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Unit 1 Making a difference
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/25 09:30  新浪教育









  1.推理判断题。2.归纳概括题。 3.细节认定题。4.词义猜测题。

  Passage A


  Francis Bacon, one of the most important philosophers(哲人) of England, was born in London and educated at Cambridge University. When he was only 15, he went to France to work for the English ambassador (大使) ①. Two years later he went back to England to study law. At the age of twentythree he was chosen to parliament (议会). His ideas about how scientists should study things in nature help to bring the modern way of thinking, called the scientific method②.

  One of the Bacons bestknown books was his Essays. Each essay was a short piece of writing in which he tried to give a lesson by discussing sides of a subject such as studying, conversation, friends and healthy living. In many of his books, Bacon explained how scientists should study things as they really existed in nature and then tried to figure out what caused a particular thing to be as it was. Later, by doing experiments, the scientist could see that any one cause would always have the same result. This method, which is called inductive reasoning, is used by all the scientists today, but it was new in Bacons time.



  ① When he was only 15, he went to France to work for the English ambassador. 当他只有15岁时,他就去法国为英国大使工作。词组work for...“为……工作, 为……做事”

  ② His ideas about how scientists should study things in nature help to bring the modern way of thinking, called the scientific method. 他的有关科学家应该从本质上来研究事物的思想有助于现代思维方式的形成,这种思维方式被称作科学方法。词组in nature意思是“实际上,本质上”。


  1.According to the passage we know that ____.

  A.Francis Bacon was the most important philosopher of England

  B.Francis Bacon had good education

  C.Francis Bacon worked for a French ambassador at the age of 15

  D.Francis Bacon stayed in France until he was 23

  2.It can be known that Francis Bacon was famous for____.

  A.inventing the scientific method of studying things in nature

  B.his books

  C.his Essays

  D.being a member of parliament

  3.His essay gave many useful lessons on ____.

  A. studying

  B. conversation

  C. friends and healthy living

  D. all of the above

  4. The underlined phrase “inductive reasoning” in the last paragraph means____.

  A. to discover general laws from particular facts or examples

  B. to reach a conclusion by reasoning from general laws to a particular case

  C. to study things as they used to be

  D. to study things in a particular way

  5.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A.Bacon was a learned man.

  B.Bacon did a lot of philosophy.

  C.The inductive reasoning was widely used both today and in Bacons time.

  D.Bacon gave scientists much useful advice.

  Passage B


  Do you suppose Darwin, one of the greatest scientists of all time, really did fools experiments? Or did he do experiments that were so simple and basic that other people just thought they were foolish?

  Sometimes, people think they already know the answer to a question or the solution (解决办法) to a problem. Sometimes, they really do know an answer or a solution, but without thinking they are important.

  Charles Darwin didnt settle for (满足于) just thinking he knew something①. And, he believed all things could be important however simple they seemed to be.

  Suppose you drop sheets of paper that are of exactly the same size and shape. If you drop them at the same time in the same place, they will fall in the same way. Now make one of the sheets of paper into a tight (紧的) little ball and let it drop along with the other sheets. What happens? You have done an experiment that is so simple that you might think it couldnt be worth anything②.

  But this simple experiment is important. It explains part of our presentday understandings of physics, ideas that were worked out long ago by Galileo and Newton. And these understandings set aside some of ancient Greek physics.

  Scientist sometimes stops to look at very simple things and to think very hard about them. Even the simplest idea, which we might think is foolish, can shake the foundations of science③.



  ① Charles Darwin didnt settle for just thinking he knew something. 查理·达尔文不仅仅满足于认为自己知道某件事。

  ② You have done an experiment that is so simple that you might think it couldnt be worth anything. 你已经做了一个你可能认为不值得做的实验。

  ③ Even the simplest idea, which we might think is foolish, can shake the foundations of science. 即使我们可能认为是愚蠢的最简单的想法都能动摇科学的根基。


  1.The passage tells us that Charles Darwin ____.

  A.was a great English scientist

  B.always liked doing the experiments that others thought difficult

  C.thought even the simplest thing was important

  D.didnt get well with others

  2.The phrase “set aside” most probably means____ .

  A. throw away

  B. store up

  C. put to use

  D. realize

  3.The author of the passage tries to ____.

  A.convince us that Charles Darwin, Galileo and Newton are the greatest scientists in the world

  B.draw the conclusion that basic sciences are simple things

  C.prove that two sheets of paper, with the same size and shape, will fall at the same speed

  D.draw our attention to everyday happenings around us

  4.Which one of the following is TRUE?

  A.Darwin really did fools experiments.

  B.According to some people Darwin did foolish experiments.

  C.It is believed by all the people that things could be important though they seemed to be simple.

  D.Galileo and Newton worked out ancient Greek physics.

