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初中教师教学参考:ELT Acronyms(Ⅱ)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/09 13:32  英语辅导报

  ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages

  ESP English for Specific Purposes

  EST English for Science and Technology

  ESU English Speaking Union

  GTM Grammar Translation Method (label to describe the “traditional” teaching methods used before communicative approaches were developed toward the end of the 20th century; still very popular in Japan)

  IALLT International Association for Language Learning Technology

  IATEFL International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language

  IIEEC Institute for International English Education of Children

  IELTS International English Language Testing System

  IPA International Phonetic Alphabet or International Phonetic Association

  JACET Japan Association of College English Teachers

  JALT Japan Association for Language Teaching K-12 Kindergarten to 12th grade (based on the US school system)

  KOTESOL Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

  L1 First Language (the student's native language)

  L2 Second Language (the language the student is learning; also referred to as Target Language)

  LAD Language Acquisition Device (universal, genetic ability to acquire language; idea developed by Noam Chomsky)

  LATEM Little America Teaching English Methods LCCIEB London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board

  LEP Limited English Proficiency (usually used for children in a country other than their native-language environment)

  LES Limited English Speaker

  MLAT Modern Language Aptitude Test (deve-

  loped at Harvard University and published by the Psychological Corporation; ) MLU Mean Length of Utterance (Means of calculating the linguistic activity or proficiency of young children; in short, the number of words spoken divided by the number of times they speak)


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