 1.5 centimetres.

  Like all old buildings, it is also falling apart(破裂). If someone cannot figure out a way to save the tower, it will fall apart after 175 more years.


  1. The people of Piza wanted to build the tower because they wanted to spend a lot of money.()

  2. The tower began to lean after the first floor was built. ()

  3. The tower was finished in 1354 A.D.()

  4. The tower is leaning more each year.()

  5. The phrase “figure out” in the last sentence means “find”.()


  Sun Lei liked fishing very much. He often went fishing1working. He often asked for some days leave. The manager wasn't angry with him2Sun Lei was his son.

  One day, Sun Lei went fishing early in the morning. He carried food, drinks with him. When he came3, he had nothing with him. He had to buy some fish from the4. After a month, he didnt like fishing any more.

  He began to hunt. He wanted5a good hunter. He went to the woods every day but he had nothing. He was unhappy.

  One day, he got up very late and6slowly. When he was on his way to hunting, he came to a river. He sat down on the bank. He wanted to have a rest. “Many fishes are in the river but I can't get one.” Sun Lei said to7, “There are many animals in the woods, I can't get anyone, either. I must think out a good idea and get some. My friends will laugh at me if I go home with nothing again.”

  Suddenly he saw many ducks8to the river. And a boy with fishing rod was behind the ducks. He smiled, “I can get some ducks today.”

  The ducks walked into the river and the boy sat near Sun Lei. “My little friend,” said Sun Lei, “If I shoot at (向……射击)the ducks three times, how9money do you want?”

  “Twenty yuan.” said the boy.

  Sun Lei shot at the ducks and six ducks were killed. He gave the boy twenty yuan.

  “You suffer(吃亏) a lot.” said Sun Lei with a smile.

  “No, I don't.” said the boy. “I'm very sorry. I forgot to tell you that the ducks are not10.”

  Total words: 288 Reading time:Reading speed:


  ()1.A. instead ofB. withC. ofD. for

  ()2.A. if B. because C. while D. what

  ()3.A. back B. away C. off D. out

  ()4.A. factory B. school C. hospital D. market

  ()5.A. became B. to become C. becomingD. become

  ()6.A. walked B. walk C. walks D. walking

  ()7.A. he B. his C. himself D. him

  ()8.A. came B. comes C. coming D. to come

  ()9.A. long B. often C. many D. much

  ()10.A. me B. mine C. my D. myself

  Passage 1

  Titanic是一部浪漫、动人、富有戏剧性但很令人伤感的爱情故事片,片中的男主人公Jack贫穷而英俊;女主人公Rose富有而美丽。他们分别由著名影星Leonardo Di Caprio和Kate Winslette扮演。Flubber(《飞天法宝》)是一部由Robin Williams主演的喜剧片。他扮演的是一位连自己婚礼都忘记了的疯疯颠颠的科学家。

  1. Titanic。这是一部众所周知的美国电影大片《泰坦尼克号》。

  2. comedy。该电影是一部令人神魂颠倒的喜剧片。

  3. Robin Williams。他是一位著名的电影名星。

  4. Jack,Rose。这两位是电影《泰坦尼克号》的男、女主人公。

  5. the part where the ship is sinking。这部电影最精彩之处就是泰坦尼克号徐徐下沉的那一幕。

  Passage 2


  1.A 根据第一自然段的第一句话可知。

  2.D 由本文的第二自然段的第二句话“She tried her best to reach the bank, but she couldnt move at all.”可知。

  3.D 由原文第二自然段的第三句话“The poor ant got too tried but was still doing her best.”可知went on trying 表示“继续努力”,是第三句话的另一种说法。

  4.D “We often need help ourselves” 的意思是“我们自己经常需要帮助”。

  5.A 通览全文,本文讲的是互相帮助的重要性。因此题目为“Help”最恰当。

  Passage 3


  1.F 由第二自然段前二行可知此答案是错的。

  2.T 由第三自然段第一句话可判定是正确的。

  3.T 由句子“It took almost 180 years to finish the tower.”可断定此答案的正确性。

  4.T 从第四自然段最后一句可知道答案。

  5.T 通览全文,可猜出figure out的意思。

  Passage 4

  本文描写了一个小幽默故事。给我们的启示是:做一件事, 必须专心致志,锲而不舍,面对困难要勇往直前,否则一事无成。

  1.A 本句的大意是“他经常去钓鱼而不工作”。instead of 后接名词、代词或动名词。

  2.B because 在句中引导原因状语从句。

  3.A 本句的大意是“他回来的时候,身边什么也没有”。

  4.D 根据短文及上下文的暗示,此处应填market, 意为“他必须从市场买些鱼”。

  5.B 根据短文及上下文的暗示,此空应填to become,意思是“他想成为一名优秀的猎手。”

  6.A 由并列连词连接的两个句子,通常时态要保持一致。

  7.C 本句的大意是:孙雷自言自语地说。say to oneself表示“自言自语”。

  8.C see sb./sth. doing 表示“看见某人(物)正在做某事”。本句的意思是“突然他看到鸭子在向河边走来”。

  9.D much 常修饰不可数名词,how much 表示“多少”。

  10.B 由句意可知,此空应填一个相当于名词的代词,只有B项符合句意。

  They fall in love aboard the ship,but are not allowed(不被允许)to be together as she is rich and he is poor.在船上他们相爱了,但由于贫富相差悬殊,他们在一起是不可能的。(见Line 4—8, Passage 1)

  本句中的“are not allowed to do sth.”意思是“不被允许去做某事”,是一般现在时的被动语态的否定形式,其结构是:is/are/am+not +动词的过去分词。如:A bird is not seen in the tree.(我们)没看见树上有鸟。本句还是一个由as引导的原因状语从句,as引导的原因状语从句也可放在句首。如:As she is weak, she won't go to work on the farm.因为她身体虚弱, 所以她不去农场劳动。


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