  Passage C


  Every one of us knows that Albert Einstein was a worldfamous scientist. Perhaps we dont know much about his life. Here are some amusing anecdotes (轶事) about him.

  When he arrived in New York to be professor at Princeton University, Einstein was anxious to avoid visitors and newsmen. So his friends took him off the ship secretly before it docked (靠上码头) and hurried him away by car.

  Einstein said that only twelve people at that time understood his Theory of Relativity (相对论), although more than nine hundred books had been written to explain it.

  Mrs. Einstein admitted that even she did not understand the Theory of Relativity; but she understood something far more important for a wife①; she understood her husband.

  She used to invite some friends in for tea and then she would ask her husband to come downstairs and join them. “No!” Einstein would say with anger. He simply couldnt stand those “interruptions (打扰)”.

  But Mrs. Einstein persuaded her husband with great patience and had him drink tea with them and take a good rest.

  Mrs. Einstein said that her husband liked order in his thinking, but he didnt like it in his life. He did whatever he wanted to②.

  Einstein had only two rules of conduct (行为准则): one was “Dont be restrained (限制) by any rule”, and the other was “Be independent from the opinions of others”.

  Einstein led a very simple life. When he went out, he was always in old clothes, and seldom did he wear a hat. He liked to whistle and sing in the bathroom.

  He shaved with the same soap as he used for his bath. It seems strange that the great scientist trying to solve the mysteries of the universe should consider that using two pieces of soap made life too complicated.

  Einstein said he was happy because he didnt want money or titles or foolish praises. He made his own happiness out of such simple things as playing the violin and sailing his boat③.

  Einsteins violin brought him more joy than anything else in his life. He said he often thought in music and made his daydreams in music.



  ① Mrs. Einstein admitted that even she did not understand the Theory of Relativity; but she understood something far more important for a wife. 爱因斯坦夫人承认即使她也不明白相对论,但对于一个妻子来说,她懂得的事情远远比这重要。

  ② He did whatever he wanted to. 他自己想做什么就做什么。

  ③ He made his own happiness out of such simple things as playing the violin and sailing his boat. 他从拉小提琴、在船上航行等简单的事情中找到了快乐。


  1.Albert Einstein was taken off the ship secretly by his friends because ____.

  A.he dared not see anyone

  B.he didnt want to meet visitors and reporters

  C.he wanted to save time

  D.he was afraid of being stopped by someone

  2.Usually Einstein would refuse to join some friends, for____ .

  A.he couldnt bear being disturbed

  B.he was ashamed to meet friends

  C.he disliked making friends

  D.he was angry with his friends

  3.Why did he shave with the same soap as he used for his bath?

  A.It was his special habit of shaving.

  B.He was lazy.

  C.He wanted to be an independent man.

  D.He didnt want to be kept under control by any rule.

  4.What do you think of Einstein?

  A.He was a strange scientist.

  B.He liked order in his life.

  C.He was a simple man with great achievements.

  D.He didnt like order in his work.

  Passage D


  The famous British inventor George Stephenson① was born in 1781 and died in 1848. One of his 1 important inventions was the train. He 2 his first train when he was fortyfour years old. When he was experimenting② with the 3 engine on the train, he met with 4 from the government, the newspaper and the gentlemen in the country. They said that the noise and the smoke would 5 cows, horses and sheep, 6 the engine would burst or that the hot coals from it would 7 their houses. At that time 8 people believed what they said.

  George Stephenson 9 the people that the train could go on small 10, could pull carriages 11 goods and passengers and there was 12 to them. It was a very 13 matter for him to 14 them believe. However, after 15 , he was able to do it; and the first train that 16 by Stephenson himself 17 what he had said.

  The first day 18 the people along the way 19 the noises of the train 20 and saw it running quickly to them, they ran back home as quickly as they could and closed their doors tightly, for they thought it a genius (妖怪). They did not dare to come out until it had passed.③



  ① George Stephenson乔治·史蒂芬孙(1781-1848),英国铁路的先驱,制造了第一辆实用蒸汽机车(1814年)并修建了第一条客运铁路(1825年)。

  ② experiment 动词,意为“做实验”

  ③ 直到火车开过去了他们才敢出来。


  1. A. veryB. a lotC. most D. much

  2. A. madeB. boughtC. introducedD. did

  3. A. electricalB. atomicC. steamD. oil

  4. A. success B. troublesC. peopleD. pleasure

  5. A. kill B. buyC. interestD. take away

  6. A. / B. thatC. whatD. which

  7. A. pull downB. blow away C. set fire to D. pass

  8. A. mostB. fewC. only a few D. the rich

  9. A. saidB. spokeC. toldD. warned

  10.A. roads B. riversC. streetsD. rails

  11.A. short ofB. full ofC. empty of D. without

  12.A. no great danger B. dangerousC. a lot of danger D. few danger

  13.A. easyB. difficult C. pleasantD. light

  14.A. get B. causeC. makeD. force

  15.A. sometimes B. some time C. a few times D. sometime

  16.A. was soldB. was driven C. was pulled D. helped

  17.A. believedB. seemed C. sensedD. proved

  18.A. of B. whenC. whileD. for

  19.A. caught sight of B. listenedC. heardD. thought

  20.A. nearbyB. in the distance C. on the far D. from the distance

  Passage A


  1.B本题为推断题。根据第一段第一句可知,培根是在剑桥大学接受的教育,可知他受过良好的教育。本题也可用排除法选出正确答案,由短文的“one of the most important philosophers”可把A排除;由“he went to France to work for the English ambassador”可把C排除;由“Two years later, he went back to England to study law”可知,培根17岁就回到了英国学习法律,因此D是错误的。正确答案为B。

  2.B本题为细节考查题。由短文第二段的第一句“One of the Bacon bestknown books was his Essays.”可知培根因他的书籍而出名,Essays只是他著名书籍中的一本。

  3.D本题为细节考查题。由第二段的“Each essay was a short piece of writing in which he tried to give a lesson by discussing sides of a subject such as studying, conversation, friends and healthy living.”可知,正确答案为D。

  4.A本题为词义猜测题。词义猜测题应根据其上下文的意思来猜测生词或词组的意思。本题可由该词组所在句的上句“Later, by doing experiments, the scientist could see that any one cause would always have the same result.”得出答案。

  5.C本题为判断题。本文最后一句告诉我们归纳推理(inductive reasoning)的方法在培根时代并没有广泛运用,由此判断出C项是错误的。

  Passage B


  1.C本题为判断题。短文并没有说 Charles Darwin是哪个国家的科学家,可排除A;由第二段可知别人认为Darwin的许多实验不值得做,可把B排除;文中没有论述Darwin与别人相处的事情,可排除D。由“he believed all things could be important however simple they seemed to be.(Para 3)”可推出答案C。

  2.A本题为词义猜测题。由上文可知作者认为做这个简单实验是重要的,它解释了目前人们对于物理方面的理解。因此这些理解当然是推翻了一些希腊古典物理学的观点。由此可推知set aside与throw away同义。


  4.B本题为细节考查题。短文第一段第二句“Or did he do experiments that were so simple and basic that other people just thought they were foolish?”明确告诉我们,有些人认为Darwin做了愚蠢的实验。

  Passage C

  1.B本题为细节考查题。第二段第一句中提到“Einstein was anxious to avoid visitors and newsmen.”,因此我们知道他十分迫切地想避开前来拜访的人和新闻记者,从而得出正确答案B。

  2.A本题为细节考查题。短文第五段谈到了当妻子让爱因斯坦下楼来加入朋友的聚会时, 他总是拒绝,因为他忍受不了被别人打搅。


  4.C本题为推理判断题。由短文第七段第一句“Mrs. Einstein said that husband liked order in his thinking, but he didnt like it in his life.”可知B和D是错误的。读完全文,读者不会感到爱因斯坦非常怪异,相反,我们知道他对人类做出了很大贡献。因此,答案为C。

  Passage D

  本文主要介绍了英国著名发明家George Stephenson制造了第一辆实用蒸汽机车后的一些遭遇以及让人们了解火车的难度。

  1.C火车对于Stephenson来说是他最重要的发明之一,用very表达的程度不如 most 深。







  8.A 由上文可知人们对Stephenson的发明不支持,应是很多人相信他们的话。







  15.Bsometimes和sometime不和after连用,可排除A和D;a few times可与after连用,意为“几次以后”,不符合题意,排除C。只有B项some time(一段时间),符合题意。




  19.C词组catch sight of意思是“看见”,不和声音连用;而think放在此处意思不通顺;由下文可知此处是指“听到的结果”,而不是听的动作,所以答案为C。

  20.B词组in the distance意思是“在远处”,符合题意。

  But Mrs. Einstein persuaded her husband with great patience and had him drink tea with them and take a good rest. (Para 6, Passage C)



  (1)表达意图已经达到,否则与try连用,或借助于词组“advise sb. to do sth.”。

  I persuaded my father to stop smoking. 我说服父亲戒烟了。

  The girl tried to persuade his brother not to go there, but she failed. 这个女孩尽力说服弟弟不要去那儿,但她失败了。

  My brother advised me to learn Japanese well, but I didn't listen. 我的哥哥建议我学好日语,但我不听。

  (2)persuade 可以有以下几种搭配形式:

  ①persuade sb. 说服某人

  ②persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事

  ③persuade sb. out of (doing) sth. 说服某人不做某事

  ④persuade sb. into (doing) sth. 说服某人做某事

  I persuaded the old man out of the strange idea. 我说服了那位老人放弃了那个古怪的想法。

  I persuaded them into accepting it. 我说服他们接受了它。


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